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Exploratory Testing

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-03-26 10:49:07

What is Exploratory Testing?

And How it Differs from scrīpted Testing

aY,q{/R_0by James Bach51Testing软件测试网ux6O)sh L


This first appeared onwww.StickyMinds.comas a column feature

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Exploratory software testing is a powerful and fun approach to testing. In some situations, it can be orders of magnitude more productive than scrīpted testing. I haven't found a tester yet who didn't, at least unconsciously, perform exploratory testing at one time or another. Yet few of us study this approach, and it doesn't get much respect in our field. It's high time we stop the denial, and publicly recognize the exploratory approach for what it is: scientific thinking in real-time. Friends, that's a good thing.51Testing软件测试网!d%U3iPI6aF

Concurrent Test Design and Execution

5i&H'{ n S8nka H9B0The plainest definition of exploratory testing is test design and test execution at the same time. This is the opposite of scrīpted testing (predefined test procedures, whether manual or automated). Exploratory tests, unlike scrīpted tests, are not defined in advance and carried out precisely according to plan. This may sound like a straightforward distinction, but in practice it's murky. That's because "defined" is a spectrum. Even an otherwise elaborately defined test procedure will leave many interesting details (such as how quickly to type on the keyboard, or what kinds of behavīor to recognize as a failure) to the discretion of the tester. Likewise, even a free-form exploratory test session will involve tacit constraints or mandates about what parts of the product to test, or what strategies to use. A good exploratory tester will write down test ideas and use them in later test cycles. Such notes sometimes look a lot like test scrīpts, even if they aren't. Exploratory testing is sometimes confused with "ad hoc" testing. Ad hoc testing normally refers to a process of improvised, impromptu bug searching. By definition, anyone can do ad hoc testing. The term "exploratory testing"--coined by Cem Kaner, in Testing Computer Software-- refers to a sophisticated, thoughtful approach to ad hoc testing. In the last decade, James Whittaker (at Florida Tech), Cem Kaner and I have worked to identify the skills and techniques of excellent exploratory testing. For one example of a fully defined and articulated process of exploratory testing, see the General Functionality and Stability Test Procedure for Microsoft's Windows 2000 Compatibility Certification program. This document is publicly available on Microsoft's web site, or on my site at软件测试网(Xq ]3g@1O

Balancing Exploratory Testing With scrīpted Testing


To the extent that the next test we do is influenced by the result of the last test we did, we are doing exploratory testing. We become more exploratory when we can't tell what tests should be run, in advance of the test cycle, or when we haven't yet had the opportunity to create those tests. If we are running scrīpted tests, and new information comes to light that suggests a better test strategy, we may switch to an exploratory mode (as in the case of discovering a new failure that requires investigation). Conversely, we take a more scrīpted approach when there is little uncertainty about how we want to test, new tests are relatively unimportant, the need for efficiency and reliability in executing those tests is worth the effort of scrīpting, and when we are prepared to pay the cost of documenting and maintaining tests.


{M+b~8@he results of exploratory testing aren't necessarily radically different than those of scrīpted testing, and the two approaches to testing are fully compatible. Companies such as Nortel and Microsoft commonly use both approaches on the same project. Still there are many important differences between the two approaches.

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Why Do Exploratory Testing?

p(a^@!d _3P^z L)|h0Recurring themes in the management of an effective exploratory test cycle are tester, test strategy, test reporting and test mission. The scrīpted approach to testing attempts to mechanize the test process by taking test ideas out of a test designer's head and putting them on paper. There's a lot of value in that way of testing. But exploratory testers take the view that writing down test scrīpts and following them tends to disrupt the intellectual processes that make testers able to find important problems quickly. The more we can make testing intellectually rich and fluid, the more likely we will hit upon the right tests at the right time. That's where the power of exploratory testing comes in: the richness of this process is only limited by the breadth and depth of our imagination and our emerging insights into the nature of the product under test. In the rapid testing classes at Satisfice, Inc., we have equipment that watches testers invent tests in real-time. When the instructor makes a new suggestion for what to test, or provides new information to the testers about the product, we observe and measure how a roomful of exploratory testers reacts to that information. Free from the encumbrance of pre-documentation, they immediately incorporate new ideas into their tests.

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scrīpting has its place. I can imagine testing situations where efficiency and repeatability are so important that we should scrīpt or automate them. For example, in the case where a test platform is only intermittently available, such as a client-server project where there are only a few configured servers available and they must be shared by testing and development. The logistics of such a situation may dictate that we scrīpt tests carefully in advance to get the most out of every second of limited test execution time. Exploratory testing is especially useful in complex testing situations, when little is known about the product, or as part of preparing a set of scrīpted tests. The basic rule is this: exploratory testing is called for any time the next test you should perform is not obvious, or when you want to go beyond the obvious. In my experience, that's most of the time.51Testing软件测试网Q6[r,rhEhp




ConcurrentTestDesign and Execution51Testing软件测试网D-~ Ja1^(D a.E





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       好的探索性测试者会把测试的想法写下来,并应用在后来的测试循环中。这些记录下来的东西看起来有点像测试脚本。51Testing软件测试网Tz-_CR mq W$_K

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       探索性测试有时候会与即兴测试(ad hoc testing)混淆。即兴测试通常是指临时准备的、即席的bug搜索的测试过程。从定义可以看出,谁都可以做即兴测试。由Cem Kaner提出的探索性测试,相比即兴测试是一种精致的、有思想的过程。

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Balancing Exploratory Testing With scrīpted Testing



       如果做到了下一项测试被我们所做的上一测试的结果所影响,那么我们就是在做探索性测试。当我们在测试循环之前不知道应该运行什么测试时,或者我们还没机会创建测试,我们应该更多地探索。51Testing软件测试网vI.[8[ ?/a




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Why Do Exploratory Testing?51Testing软件测试网B*v^(Wm-AG"s.l8m


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       在有效的探索性测试循环管理中的重复主题是:测试、测试策略、测试报告和测试任务。测试剧本化的方式企图将测试过程机械化,从测试设计者的脑袋中把测试的思想抽取出来并放到纸面上。这种测试方法的好处很多。51Testing软件测试网J(TH:Uga+eZ s e$A"h


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  • 建立时间: 2008-03-18
  • 更新时间: 2008-03-26


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