淘宝商城(天猫)高级技术专家.3年研发+3年性能测试调优/系统测试+4年团队管理与测试架构、研发系统实践. 新舞台新气象, 深化测试基础架构及研发架构,希望能在某个技术领域成为真正的技术大牛。欢迎荐才http://bbs.51testing.com/viewthread.php?tid=120496&extra=&page=1 .邮件: jianzhao.liangjz@alibaba-inc.com,MSN:liangjianzhao@163.com.微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/1674816524

maven job命令行执行外部shell

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-03-08 11:02:17 / 个人分类:java开发


[maven3@inc-platform-dev-144-9 hudson-2.0.1_win]$ mvn -v

Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-03-01 01:31:09+0800)

Maven home: /home/maven3/apache-maven-3.0.3

Java version: 1.6.0_25, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

Java home: /usr/alibaba/install/jdk1.6.0_25/jre

Default locale: en_US, platform. encoding: ISO-8859-1








   //see http://www.devdaily.com/java/java-exec-processbuilder-process-2

   //fixedexeclinuxshell hang


   privatestaticint callShell_mt(String cmd)throwsIOException,

   InterruptedException {

      List commands =newArrayList();


             .print(" ***warning!only support shell!callShell start byliangjz.*** ");




      SystemCommandExecutor commandExecutor =newSystemCommandExecutor(commands);

      intshellExitStatus = commandExecutor.executeCommand();

      //stdoutandstderrof the command are returned as StringBuilder objects

      StringBuilder stdout = commandExecutor.getStandardOutputFromCommand();

      System.out.println("The numeric result of the command was: "+ shellExitStatus);




   privatestaticintcallShell(String cmd)throwsIOException,


      List commands =newArrayList();


             .print(" ***warning!support shell!may be waiting long time ,please!!callShell start byliangjz.*** ");




      ProcessBuilder pb =newProcessBuilder(commands);

      pb.redirectErrorStream(true);// use this to capture messages sent to


      Process shell = pb.start();

      InputStream shellIn = shell.getInputStream();// this captures the

                                                // output from the

                                                // command

      intshellExitStatus = shell.waitFor();// wait for the shell to finish

                                         // and get the return code


      // at this point you can process the output issued by the command

      // for instance, this reads the output and writes it to System.out:


      while((c = shellIn.read()) != -1) {



      // close the stream



      }catch(IOException ignoreMe) {



      System.out.print(" *** callShell End byliangjz,return "+ shellExitStatus);









publicstaticintlaunch(String[] args)throwsNoSuchMethodException,

          IllegalAccessException, NoSuchRealmException,

          InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException {

      // ClassWorld world = ClassWorldAdapter.getInstance( launcher.getWorld()

      // );


      ClassWorld world =launcher.getWorld();


      Set builtinRealms =newHashSet(world.getRealms());

      booleancallShell =false;



          System.out.println("----- hudson.maven.agent.Main.launch start by liangjz----");

          String libs =null;

          String workspace=null;

          String apps=null;

                       String crid="0";

          StringBuilder sb=newStringBuilder();


          for(inti = 0; i < args.length; i++) {

             //System.out.println("arg" + i + "=" +args[i]);

             if(args[i].startsWith("-DlibsOrder")) {

                 String[] tmpArr = args[i].split("=");

                 if(tmpArr.length== 2) {

                       callShell =true;

                    libs = tmpArr[1];



                 String[] tmpArr = args[i].split("=");

                 if(tmpArr.length== 2) {

                    apps = tmpArr[1];



                 String[] tmpArr = args[i].split("=");


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