dream-and not make dreams your master; think –and not make thoughts your aim; meet with triumph and disaster , treat those two impostors just the same . bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken, Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools , Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, stoop and build’em up with wornout tools

Happily at home

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-12 23:10:44 / 天气: 舒适 / 心情: 高兴 / 个人分类:Natter

   As planned I came back home; came back home happily.

   On having returned home, I found there were a lot of peaches. Dad said they were from the peach trees behind our house. I went there immediately, really it was. Two flourish peach trees stood abreast on the both sides of the path which went to the river. There were so many peaches there, green and ruddy complexion. How tempting! Then I walked around my house once, there are grapes ,orange trees and vegetables,etc.I am so excited that I couldn’t help myself to said to my dad” vegetables in front of out house are so lovely”, although we say words as praise and something others like it directly rarely in my home.

    Since Dad occurred an accident last year, he stopped his job, and just works at home. Thereupon he planted some fruit trees and vegetables around our house. In fact, Dad has been old that he shouldn’t work outside any more .At supper, Mum said she would also retire after I went steady. Suddenly, I feel so happy. I think it is pleasant enough that I work outside hard, and Dad and Mum just work at home, Then I went back to accompany Dad and Mum frequently.

    For ideal life, I must hold on!


TAG: Natter

llj_wj的个人空间 引用 删除 llj_wj   /   2007-06-13 00:11:36
呵呵,回到父母身边真好,也更增加了一份责任感哟,加油 Abby




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  • 更新时间: 2007-06-26


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