
Qtp Methods and Properties

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-08-06 20:58:15 / 个人分类:自动化测试

1.Activate:Activates the current Dialog Box.
Syntax: object.Activate [BUTTON]
Sub Activate_Example()
‘The following example uses the Activate method to activate the
‘Internet Options dialog box.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Activate

2. CaptureBitmap:Saves the screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name.
Syntax: object.CaptureBitmap FullFileName, [OverrideExisting]
Sub CaptureBitmap_Example1()
‘The following example uses the CaptureBitmap method to capture a
’screen shot of the Internet Options dialog box. The file is
‘automatically saved to a different folder (the test run results
‘folder) in each run.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).CaptureBitmap “internet_options.bmp”
End Sub

3. ChildObjects:Returns the collection of child objects contained within the object.
Syntax: object.ChildObjects (pDescrīption)
‘The following example uses the ChildObjects method to retrieve a
’set of child objects matching the descrīption listed in the function
‘call and uses the method to display a message indicating how many
‘objects are found with the specified descrīption: none, one (unique),
‘or several (not unique).
Public Function CheckObjectDesription(parent, descr)
Dim oDesc
‘ Create descrīption object
Set ōDesc = Descrīption.Create()
arProps = Split(descr, “,”)
For i = 0 To UBound(arProps)
arProp = Split(arProps(i), “:=”)
If UBound(arProp) = 1 Then
PropName = Trim(arProp(0))
PropValue = arProp(1)
oDesc(PropName).Value = PropValue
End If
‘ Get all child objects with the given descrīption
Set children = parent.ChildObjects(oDesc)
If children.Count = 1 Then
CheckObjectDesription = “Object Unique”
ElseIf children.Count = 0 Then
CheckObjectDesription = “Object Not Found”
CheckObjectDesription = “Object Not Unique”
End If
End Function

4. Click:Clicks on a object.
Syntax: object.Click [X], [Y], [BUTTON]
Sub Click_Example()
‘The following example uses the Click method to click a right mouse
‘button at coordinates 47, 131 on the Internet Options dialog box.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Click 47, 131, 1
End Sub

5. Close:Closes the Dialog Box.
Syntax: object.Close
Sub Close_Example()
‘The following example uses the Close method to close the Internet
‘Options dialog box.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Close
End Sub

6. DblClick:Double clicks on a object.
Syntax: object.DblClick X, Y, [BUTTON]
Sub DblClick_Example()
‘The following example uses the DblClick method to double-click a right
‘mouse button at coordinates 73, 120 on the SysListView32 object.
Window(”Exploring”).WinListView(”SysListView32″).DblClick 73, 120, 1
End Sub

7. Drag:Performs the ‘drag’ part of a drag and drop operation.
Syntax: object.Drag X, Y, [BUTTON]
Sub Drag_Example1()
‘The following example uses the Drag and Drop methods to drag the object from
‘coordinates 10, 20 within the Test window and drop the object at
‘coordinates 30, 40 within the same window.
Window(”Test”).Drag 10, 20
Window(”Test”).Drop 30, 40
End Sub

8. Drop:Performs the ‘drop’ part of a drag and drop operation.
Syntax: object.Drop X, Y, [BUTTON]
Sub Drop_Example1()
‘The following example uses the Drag and Drop methods to drag the object from
‘coordinates 10, 20 within the Test window and drop the object at
‘coordinates 30, 40 within the same window.
Window(”Test”).Drag 10, 20
Window(”Test”).Drop 30, 40
End Sub

9. Exist:Checks that an object exists.
Syntax: object.Exist([TimeOut])
Sub Exist_Example()
‘The following example uses the Exist method to determine the existence
‘of the Internet Options dialog box. If the dialog box exists a
‘message box appears confirming its appearance.
If Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Exist Then
MsgBox (”The object exists.”)
End If
End Sub

10. GetRoProperty:Returns the current value of the test object property from the object in the application.
Syntax: object.GetROProperty (Property, [PropData])
Sub GetROProperty_Example()
‘The following example uses the GetROProperty method to retrieve the
‘x coordinate of the Test window.
x = Window(”Test”).GetROProperty(”x”)
y = Window(”Test”).GetROProperty(”y”)
End Sub

11. GetTextLocation:Checks whether the specified text string is contained in the specified window area.
Syntax: object.GetTextLocation (TextToFind, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, [MatchWholeWordOnly])
Sub GetTextLocation_Example()
‘The following example uses the GetTextLocation method to retrieve
‘all of the text within the object.
l = -1
t = -1
r = -1
b = -1
result = Dialog(”Dialog”).WinObject(”Date”).GetTextLocation(”2002″, l, t, r, b)
If result Then
MsgBox “Text found. Coordinates:” & l & “,” & t & “,” & r & “,” & b
End If
End Sub

12. GetToProperties:Returns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object.
Syntax: object.GetTOProperties
Sub GetTOProperties_Example1()
‘The following example uses the GetTOProperties method to retrieve the
‘list of properties and values used to identify the Internet Options
‘dialog box.
IEOptsDialog = Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).GetTOProperties()
End Sub

13. GetToProperty:Returns the value of a specified property from the test object descrīption.
Syntax: object.GetTOProperty (Property)
Sub GetTOProperty_Example()
‘The following example uses the GetTOProperty method to retrieve the
‘RegExpWndClass property from the Object Repository.
Dim ObjectName
RegExpWndClass = Window(”Test”).GetTOProperty(”RegExpWndClass”)
End Sub

14. GetVisibleText:Returns the text from specified area.
Syntax: object.GetVisibleText ([Left], [Top], [Right], [Bottom])
Sub GetVisibleText_Example1()
‘The following example uses the GetVisibleText method to retrieve the
‘text from the Telnet window. If the returned string contains the “login:”
’sub-string, the Type method is used to type the guest string in the
TelnetText = Window(”Telnet”).GetVisibleText
If InStr(1, TelnetText, “login:”, 1) > 0 Then
Window(”Telnet”).Type “guest”
End If
End Sub

15. MouseMove:Moves the mouse pointer to the designated position inside the activeXobject.
Syntax: object.MouseMove X, Y
Sub MouseMove_Example()
‘The following example uses the MouseMove method to move the mouse
‘pointer to the position (20, 30) inside the Advanced object.
Browser(”MyPage”).Dialog(”Settings”).WinObject(”Advanced”).MouseMove 20, 30
End Sub

16. Move:Moves the dialog box to the specified absolute location on the screen.
Syntax: object.Move X, Y
Sub Move_Example()
‘The following example uses the Move method to move the Internet
‘Options dialog box to the specified location.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Move 659, 35
End Sub

17. Maximize:Maximize the dialog box to fill the entire screen.
Syntax: object.Maximize
Sub Maximize_Example()
‘The following example uses the Maximize method to maximize the
‘Internet Options dialog box.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Maximize
End Sub

18. Minimize:Minimizes the dialog box to an icon.
Syntax: object.Minimize
Sub Minimize_Example()
‘The following example uses the Minimize method to minimize the
‘Internet Options dialog box.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Minimize
End Sub

19. Resize:Resize the dialog box to the specified dimensions.
Syntax: object.Resize Width, Height
Sub Resize_Example()
‘The following example uses the Resize method to resize the Internet
‘Options dialog box.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Resize 296, 348
End Sub

20. Restore:Restores the dialog box to its previous size.
Syntax: object.Restore
Sub Restore_Example()
‘The following example uses the Restore method to restore the
‘Internet Options dialog box to its previous size.
Browser(”Mercury Tours”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Restore
End Sub

21. SetToProperty:Sets the value of the specified property in its test object descrīption.
Syntax: object.SetTOProperty Property, Val
Sub SetTOProperty_Example()
‘The following example uses the SetTOProperty method to set the
‘index of a window’s descrīption.
Window(”Test”).SetTOProperty “Index”, 2
End Sub

22. Type:Type the specified string in the dialog box.
Syntax: object.Type KeyboardInput
Example: Not Available

23. WaitProperty:Waits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step.
Syntax: object.WaitProperty (PropertyName, PropertyValue, [lTimeOut])

Sub WaitProperty_Example()
‘The following example uses the WaitProperty method to make the
‘program wait for the “Test” window to become active or for 3 seconds
‘(3 milliseconds) to pass, whichever comes first.
y = Window(”Test”).WaitProperty(”focused”, True, 3000)
End Sub

24. Output:Retrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location.
Syntax: object.Output pVerify
Sub Output_Example()
‘The following example uses the Output method to output text into the
‘”You can change” Data Table column.
Browser(”index”).Dialog(”Internet Options”).Static(”You can change”).Output CheckPoint(”You can change”)
End Sub


1. GetContent:Returns a string containing the names of all of the items in the combo box.
Syntax: object.GetContent
Sub GetContent_Example ()

TAG: 自动化测试




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