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ReadFull Article at https://www.katalon.com/resources-center/tutorials/introduction-api-testing/


The main purpose of this article is to give you the general knowledge of API testing by providing truthful answers to the What — When — Which questions which are promised to clarify this puzzling area, especially the boundary between testing and engineering realm.

Moreover, the article providesYouSome issues which you may face when testing API. Some best practices and toolset are also discussed and expected to be an effective solution that helps increase the probability of being successful in API testing.

What is API testing?

API testing is the testing of a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) directly and as part of an integration test to specify whether they meet requirements for functionality, reliability, performance, and security. Due to a lack of GUI, API testing is executed At the message layer and can validate application logic by the very fast and effective way.

It is crucial to implement API testing for automation testing and CI/CD process as it can coop with short-release cycles and frequent changes especially the presentation layer with no test output broken. API testing also reduces maintenance effect in comparison with UI automation testing. This is a reason why API isPreferedBy Agile and DevOps teams.

As a side note, in terms of Web and mobile applications, API is often known as Web services, and API testing relates to the automation test executed to the Web services.

Where is API testing performed?

Commonly, applications have three separate layers or tiers including Presentation Layer or user interface, Business Layer or application user interface for business logic processing, and Database Layer for modeling and manipulating data.

API Testing is performed at the most critical layer, the Business Layer, where business logic processing is carried out, and all transactions between User Interface and Database happen.

Why do we need to perform. API testing?

The figure below shows three different layers of testing called the test pyramidPyramidInitiallyCoated by Mike Cohn in his book Succeeding with Agile. It has layers representing different types of testing. Despite its being overly simplistic, it offers us a general rule of thumb: it suggests how much testing we should focus on at each layer. , API and services tests in the second layer is an important testing activity that we should focus on.

How to select the right API testing tools

Commercial tools (SoapUI Pro, Tricentis Tosca) are perceived as a safe bet as they are likely to come with available manuals, support, and training. Unfortunately, they remain some drawbacks: vendor tools are historically programmer-unfriendly as they tend to use proprietary Scripting languages that programmers don't want to spend time learning; they also tend to be heavyweight; and test scripts may be brittle, easily broken by minor changes to the application.

Special, these tools are generally expensive to purchase and maintain the license.

However, there are recently some vendor tools that can eliminate some disadvantages from the above vendor tools. For instance,Katalon Studio Is a free tool with comparable features to commercial tools, or Postman is considered easy to setup and use compared to the rest of commercial solutions. You can learn more about the top API testing tools here.Setup

Selecting the right API testing tool is challenging but you can shortlist the choice from the candidates above considering your requirements, pros and cons of each solution — try not too ambitious at the early stage and doing the POC with the top 3 relevant solutions. Have a better understanding of your project's critical factors and issues to eliminate tools or fine-tune your choice to the most suitable solution for your project. Below is the top 5 API Testing Tools for 2018 

Top 5 API Testing Tools for 2018






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  • 访问量: 2617
  • 日志数: 3
  • 建立时间: 2018-01-25
  • 更新时间: 2018-09-25


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