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【转载】How Google Tests Software - The Life of a TE

上一篇 / 下一篇  2013-03-25 12:24:43 / 个人分类:测试技术

【转载】How Google Tests Software - Part Seven
By James Whittaker
The Life of a TE
谷歌2011年的文章,奇怪的是在国内很少看到这篇文章及其中的观点。而是看到很多公司在一边倒的倡导SDET或是SWT 测试开发工程师,我就觉得奇怪了难道所有工程师全都做UT、自动化框架、工具开发,其他领域的测试技术和知识就无需或极少投入即可,公司无需积累业务层面的测试资产。测试经理或老板就可以高枕无忧了,
TE的关键词: 端到端场景测试、探索测试、故障模式、performance and reliability
(个人观点:国内目前明显最缺的是——端到端场景测试、探索测试、故障模式。 才导致目前大部分的漏测,我也明白了为什么以前我在解决共性漏测问题时,最后都会走到这些测试技术领域。因为我们过去投入研究不够,导致组织能力的缺少)

The Test Engineer is a newer role within Google than either SWEs or SETs.
The initial engagement of the TE is to decide things such as:

• Where are the weak points in the software?

• What are the security, privacy, performance and reliability concerns?

• Do all the primary user scenarios work as expected? For all international audiences?
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• Does the product interoperate with other products (hardware and software)?
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• In the event of a problem, how good are the diagnostics?

Obviously, the work of a TE varies greatly depending on the project. Some TE’s spend much of their time programming, much like an SET, but with more of a focus on end-to-end user scenarios. Other TE's take existing code and designs determine failure modes and look for errors that will cause those failures. In such a role a TE might modify code but not create it from scratch. TE's must be more systematic and thorough in their test planning and completeness with a focus on the actual usage and system experience.

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TEs are pulled in late in the cycle to evaluate whether a project is ready for ship or if there are any major issues before an early ‘beta’ goes out. If they are brought into a newly acquired application or one in which they have little prior experience, they will often start doing some exploratory testing with little to no planning



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