
Effective software testing: 50 Specific

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-09-06 15:20:59 / 个人分类:测试基础

c4^xC2qp l7h0FromElfriede Dustin51Testing软件测试网/`D9Vsn,X7H(~ m Zs

FA'y"V3i| V/xr01. Requirement Phase:

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0G!@8} Jn*i:U&A.d;m0a) Involve Testers from the Beginning.51Testing软件测试网o%@4Fl0h"k0c


b) Verify the requirements.

kqY+K4JL$g051Testing软件测试网p.C zg1R)XC

c) Design Test Procedures As Soon As Requirements Are Available.51Testing软件测试网 P.C2p_:_QPs

M5{l,H-`gk_"zs}0d) Ensure That Requirement Changes Are Communicated.51Testing软件测试网 r9z2pB}C@

LO!g lU0e) Beware of Developing and Testing Based on an Existing System.51Testing软件测试网mf+^1\?&xG


2. Test Planning:

.cA lICm x)m0

W+o*Dwz2x0a) Understand the Task At Hand and the Related Testing Goal.51Testing软件测试网;~!e!xsXN

51Testing软件测试网0be6nH/YI;d xA

b) Consider the Risk.

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c) Base Testing Efforts on a Prioritized Feature Schedule.51Testing软件测试网8I-Av#e&P5fL O7N

'}&n'@;j^ES;A0d) Keep Software Issues in Mind.51Testing软件测试网3~%X'm-d6e9q@k%u

&Iu8|(B.S#~0[)_ in{Zd0e) Acquire Effective Test Data.51Testing软件测试网$SDdm6?g?)YE;Y

By2K5P#iI0f) Plan the Test Environment.51Testing软件测试网t*qZQzMtT6z`:`3M

u9bKSRS ?']s(k+G0g) Estimate Test Preparation and Execution Time.51Testing软件测试网@j f;mwUj5o

7S&I#B_a&Y7Gbg0 51Testing软件测试网pQ^WHM&k+YZt5d

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TAG: 测试基础




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