

发表于:2007-8-10 14:30

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 作者:pent    来源:pent的博客

  《基于用户体验的性能测试》,原名User Experience, Not Metrics,出自性能测试大师Scott Barber之手。大师性能测试经验丰富,以用户体验为根本出发点,描述了基于用户体验的性能测试方法,结合丰富的测试示例论述。此书为大师毕生所学之精华,乃不出世之武林秘笈,侧重于方法论上的内功心法。练就此内功心法威力无比,再运用于各种武功招式(测试工具)则得心应手、摘叶飞花杀人于无形,是江湖中人(性能测试工作者)梦寐以求的宝典。

Part 1: Introduction

用户模拟篇(Modeling Real Users)
Part 2: Modeling Individual User Delays
Part 3: Modeling Individual User Patterns
Part 4: Modeling Groups of Users

时间统计篇(Meaningful Times)
Part 5: What should I time and where do I put my timers?
Part 6: What is an outlier and how do I account for one?
Part 7: Consolidating and interpreting Times

测试报告篇(Reports to Stakeholders)
Part 8: What Tests add value to stakeholders?
Part 9: Summarizing across multiple tests with accuracy
Part 10: Creating a Degradation Curve

高级应用篇(Advanced Topics)
Part 11: Handling Secure Session ID's
Part 12: Conditional user path navigation (intelligent surfing)
Part 13: Working with Unrecognized Protocols

Scott Barber is the CTO of PerfTestPlus (www.PerfTestPlus.com) and Co-Founder of the Workshop on
Performance and Reliability (WOPR –www.performance-workshop.org). Scott's particular specialties
are testing and analyzing performance for complex systems, developing customized testing
methodologies, testing embedded systems, testing biometric identification and security systems, group
facilitation and authoring instructional or educational materials. In recognition of his standing as a
thought leading performance tester, Scott was invited to be a monthly columnist for Software Test and
Performance Magazine in addition to his regular contributions to this and other top software testing
print and on-line publications, is regularly invited to participate in industry advancing professional
workshops and to present at a wide variety of software development and testing venues. His
presentations are well received by industry and academic conferences, college classes, local user
groups and individual corporations. Scott is active in his personal mission of improving the state of
performance testing across the industry by collaborating with other industry authors, thought leaders
and expert practitioners as well as volunteering his time to establish and grow industry organizations.
His tireless dedication to the advancement of software testing in general and specifically performance
testing is often referred to as a hobby in addition to a job due to the enjoyment he gains from his



原文名称:User Experience, Not Metrics
原文作者:Scott Barber



(二)基于用户体验的性能测试:第一章 介绍

基于用户体验的性能测试:第二章 模拟个别的用户延迟

基于用户体验的性能测试:第三章 模拟个别的用户模式







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