

  • 基于Selenium的自动化测试框架 - SeLion学习之一(基本介绍)

    2015-05-31 11:34:14







      5)对于数据驱动提供了多中方式,excel/YAML/XML/JSON 我们只需要根据需求简单调用即可,该数据驱动基于testNg。






      SeLion框架实际上是Selenim WebDriver + testNg + Maven + ios-driver/Selendroid/Appium的一个合集,结构图如下:

      在该图中集成当前最流行和使用的开源工具,包括代码管理工具git,编译工具Maven,持续集成CI工具Jenkins 再加上现有的Selion框架,上图可以看成是一个持续集成测试的自动化测试平台。如果大家有需求的话,我会详细简介该平台的搭建和应用过程,关于SeLion的基本介绍就到这了,希望大家能对该平台有一个整体的认识和了解,欢迎继续关注后面的文章。

    本系列文章 我会同步在博客园发布,欢迎大家关注。

  • 自动化测试培训-提供自动化测试解决方案-**自动化项目

    2015-03-03 22:04:18

    本人长期从事自动化测试工作,包括功能自动化、性能自动化、接口自动化以及移动系统的自动化测试等,由于移动系统的迅速崛起,移动系统的自动化测试也变得炙手可热,主要是IOS和Android两大平台的测试,本博客会陆续更新一些移动测试方面相关的自动化测试技术,供大家一起讨论和学习,欢迎持续关注!本人会以开源工具为主,商业工具有详细的技术支持不进行讨论,先剧透下准备讨论的开源工具1. 基于苹果官方的Instrument对iOS系统对自动化测试2. 基于eBay公司的iOS-driver/selendroid的自动化测试3. 基于Appium开源工具移动平台的自动化测试技术------华丽的分割线---------------------本人从事以下三方面的业务,欢迎有需要的朋友发送邮件到yang-zhengjiang@163或者加我微信号yang-zhengjiang进行ℹ️合作。1.自动化测试培训,培训的方向主要有以下几个方面:  a. 功能自动化测试包括QTP和selenium  b. 移动平台(IOS/Android)的自动化测试包括Appium     和ios-driver/selendroid等  c. 接口自动化测试包括soapUI  d. 性能自动化测试包括loadRunner和JMeter  本人在北京,如果北京的朋友可以当面授课,外地的朋友可以通过网络教学,您可以根据你自己的需求选择学习和自由搭配组合,所有教学全部以工作中的项目实战教学,只要你想学习自动化保证您学会,当然您可以选择试学,价格绝对优惠,学习不满意,退还您全部学费,详细的培训课程我会在近期详细说明。2. 自动化测试解决方案,包括以下方面:   a. 针对被测试系统提供详细实施方案   b. 组建自动化测试团队,人员配置   c. 自动化测试框架测试平台的开发3. **各类自动化测试项目的开发和实施欢迎有需要的朋友通过以上方式咨询联系,同时也欢迎志同道合的朋友加入我的团队,共创未来。
  • 北京外企招聘测试开发职位(内部推荐)

    2015-03-03 21:39:13

    招聘职位:1. 高级自动化测试工程师2. iOS/Android中高级开发工程师3. WEB端JAVA中高级开发工程师工作地点为北京,公司为做保险业务,由于是外企有到国外学习和出差到机会多,对上述职位感兴趣对人可以发送简历到yang-zhengjiang@163.com 内部推荐。
  • 关于测试的一点感想

    2009-05-15 14:32:43

  • 关于qtp的测试对象的进一步改进

    2009-04-19 14:05:20

    这次是在上次写的文章“关于qtp的测试对象”,地址:http://www.51testing.com/index.php?uid-174344-action-viewspace-itemid-113944 的基础上的进一步讨论,这里的改进主要是针对完全的手动开发qtp自动化测试脚本而言的,对于录制后简单的修改并不使用。在功能的自动化测试中,测试对象是基础,为了提高测试对象的高度可复用性以及便于日后的升级和维护,我们应该使用尽量少的属性去标示出这个对象,例如:创建一个JavaWindow对象

    set win = description.Create

    win("class description").value = "window"



    get the JavaWindow object

    function getWindowByTitle(title)

       set win = description.Create

       win("class description").value = "window"

       win("title").value = title

       set getWindowByTitle = win

    end function


    test.txt --this is the configure file

    #the login dialog

    TITLE="backup express 3.1"


    this function get the value by name

    Function getText(name)

     Dim fso,cPath,f
     cPath = "E:\javaGui.txt" 
     Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(cPath,1,False)
     Do While Not f.AtEndOfStream
      str = f.ReadLine()
      If Not InStr(str,"#") > 0 Then
       tmpArr = Split(str,"=",-1,1)
       If StrComp(tmpArr(0),name) = 0 Then
        getText = tmpArr(1)
        Exit Do
       End If
      End If 
     Set f = Nothing
     Set fso = Nothing

    End Function


    qtp script. code




  • The different of run and exec method

    2009-04-07 13:05:16

    the run and exec method are very important method, I found a good article to introduce the two method, so I decided to share it, I hope this will help you if you need it, the detail as follows:
    The fact that there are two ways to run programs from a script. leads to an obvious question: which method should you use in your scripts? The answer to that
    question depends on the script. and what it needs to accomplish.
    script. can use either the Run method or the Exec method to run a program in a
    manner similar to using the Run dialog box from the Start menu. Regardless of the
    method used, the program starts, and runs in a new process.
    However, when you use the Run method, your script. will not have access to the
    standard input, output, and error streams generated by the program being run. A
    script. cannot use the Run method to run a command-line tool and retrieve its
    For example, suppose you want to run Ping.exe and then examine the output to
    see whether the computer could be successfully contacted. This cannot be done
    using the Run command. Instead, you would need to ping the computer, save the
    results of the ping command to a text file, open the text file, read the results, and
    then parse those results to determine the success or failure of the command.
    The following script. uses the Run method to call Ping.exe, redirecting the output
    to a temporary file. The script. opens and reads the text file, checks to see whether
    the command succeeded (by determining whether any of the lines of output begin
    with the word Reply), and then closes and deletes the temporary file:

    Option Explicit
    Dim oShell, oFSO, oTextFile
    Dim sTempName, sText
    Dim sComputer : sComputer = ""
    '--- Creating a shell object
    Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    sTempName = oFSO.GetTempName
    oShell.Run "%comspec% /c ping -n 3 -w 1000 " & sComputer & " > " & sTempName, 0, True
    '--- Reading from output file
    Set TextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sTempName, 1)
    Do While oTextFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
    sText = oTextFile.ReadLine
    If Instr(sText, "Reply") > 0 Then
    MsgBox "Reply received."
    Exit Do
    End If
    '--- Closing and deleting temporary file
    oTextFile.Close : oFSO.DeleteFile(sTempName)
    '--- Cleaning used objects
    Set TextFile = Nothing : Set FSO = Nothing
    Set Shell = Nothing

    Although this approach works, it is somewhat complicated. If you need access to
    command-line output, you should use the Exec method instead. The following
    script. also parses the output generated by Ping.exe. However, it does so by using
    the Exec method and by directly reading the output. There is no need to create,
    open, read, and delete a temporary file, and the script. is only 9 lines long,
    compared with the 15 lines required to perform. this same task using the Run

    Option explicit
    Dim oShell, oExec
    Dim sText
    Dim sComputer : sComputer = ""
    '--- Creating a shell object
    Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set Exec = oShell.Exec("cmd /c ping -n 3 -w 1000 " & sComputer)
    '--- Reading from output stream
    Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
    sText = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
    If Instr(sText, "Reply") > 0 Then
    MsgBox "Reply received."
    Exit Do
    End If
    '--- Cleaning used objects
    Set Shell = Nothing

    In many respects, this makes the Exec method a better choice than the Run
    method. However, the Run method is still useful in a number of situations:
    You might want to run the application in a specified window type, such as a
    minimized window. Exec offers no control over window style; Run offers
    Chapter 09 Scripting Quicktest Professional Page 43
    Dani Vainstein Windows Script. Host Page 43 of 73
    more options.
    You might need to run a script. on computers that do not have WSH 5.6
    installed. Exec is supported only on WSH 5.6.
    You might want to wait for the application being called to finish running
    before the script. resumes. This can be done with either Run or Exec but
    requires less coding with Run.
  • 浅谈QTP中的测试对象

    2009-03-31 15:11:13


    Function getWindow

        Set win = description.Create
        win("class description").value = "window"

        Set getWindow = win

    End Function

    Function getWindowByTitle(title)

        Set win = description.Create
        win("class description").value = "window"
        win("title").value = title

        Set getWindowByTitle = win

    End Function

    Function getDialog

        Set dia = description.Create
        dia("class description").value = "window"

        Set getDialog = dia

    End Function

    Function getDialogByTitle(title)

        Set dia = description.Create
        dia("class description").value = "window"
        dia("title").value = title

        Set getDialogByTitle = dia

    End Function

    Function getEdit

        Set edt = description.Create
        edt("class description").value = "edit"

        Set getEdit = edt

    End Function

    Function getEditByText(text)

        Set edt = description.Create
        edt("class description").value = "edit"
        edt("attached text").value = text

        Set getEditByText = edt

    End Function

    Function getEditByIndex(index)

        Set edt = description.Create
        edt("class description").value = "edit"
        edt("index").value = index

        Set getEditByIndex = edt

    End Function

    Function getButton

        Set btn = description.Create
        btn("class description").value = "push_button"

        Set getButton = btn

    End Function

    Function getButtonByText(text)

        Set btn = description.Create
        btn("class description").value = "push_button"
        btn("attached text").value = text

        Set getButtonByText = btn

    End Function


    SystemUtil.Run "fileName","","filePath"

    If JavaWindow(getWindow).JavaDialog(getDialog).Exist(30) Then

        With JavaWindow(getWindow).JavaDialog(getDialog)

            .JavaEdit(getEditByText("User Name")).Set "userName"
            .JavaEdit(getEditByText("Password")).Set "userPwd"
        End with
        Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"lauch error","launch error, please check the application!"
    End If


Open Toolbar