如何在另一个程序中寻找 相应的text

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-02-23 15:34:01 / 个人分类:Common

Re: Scraping the text from another application with win32 api

Posted29 March 2009 - 05:04 PM

The problem is most likely that the window is using gdi to draw the text in color, or some other proprietary text engine [non OS]. There are 4 ways that you can possibly get the text, i have implemented 2 of them myself in other projects.

Option 1 [I had a fairly reliable code for this at one time, it took me about an hour to get working]:
Screen shot screen scrape ... this is actually very simple, especially if you know the font name and font size. You simply make the program grab the screen [there is c# sample code for this using BitBlt], then use GDI+ in c# to compile a lookup based off of a bitmap of each character. This lookup shouldnt actually be a bitmap, but rather an array of coordinates for the fonts drawing area for faster results.

Option 2 [I have created a c# packet sniffer with a built in c# compiler for custom message handling(JIT scripting basically)] there are c# implementations of packet sniffers, the chat text will most likely be unencrypted, and you can simply sniff on the same port that the chat program is running on.

Option 3: Use the clipboard ... simply select the window in code, and invoke Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C, then get clipboard data from Clipboard.GetText method.

Option 4: Hook into the api calls for GDI if in fact the program is using gdi to do the text rendering, I have no idea how to do this, but here is an article on ithttp://www.codeproje...em/hooksys.aspx

If you have any questions email me at "bra**nt@on***e*c**sgu**y.**.com" without the *'s

TAG: find Find text





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