不要追求绝对的公平,红尘之中没有公平而言,人活一世,难得糊涂。                                           it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do.

ERROR 263377

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-04 18:11:28 / 个人分类:Mercury LoadRunner

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f it is working in the LoadRunner scrīpt up to a point, then the problemprobably(see footnote 1 at end of post) exists in the system under test. Are you or anyone else monitoring the system under test? The first places to look would be at the web and app-servers:51Testing软件测试网cK1Hf1v$r$|
1) heap sizes
HS!kH~3vQ02) number of jvms
yblL(U y'a03) number of jdbc connections
Er'g3S{04) heap pattern
$GE TaN*U6f0Pc05) container threads51Testing软件测试网I@%KC.|*]8E4p(L
6) web component connections should be equal to or less than the http server connections
ZI YS5E(D Q,? NG;Og0... much more if these are not involved in the root cause ...51Testing软件测试网{U%rqJ r4rJL

*P1PfS9K!v0Are these configured properly?51Testing软件测试网 [C'G ]d
Is there evidence of maxing out the heap and going beyond?51Testing软件测试网#A \$[I @
Is garbage collection running too frequently and for long periods of time?
9WPY6gR9A0... and so on...51Testing软件测试网h qt$MPpS3v(~ f kF
51Testing软件测试网,L]i A|&gY
51Testing软件测试网 R(s G x6f L,d+r/Tm#O
Footnote 1:
:@0e-[1E)Ve0There is still a chance that you may be contributing to the issue on your end (not to say the sys-under-test is not the issue - and that it may require tuning or scalabiity work in 2 dimensions), depending upon the answers to the below questions AND the computing power/configuration of the servers-under-test...
&U0G^3ZX1CPQH m01. How fast are these Vusers executing? (with or without think time)?
]+@&e.|;w A/a'?v#j02. Are the Vusers simulating a new user each iteration?51Testing软件测试网A7U0J;Zx3Cq
51Testing软件测试网 PX"z/r4R[&y
Finally...51Testing软件测试网gV r ^;h s G5b
Increasing the web_set_max_html_param_len to 819200 is just not good - unless one has to deal with .NET and large cumbersome viewstates. Think about that value. Understand the impact of the RAM consumption by the Vusers. This is called "shooting oneself in the foot".
It appears that it is a bottleneck in the environment.51Testing软件测试网9[['B,V"[edS
I suggest the following:
!M O3K9M/M(R0Determine how often and how long garbage collection is running. Monitoring by either LoadRunner, SiteScope, or tools used by the SysAdmins should be able to tell you that.51Testing软件测试网1h\ P+E2S f2P AuW G'R
If load-balancing is being used, what is the method? Are the Vusers being load-balanced properly? Do you need to use IP Spoofing?51Testing软件测试网9bnK1P9wR U&[
I recommend changing:
{ yh)T|"L7idb0a) both JVMs to 256/768, (what is the reason they are different to begin with? Perhaps there is good reason - if not, change to recommended.)
ZI ]~y~(\ev0b) JDBC Max to 75, and51Testing软件测试网/C;[ {W(T3E q$a NQ
c) Consider using another JVM.
K S O[H a0
H1Zy;D)Q0Are the Vusers getting HTTP-500s?
(f7m)y2v9SQ K7R0Are you getting any premature connection shutdowns/closures?
(CJf8x"e:ph0Note! At this point, the troubleshooting should involve some key technical people on your end. And, by far the largest point here…51Testing软件测试网"{3W,p Mn Q$tD
What must the architecture support in terms of transactions and types per second? Are you perhaps putting a load on that goes well beyond what is required?






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