圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制。这样 的事没有律法禁止。- 加拉太書 5:22-23

New Instructions from Supervisor

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-05-26 03:54:34 / 天气: 热 / 心情: 平静 / 个人分类:日记

51Testing软件测试网 Dl5`-T6ctu

My supervisor Peter gave me more specific instructions yesterday regarding of the method we are following to do our job. We get the expected results from executing WinRunner scrīpts on the old Centura application, while executing QTP scrīpts gives us actual results. Since we develop the QTP scrīpts following the same test cases the WinRunner scrīpts following, we are to do our test by comparing both scrīpts execution results.

  • Divide both scrīpts into functional sections by adding break points.
  • Execute WinRunner scrīpt until it stops at a break point.
  • Execute corresponding scrīpt section of QTP, it will stop at a same functionally speaking point.
  • Compare both results carefully.

When some issues occur, no matter there is an error message or any differences between both results, here are some ideas to handle them.51Testing软件测试网tp]TL5CQ8w

  • Scrīpt's issue: Give brief descrīption about the issue including line number and detail
  • Application's issue: Prepare the bug report following the procedure
  • Other problems: Get a way around them. Do NOT go into them in depth. Such as data sets we are using not matching, problems associated with old application, either the application itself or the scrīpts with it, etc.

I am trying to apply these principals now. It takes more time than I thought it would. Continuing from yesterday, today I started QTP scrīpt named Rls_SmokeLoanPrograms_2 at 9am from line 362. By 3pm, I was around QTP scrīpt line 1184. Corresponding WinRunner scrīpt lines were from 315 to 1169. To be drafted scrīpt test report 8 items, application test report 2 items.51Testing软件测试网0K6|$e9Q }{O,v]8Q J

How come do QTP scrīpts execute so slow comparing with super fast WinRunner scrīpt on Centura application? Is it an application performance issue, or a nature of the combination of QTP and its .Net add-in? TestAdvantage? Or a mixture? What ever.51Testing软件测试网(QY"@Bz

That's enough for today's thought. This is payday for the company. I saw Diana issue paychecks to stuff on the payroll. Not me unfortunately. I mean for now. I am not worrying, am I? My name will be put on the list someday. That's for sure.51Testing软件测试网1h.H[%b:T4\F4~
51Testing软件测试网,h qLR@8v(Y
God I thank you for giving me this opportunity to get into this new field. Your Word says "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might". I will do what You want me to do with my heart and my strength. Let me be a blessing to the people in this company. Let me grow with the company. In Jesus' name. Amen.


TAG: test QTP WinRunner 日记 script job thought

花岗岩 引用 删除 howard   /   2007-11-14 00:34:40
Later someone figured it out why the execution of the QTP scrīpts was so slow. The scripts were using descriptive programming. The majority of the statements are like this,
        SwfWindow("name:=MdiWinRLS").SwfWindow("name:=FrmSyparm").SwfEdit("name:=dfSystemId").Set  "8006"
        SwfWindow("name:=MdiWinRLS").SwfWindow("name:=FrmSyparm").SwfEdit("name:=dfBranchID").Set  "0"

The structure made QTP spend lots of time to identify the objects deep to 3 layers over and over for EACH statement.

Now, they use "with" statement to dramatically improve the speed. For example, change the above statements into something like this,

With SwfWindow("name:=MdiWinRLS").SwfWindow("name:=FrmSyparm")
.SwfEdit("name:=dfSystemId").Set  "8006"
.SwfEdit("name:=dfBranchID").Set  "0"
End With





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  • 更新时间: 2007-11-06


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