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『原创』为何%Processor Time (Process_Total)值能超出100%?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-03-21 00:36:29 / 个人分类:性能测试

51Testing软件测试网&d1h y cm6f

% Processor Time (Processor_Total)51Testing软件测试网 XB!\e F j-D:}5D!`:a'f
指处理器用来执行非闲置线程时间的百分比。计算方法是:度量处理器用来执行空闲线程的时间,然后用100%减去该值。(每个处理器有一个空闲线程,该线程在没有其他线程可以运行时消耗周期)。此计数器是处理器活动的主要指示器,显示在采样间隔期间所观察的繁忙时间平均百分比。应注意,对处理器是否空闲的计算是在系统时钟的内部采样间隔期间(10ms)执行的。考虑到现在的处理器速度非常快,因此,在处理器可能会用大量时间为系统时钟采样间隔之间的线程提供服务时,% Processor Time 会低估处理器利用率。当恰好进行采样后即向计时器发出信号时,更可能对应用程序做出不准确地度量,基于工作负荷的计时器应用程序是一个这样的示例。

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%Processor Time (Process _Total)51Testing软件测试网*kZ S6gC2Q,k
多处理器系统中,对任何处理器或线程,系统监视器报告的Processor\% Processor Time值不会超出100%。另一方面,进程对象(也就是Process)Processor Time%值能超出100%;如果超出就意味着该进程的线程累计使用超出了一个处理器的100%。要得到更详尽的信息,使用线程对象计数器去分析在该进程中每个线程的Processor Time%值。调查在这部分描述的其它数据,如延迟过程调用(DPC)活动或上下文切换,可能会帮助你去解释高Processor Time%值。51Testing软件测试网5v_$b5eJ

6bG0eR)h7q9d9DT01.“\Process(…)\% Processor Time” can go up to N*100 (where N is the number of CPUs) because it adds up the CPU usage of the requested process across all the CPUs.51Testing软件测试网k T4E&Wi d!R(W
2.“\Process(_Total)\% Processor Time” should always be around N*100 (where N is the number CPUs) because it adds up the CPU usage of each process, including the idle process.51Testing软件测试网%Y%i/d,V4B$X
3.“\Processor(…)\% Processor Time” can go up to 100 because it’s the CPU usage of the requested CPU.51Testing软件测试网 ^&r"K0\x/Eck:\9T
4.“\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time” can go up to 100 because it’s the average CPU usage across all CPUs.51Testing软件测试网#ik4d,o3v?2fDq
Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time51Testing软件测试网%ZD a qeK

51Testing软件测试网 c(i5r0fK$Or

This counter gives the total processor utilization figure for the server as a whole. For example, on a dual processor system with one processor pegged out at 100% utilization and the other processor standing idle, a figure of about 50% would be recorded.


]^.c8fE6ij.p$o#u0This server metric is useful for gauging overall how busy a server is or, put in another way, how much spare capacity there is available (by subtracting from 100%).

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@"r3c8v'_w vKx0If per-processor information is required to be monitored by Resource Manager, then additional server metrics may be configured for monitoring:


Processor(0)\% Processor Time

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:o[ MJLT0Processor(1)\% Processor Time

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(See the Resource Manager Administrator’s Guide and the help within the Presentation Server Console for information on Customizing Server Metrics).

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2D`}^}S9Ig0Process Processor Utilization51Testing软件测试网h5o }(["Cc/N

Ni@3D6M)~0In addition to monitoring server metrics Resource Manager also monitors process activity; one aspect of process activity monitored is the degree to which the processor(s) is being used.51Testing软件测试网"c,EAe(nI%Ea

51Testing软件测试网$H_LY C*[

Processor usage of each process on the server is sampled at regular intervals using a standard operating system call - note that the operating system call used returns thesumof processor time used by all threads within the process. Resource Manager expresses the processor time used during the sampled interval as a percentage by dividing this time by the elapsed time since the previous sample.

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)R5w9r lL1n0On a multi-processor system it is quite possible for the percentage reported to exceed 100% in the case of a multi-threaded process. For example, on a dual-processor system, a multi-threaded process in which two threads are performing lengthy processor intensive calculations would cause a value of about 200% to be recorded.

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1j|5F3\ f Qo C0This process-specific processor utilization is useful for gauging the state (and possibly health) of the process; if a process which normally uses little processor time is seen to be consuming a figure approaching 100%, a likely explanation is that it has encountered a bug which has caused it to enter an uncontrolled looping state.51Testing软件测试网"_"X8P"J9@Ro,`

TAG: 计数器 time Processor 性能方面 性能测试




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