网络测试工具集 - netwox

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tf{?FW2S1Dz0Toolbox netwox helps to find and solve network problems :51Testing软件测试网 G,niG@'RU? B-G"Rk:Y
  - sniff, spoof51Testing软件测试网ClS)LI J
  - clients, servers
0{D dMfS0  - DNS, FTP, HTTP, IRC, NNTP, SMTP, SNMP, SYSLOG, TELNET, TFTP51Testing软件测试网4Cs5Z:T hpP S m
  - scan, ping, traceroute
?;S _3f1V `*UO0  - etc.51Testing软件测试网 ?0u]}:\"l*v"Ki-S

51Testing软件测试网+],Q0q `"M:GBd

Netwox contains 222 tools using network library netwib. Some tools are only a simplified implementation, while others are very sophisticated.

DF,G]3bCP051Testing软件测试网QA l x"Ll6Y

Netwag is a graphical front-end to netwox.51Testing软件测试网R S|p-S?

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9NKn}$d&~+n-o {G0Netwox is available under the GNU GPL License.

51Testing软件测试网6XeLh3u'O ],\ f

    netwox [ number [ parameters... ] ]51Testing软件测试网!n-[gG-Gz

g@7f2ZH M0    number : number of the tool to use51Testing软件测试网(S6j&dZ)SF r0@%ii
    parameters : parameters for the chosen tool number51Testing软件测试网 kW _bg)Hi"T

*NK|1V }D+TT.o0Descrīption

When using netwox without number and parameters, it enters help mode. In this mode, the user has to select a category by pressing a key. Then by choosing a tool number, its corresponding usage is displayed.  Or the user can enter "netwox [number] --help" or "netwox [number] --help2" to display the detail usage.

The meaning of number

[&[C4L@ Og U0   1 : Display network configuration
}3yI(g,`-\5QN}0   2 : Display debugging information51Testing软件测试网dG0tJW'o
   3 : Display information about an IP address or a hostname51Testing软件测试网d6~ e gh:S wo`l
   4 : Display information about an Ethernet address
A!Rn)HUmY0   5 : Obtain Ethernet addresses of computers in an IP list
| k.OcR0   6 : Display how to reach an IP address
#O7E+lSoc/F+I0   7 : Sniff51Testing软件测试网}%B/BHOwX`,u;qo
   8 : Sniff and display open ports51Testing软件测试网7gl0eLYj Jr
   9 : Sniff and display Ethernet addresses51Testing软件测试网Es#Z3P#X rXV V|
  10 : Sniff and display network statistics
&ly,u*v,WO Fql0  11 : Sniff and verify checksums
+V8x%e[A0C0  12 : Display which values to use for netwox parameters
*KEMd(J0  13 : Obtain DLT type for sniff and spoof for each device
5yuV(K ]$iVrA0  14 : Spoof a record
k9p?s%k'w7mAW0  15 : Display content of a record51Testing软件测试网 t*P9[#X*R+c ^
  16 : Convert a record51Testing软件测试网&{^4a:I~$fYn
  17 : Recompute checksums of packets in a record
Y8]'D F6x0  18 : Reassemble IP packets of a record, and reorder TCP flow51Testing软件测试网&Y/c,Td,Y,e!S
  19 : Extract a range of packets from a record
yS sg*P.B0  20 : Search for strings in packets from a record
L\8f0`K0iEy0  21 : Convert a number
8Nc)cl4DS.X(})o;Uy^0  22 : Convert a string
n#BJ#A(`"H0  23 : Display ASCII table
Q_*t)}H/lO;K0  24 : Convert IP addresses ranges
%Uhd%O0gI(U1Y l0  25 : Test if a directory is secure51Testing软件测试网cu1j;V:]r/J TM
  26 : Dump a file51Testing软件测试网+|uL8F6aR4|ow
  27 : Compute MD5 of a file
3i#u-zfb&M C"b0  28 : Convert a binary file to readable and editable file
0pwk3O1Y]K;Qn0  29 : Convert a readable and editable file to a binary file51Testing软件测试网$b$I*X |q#qMm
  30 : Convert a file from unix to dos
%u!}%w9ky2]7Q!v$hV0  31 : Convert a file from dos to unix51Testing软件测试网x,f\R8{RV
  32 : Spoof Ethernet packet
ER1I+x g NN#B0  33 : Spoof EthernetArp packet
kc'T g-j IP0  34 : Spoof EthernetIp4 packet51Testing软件测试网bib%s$K:g)u1o
  35 : Spoof EthernetIp4Udp packet51Testing软件测试网Xu.l/W8uA[,q[
  36 : Spoof EthernetIp4Tcp packet51Testing软件测试网8^Qu({+^ X J
  37 : Spoof EthernetIp4Icmp4 packet
;@?'^.O7z b@ Nj i0  38 : Spoof Ip4 packet51Testing软件测试网Q~1w/W_
  39 : Spoof Ip4Udp packet51Testing软件测试网 EZ&~Cl)O)S5\2V8`$m$c
  40 : Spoof Ip4Tcp packet
j-N B0D+Dd|tL0  41 : Spoof Ip4Icmp4 packet51Testing软件测试网Z9s1VVZZ;H
  42 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment51Testing软件测试网h-X,D.H9}bHgXB
  43 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:noop
+}'g"O5|@5_0  44 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:rr51Testing软件测试网cK u de9D
  45 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:lsrr51Testing软件测试网 ~uteb)@ C/H(p
  46 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ts
K(S0Q7| k0  47 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ipts
sc Fho2w&x0  48 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ippts51Testing软件测试网E"R{9XC_
  49 : Ping ICMP51Testing软件测试网_p8A#\4X0^*k!wr
  50 : Ping ICMP (EthIP spoof)
'Y&h\"m'c a4fm6pZm0  51 : Ping TCP51Testing软件测试网 c z8E|A#v0D-B!n0o
  52 : Ping TCP (EthIp spoof)
0l.JgXC-h1K0N0  53 : Ping UDP
9aLM+N jC eXl)P0  54 : Ping UDP (EthIp spoof)
Q@w!g V6F/W]x0  55 : Ping ARP51Testing软件测试网ju^/} fI
  56 : Ping ARP (EthIp spoof)51Testing软件测试网'A/rQ(Gs
  57 : Traceroute ICMP51Testing软件测试网q,od-Ya$ra
  58 : Traceroute ICMP (EthIP spoof)
G LD+MD/~3hq&@0  59 : Traceroute TCP51Testing软件测试网*d[9X9\?z.{,M&J
  60 : Traceroute TCP (EthIp spoof)
:T0jc ZXrhX0  61 : Traceroute UDP
;|;P1L2hQ'xy0  62 : Traceroute UDP (EthIp spoof)51Testing软件测试网6|)f3JD Qx.K-b
  63 : Traceroute on a specified IP protocol
fO/\'o&}&D0  64 : Traceroute on a specified IP protocol (EthIp spoof)
a+{Yv5S5f#u.nU0Wk0  65 : Scan ICMP
"i:a nBi6V[0  66 : Scan ICMP (EthIP spoof)51Testing软件测试网PV U6[Mi
  67 : Scan TCP51Testing软件测试网-mZ6a(q~C'P
  68 : Scan TCP (EthIp spoof)
fQ&P-~"EnN4jl0  69 : Scan UDP51Testing软件测试网-TFs_W Q
  70 : Scan UDP (EthIp spoof)
y;kA8R)Jlh0  71 : Scan ARP51Testing软件测试网3P\qQA&x5e1n
  72 : Scan ARP (EthIp spoof)51Testing软件测试网k$X3JL.]n-w]}1G(P
  73 : Simulate presence of a/several computer/s (arp and ping)
x1@kC+f7iM0  74 : Flood a host with random fragments
(QbV)O:ZQ"b!G+h0  75 : Fill table of a switch using a flood of Ethernet packets51Testing软件测试网 nj*Vb e*|
  76 : Synflood
5o.\&x:_U2W0  77 : Check if seqnum are predictible51Testing软件测试网:MUDD6g\'Q1JQ
  78 : Reset every TCP packet
0|9K ^.Bn6]0  79 : Acknowledge every TCP SYN51Testing软件测试网-ZogYu1ZM c
  80 : Periodically send ARP replies
:_5}.eChb8{-](u q0  81 : Send an ICMP4 timestamp
8~*QtI,t0  82 : Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 destination unreachable
ZM/U#[!CK+L'I0  83 : Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 time exceeded
YCl M b/W;L)UK0  84 : Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 parameter problem
r1f0K4eX$z4W0  85 : Sniff and send ICMP4 source quench51Testing软件测试网%Y3K&E)TO4D$e4|6x^
  86 : Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 redirect51Testing软件测试网Y:rZ2{-uo
  87 : TCP client
V fZGv _U[o0  88 : UDP client51Testing软件测试网 J5M!A7s\2x Ne~ad
  89 : TCP server51Testing软件测试网3|(Dz&ySLR
  90 : UDP server51Testing软件测试网5E#ou'_m^7q
  91 : TCP server multiclients51Testing软件测试网)^8W,u;|;cL
  92 : UDP server multiclients51Testing软件测试网 x`s.ZE%LJ!A
  93 : TCP remote administration server51Testing软件测试网 [v9G:x}/~/V@
  94 : TCP remote administration client (exec)
3G"rQY6DqYz5qy0  95 : TCP remote administration client (get file)51Testing软件测试网m,{b/d$Xjm
  96 : TCP remote administration client (put file)
!Tzi ]1V/N4S0  97 : SYSLOG client
;Bq*X%?j$c(p(Be0  98 : Flood a host with syslog messages
p q:Fv/rkW0  99 : TELNET client
#W'Cby*X:s^/Tz0 100 : TELNET client executing one or several commands51Testing软件测试网 eY8vR&tfr9?
 101 : Brute force telnet client
f o8}Zynsuj9]0 102 : Query a DNS server
e7HjV ~0 103 : Obtain version of a Bind DNS server51Testing软件测试网9wcX5@$F:~(h*H
 104 : DNS server always answering same values51Testing软件测试网&{cyXNZ
 105 : Sniff and send DNS answers51Testing软件测试网r#NU$Q"h
 106 : Send an email51Testing软件测试网C%W(e;|;v"q'J-\
 107 : Post a newsgroup message51Testing软件测试网!y]/xS$bg(|&WtTo AY
 108 : List newsgroups available on a server51Testing软件测试网ar-_"r%X0s$G&P/Z
 109 : Download one, or more, newsgroup messages51Testing软件测试网Bb5I6[A|.^}\| ~
 110 : Ethernet bridge limiting flow51Testing软件测试网7sh-t+VuD q
 111 : FTP listing a directory
"a#J E:G5bT)B[R0 112 : FTP client : get a file51Testing软件测试网*Nd^#?1Z Q.I |
 113 : FTP client : put a file51Testing软件测试网-j+zP0Uu I [*q
 114 : FTP client : del a file51Testing软件测试网&G.{_.c[)NZ[
 115 : FTP client : get a directory recursively51Testing软件测试网 b}(X C b5n/b1e u
 116 : FTP client : put a directory recursively
Y/i2E3[cCAm0 117 : FTP client : del a directory recursively51Testing软件测试网^'`"QH-o8j
 118 : HTTP GET51Testing软件测试网lEIT4AjV8}
 119 : HTTP HEAD51Testing软件测试网K*Qll{+k/`D
 120 : HTTP POST51Testing软件测试网-Z Rm#] H3Em!p
 121 : HTTP PUT51Testing软件测试网)`o ?$E8QW
kO)n9xN5mn*Z0 123 : HTTP TRACE51Testing软件测试网JcnrFY K;_9E
 124 : HTTP OPTIONS51Testing软件测试网"A+OSU+WB;| d
 125 : HTTP server51Testing软件测试网1{}Sb5xrF5U j
 126 : HTTP remote administration server
Q \}T+U0 127 : Cypher/decypher a file using a xor51Testing软件测试网Q0Y-VEd?
 128 : Split a file in smaller chunks
1g6V.L#h:`,\ z.y0 129 : Reassemble chunks of a file
T$D4T-?(u-h6nI'z0 130 : Brute force ftp client
2k }'TPZ;m0 131 : Brute force http client (site password)51Testing软件测试网^m9dA/v
 132 : Brute force http client (proxy password)
6\-q ?XR0 133 : Convert an url/uri51Testing软件测试网D;gBExB0?
 134 : Obtain urls/uris in a HMTL file
/a8{m)_%Yy"~2[0 135 : Convert urls/uris in a HMTL file to absolute urls
I9H w?*J(K2Z0 136 : Web download (http://... or ftp://...)51Testing软件测试网8^ R(^0RW K,rs
 137 : Create a sample configuration file for tool 138
g?1KVB;~8v`u0 138 : Web spider (use configuration file created by tool 137)51Testing软件测试网6UiLD$dfe4N~)UN
 139 : Web spider on command line (fully recursive)
FlY q*h/m"K0 140 : Spoof EthernetIp6 packet
)mtC/k.A2KIS#| A0 141 : Spoof EthernetIp6Udp packet51Testing软件测试网-dM~ ] vI WM1C]
 142 : Spoof EthernetIp6Tcp packet
6HU yV'q1m0 143 : Spoof EthernetIp6Icmp6 packet
T0v6Y/yc4J9S5hP0 144 : Spoof Ip6 packet
)L3X `"?&l*D b Pj0 145 : Spoof Ip6Udp packet51Testing软件测试网b9ZO aH'Xq-]Z
 146 : Spoof Ip6Tcp packet
h PR\ u8Db(?8~0 147 : Spoof Ip6Icmp6 packet
THmW b*W {0 148 : Ping ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery51Testing软件测试网.E6LfMc$`H
 149 : Ping ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery (EthIp spoof)
\ Qd6f}0 150 : Scan ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery
U`]k9aw0 151 : Scan ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery (EthIp spoof)51Testing软件测试网8z9[ M \\ X3d
 152 : Interactive IRC client
-{M%I(a x y XD'i0 153 : IRC client listing channels51Testing软件测试网(PzW/l"YL
 154 : IRC client listening on a channel51Testing软件测试网:Ih m ar)m4e
 155 : Network performance measurement : TCP server51Testing软件测试网S-l(Q5ia-}$`
 156 : Network performance measurement : TCP client51Testing软件测试网&V Wc7gwM0r j
 157 : Network performance measurement : UDP server51Testing软件测试网w6P Y W5]gk5Fr C
 158 : Network performance measurement : UDP client
h5K1i9Aa0 159 : SNMP Get
)~F]"J M~ @ I0 160 : SNMP Walk
6R8D3qmg m B_0 161 : SNMP Trap
J0s7z k%z(K&W0 162 : SNMP Trap251Testing软件测试网m_(zV+@*w
 163 : SNMP Inform
ZLWE{`'F{0 164 : SNMP Set51Testing软件测试网.D rJ+}%` c
 165 : TFTP client : get a file
NG7O#Fll.LX0 166 : TFTP client : put a file
$W l j^7y [0 167 : TFTP server
q#NA@R0 168 : FTP server51Testing软件测试网9_cy%z h Ak-Kp
 169 : Display simple network configuration easy to parse51Testing软件测试网3w ?{C0x,bzaF
 170 : TELNET server
~7FDg.cVa0 171 : DHCP client
|oUp V z0 172 : List articles range of a newsgroup
2L)t5Jc~Ca0 173 : Download overview of one, or more, newsgroup messages51Testing软件测试网"q1~0?9R;R#Z
 174 : FTP client : get a file and check its MD551Testing软件测试网-aQEX2Y0n)d1I7[n
 175 : Web download (http://... or ftp://...) and check its MD551Testing软件测试网8w g,_inzB
 176 : TFTP client : get a file and check its MD551Testing软件测试网D(o.r0h kt Vu)t
 177 : Check if a SMTP server is up
v9IU&@@0 178 : Check if an IRC server is up51Testing软件测试网jY/RZ)XnA
 179 : DHCP client requesting an INFORM
Z"dAuc9E!rX0 180 : SNTP client obtaining time51Testing软件测试网'nkSV.KF
 181 : SNTP server51Testing软件测试网e'e0U3k S$p!U
 182 : Obtain size of a web file (http://... or ftp://...)
F!u*x/Sm:or]$B Q0 183 : TCP relay51Testing软件测试网'v+] v\p ee%]Z,y
 184 : UDP relay
E'x#wc t6XE0 185 : TCP multiclient relay51Testing软件测试网1WD8i)f*]3g
 186 : Millisecond sleep
8As4D_4D0H0 187 : Display date and time
l!xp2wzB;g o0 188 : SYSLOG server
c5z[ p6I3t0 189 : SMTP server
7eDq)ol|Z0 190 : Make coffee51Testing软件测试网f6|!hB1G^B3Q!H#@
 191 : Generate a password (English, French, Spanish)51Testing软件测试网 F"M7ssd V3p5qO
 192 : Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ssrr
Z!@|;D{)A ber/s0 193 : IDENT client requesting info about an open session51Testing软件测试网b%Bli[}{A
 194 : IDENT client creating a session and requesting its info
A!BO?Lv0 195 : IDENT server
:kI%Ir)lK%c2y0 196 : WHOIS client51Testing软件测试网z!Nu2aiW
 197 : WHOIS client guessing server51Testing软件测试网`q{h6Z$q m
 198 : SMB/CIFS client: list shares51Testing软件测试网RG q3G@4y,c:KB
 199 : SMB/CIFS client: create a directory
yD"|FFB)U.O0 200 : SMB/CIFS client: delete a directory51Testing软件测试网p Zf O5b&a
 201 : SMB/CIFS client: rename a directory
:i"u(T"TA `t0 202 : SMB/CIFS client: list contents of a directory
q&^R3y O0 203 : SMB/CIFS client: delete a file
P2ANx s{e'l0XD7F0 204 : SMB/CIFS client: rename a file
^:_VJ Q&xI!e0 205 : SMB/CIFS client: get a file51Testing软件测试网`!rF:x)Ig-t$a2Wle
 206 : SMB/CIFS client: put a file51Testing软件测试网s(KGU f$H
 207 : SMB/CIFS client: recursively get a directory51Testing软件测试网!_(g5X`Ll)L
 208 : SMB/CIFS client: recursively put a directory51Testing软件测试网!F;b`8lO0a
 209 : SMB/CIFS client: recursively delete a directory
,WF'j C Z5fj v0 210 : Web spider on command line (stay in same directory)
2YsbGw i!m0 211 : Web spider : converts a local downloaded filename to its original url
#}Y~d\!T0 212 : Web spider : converts an url to its local downloaded filename51Testing软件测试网;G)Eo-P-WXj:L#J*C
 213 : Display a list of IP addresses
in7oE9ji/Gyt[0 214 : Traceroute discovery: graph of network topology
"S&O{;U;k9R!Q0 215 : Traceroute discovery (EthIp spoof)51Testing软件测试网x[$|$LM&u Z*m @ o
 216 : Beep
/k~s$e%O0 217 : SMB/CIFS server
:a^,p+Zryc0 218 : Netwox internal validation suite51Testing软件测试网;J@w%b%q znY
 219 : Compute cryptographic hash of a file (md5, sha, etc.)51Testing软件测试网a:[^"Hk!m;E
 220 : Convert a binary file to a base64 encoded file
X q%o[ S0 221 : Convert a base64 encoded file to a binary file51Testing软件测试网Nr1i5l;cDT["q#C
 222 : In a HMTL file, suppress links pointing to local urls


m/| IT!C9x1d6Rd0The detail help information of each tool, you can also refer to 

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TAG: 网络测试工具 网络测试 netwox




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