
QTP 调试时提示ActiceX部件不能创建对象

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-18 21:12:58 / 个人分类:QTP

\ g0A;NM#Gb$MS0QTP运行下列脚本 提示:ActiceX部件不能创建对象


Dim ExcelSheet
6Xjj{!A~!y iI0Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")51Testing软件测试网Iy%Uw{ MF H
' Make Excel visible through the Application object.
e-`_ |4_,[^0ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = True
pbY']^)]5H1A_Iuv*I0' Place some text in the first cell of the sheet.51Testing软件测试网)q1@/Rb-C
ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "This is column A, row 1"
5A0Y|"ua8PXT0' Save the sheet.51Testing软件测试网,bB+c"k6E q5[]Z
ExcelSheet.SaveAs "C:\DOCS\TEST.XLS"51Testing软件测试网.ko&rC]$k.U3p
' Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object.51Testing软件测试网"y^ I H_&T j&B [(a
/a"qI*^ T;A:Am U0' Release the object variable.51Testing软件测试网y#u UC6H[*n
Set ExcelSheet = Nothing51Testing软件测试网;r(nR[[r


K JRX$D0E&Q0在网上找过几个方法51Testing软件测试网j7SW4QwBurO

esN6^3j'ghz R01)把下列放入记事本,并把后缀改成bat格式51Testing软件测试网 f4X(Pr s sX }


rundll32.exe advpack.dll /DelNodeRunDLL32 %systemroot%\System32\dacui.dll

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2)运行regsvr32 scrrun.dll

b2~*GWj L.b2t4RV0

'lX:w9GE}*a03)IE-工具-选项-安全-自定义级别-启用所有ActiceX控件或插件51Testing软件测试网4MbM1X b4m&l:V:l

51Testing软件测试网)i T H8jm

都不管用, 哪位高人有更好方法?

%B'CL-r7K lp n:N3d0


haven6 引用 删除 haven6   /   2010-07-21 13:12:09
ActiveX component can't create object
See Also
Using VBScript with Objects
The VBScript 5.5 runtime could not instantiate the object for you because the object's class is not registered in the system registry, or one or more of the associated dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) are not available. Alternately, a DLL required by the object may be unusable, either because it can't be found, or it is corrupted.

To correct this error

Make sure all associated DLLs are available. For example, the Data Access Object (DAO) requires supporting DLLs that vary among platforms. You may have to rerun the setup program for such an object.
Internet Explorer may be trying to create an object for you, but you do not have the correct security permissions set in Internet Explorer. Reset the Internet Explorer security setting and try again.
See Also



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