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Mapinfo MIF/MID文件格式中英文对照解释

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-01-15 10:45:16 / 个人分类:地图相关

=============MapInfo MIF/MID file format descrīption=========51Testing软件测试网2shk-S;C/r V"k uc
MapInfo MIF/MID文件格式描述
k{ k+L` Z R2k,}051Testing软件测试网GOC*M5]@
 51Testing软件测试网C `z_ jF.G
(from Appendix A of MapInfo Reference)
Sv#N$]|YP Y051Testing软件测试网;f ?W9h4@&q
(摘自MapInfo参考资料的附录a)51Testing软件测试网*v9d~XL u-v_E

(B(QS%iF/R wqdDc5I0 
c KZKs+@G,P&H051Testing软件测试网zRhN[2w ^
This appendix describes the data interchange format for MapInfo. In this 
,NjT#X/X-iw!O0appendix, you will find information on:51Testing软件测试网0M4D}mX'h$}

51Testing软件测试网G[~ IQ/K
MIF File header51Testing软件测试网4gi`&xo9B

dF\.~!iW0MIF Data Section51Testing软件测试网+K([umY#Q
51Testing软件测试网 n&ESD){)a
Pen, Brush, Symbol, and Font Codes in MIF
"tI PM"`!R0k9[ I051Testing软件测试网v \t!]Ol
MID File
,GL2_%c/\C051Testing软件测试网u,p?;a%g ]
,L6l s&a"VDU~H \051Testing软件测试网wC%{:N@,YrJ
This versatile format allows generic data to be attached to a variety of
^;j&M7Y`d`051Testing软件测试网,JNV0]1NF$@ f7Q
graphical items. It's ASCII, so it is editable, relatively easy to generate,51Testing软件测试网LM^"M1Q}wL

p{-g({d/WtE0and works on all platforms supported by MapInfo. Perhaps the best way to 51Testing软件测试网e,T"r-l3x
understand the MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF) is to study the sample file 
&q2U1r e:xZK k0
%x{-f_js2o#djr4i0at the end of this appendix in conjunction with the explanation of the file 
O1[S Qz+s:M051Testing软件测试网_$zW]/k(h)MI
format. You can also create samples of your own by exporting files to MIF and 
0K]6S(\k3V.?Q0then examining those files in a text editor.51Testing软件测试网X[#w8{,VF:ue
这种通用的格式允许把普通的数据添加到多种的图像元素中。MIF/MID文件采用ASCII编码,因此它是可编辑的、相对比较容易生成、并且可以工作在MapInfo支持的所有平台上。也许理解MIF格式的最好的方法是在读完这篇文章后,拿着MIF格式说明,研究一个MIF文件。你也可以通过“exporting files to MIF”创建你自己的MIF文件,然后在文本编辑器中好好的研究它。
.YO r~I J6W}0 51Testing软件测试网|u Su E hH]
51Testing软件测试网 dJo1e,}1m:R8k
Mapinfo data is in two file -- the graphics reside in a .MIF file and textual51Testing软件测试网 fw$Ao+O]

P;Y H;kJ+G;G0data is contained in a .MID file. The textual data is delimited data, with 51Testing软件测试网[!H&^7k/^/y |n7q_ W c

(^bt b@ a0one row per record and either Carriage Return, Carriage Return plus Line Feed,51Testing软件测试网A"^?5`@ @1Z
51Testing软件测试网(b^l CEZ
or Line Feed between lines. The MIF file has two areas -- the file header and51Testing软件测试网 Q a$iJ4JQY

l)Ng]2K5W l0the data section. Information on how to create MapInfo tables is in the
d9kFg4Mt0header; the graphical object definitions are in the data section.51Testing软件测试网T1X-}G `

~ LAazAFf4I(d0MapInfo数据存在于两种文件中--图形数据存储在.MIF文件、文本数据存储在.MID文件。文本数据包括每一项记录的一行和回车,回车加换行,行之间的换行。MIF文件的数据包括两部分--文件头和数据区。文件头存放着如何创建MapInfo表格的信息;数据区存放着图形对象的解释。51Testing软件测试网I$Tv^}a^Rs

'f*I1|$w0vM0 51Testing软件测试网G3Kc%h2L0[(L

{$H e*Y$QS0=================MIF FILE HEADER===============51Testing软件测试网j I{LAWQ

d/i$IMVaD#O4t~'R F'f0This is a descrīption of MIF file header with optional information in square51Testing软件测试网v#Jr*K-\3Fz
51Testing软件测试网 Rr ["Z;? |2|

J yVek'n `6m051Testing软件测试网!vt&k.\m5OmPf^nng
Version n 51Testing软件测试网w\E XY

%UA"`&]F] s)^l4y0Charset "characterSetName"
,E9dU VS/E }!A051Testing软件测试网!j.j+_x;UC
[ DELIMITER "<c>" ] 
[ UNIQUE n,n.. ] 51Testing软件测试网(CfB^-]S1w
51Testing软件测试网p ZJ B be~Bo
[ INDEX n,n.. ]
[ COORDSYS... ] 51Testing软件测试网f zB r*ys
51Testing软件测试网 lW_tX \&Adt
/MU)NhKjE8_051Testing软件测试网/Q wa8g(i7A$M
COLUMNS n51Testing软件测试网-aC.w5P0SZ;N i
51Testing软件测试网 w#x{7B:Q%mJ
<name> <type> 
](fUO,c R I0
Us e1\ j0<name> <type> 51Testing软件测试网;^2v M-d7_kwVw

Qn6t d8O0… 
;n0vV;q {ab2Zz0
#H7N4i6Q c0
l5Np L,O!y`*S _)k`0DATA51Testing软件测试网$a`n3m WG

C h"k Z MD:R0 51Testing软件测试网)N3Hbqg7| ZD

7f#tv FO,^0 51Testing软件测试网$Z {e kHsl JiV6K

`X;G1BT01.Version 版本号
9oa-D2q[|G@051Testing软件测试网 Fg"stI
 51Testing软件测试网vZ;HK |h-@5U+j
51Testing软件测试网ZC)y ~ nZ
The Version clause states whether you are using VERSION 1, VERSION 2, or
ODo-z6|ZvM$U'ET0VERSION 300 of the format. Version 300, introduced with Mapinfo 3.0, allows51Testing软件测试网*E9dw-_m%_:vny

5d'Is0Jp*Q\,DX7[rS C0multiple-section polyline objects.
!u`2q@8T0“Version”说明你使用的MIF格式的版本(VERSION 1, VERSION 2, VERSION 300中的一种)。Version 300,引自Mapinfo 3.0,允许形容由多段组成的折线对象。
-o+m!I|!B6Z4z?051Testing软件测试网4L tT+n2h VH~9z1M1[
2.Charset 字符集
ND%u{ zx [O051Testing软件测试网vl)Gz0z&?o;M
6]?1Q_y0The Charset clause specifies which character set was used to create text in51Testing软件测试网0B~1gM1Uh
the table. For example: Specify "WindowsLatin1" to indicate that the file was
)h!G^ a/I&x#ng4cc0
3ders#~0created using the Windows US & Western Europe character set; specify51Testing软件测试网z+P0^VJ@d
51Testing软件测试网+d$V6s o C3Mj
"MacRoman" to specify the Macintosh US & Western Europe character set; or51Testing软件测试网Nqf+m$Y_Dp
51Testing软件测试网 cwI#t'f
specify "Neutral" to avoid converting the text into another character set.51Testing软件测试网 b)ewJ+b
51Testing软件测试网v y0? |!zL
If you are not using one of these character sets, you can determine the
'R [c#@g \^051Testing软件测试网)WM-b2Wf:OP `
correct syntax for your character set by exporting a table and examining the
jlBC#A%d8Y csfq Ey0
3d(N GUe0.MIF file in a text editor.51Testing软件测试网;Z H*K/OpS

!zSjIb0“Charset”指定表(此处还不知道是哪一个表)中创建文本所使用的字符集。比如说:"WindowsLatin1"说明文件使用的是the Windows US & Western Europe字符集;"MacRoman"说明文件使用的是the Macintosh US & Western Europe字符集;或者,注明"Neutral"是为了防止将文本转成了另外的字符集。如果你没有使用其中任何一个字符集,你可以通过exporting a table和examining the .MIF file in a text editor为你的字符集指定正确的语法。51Testing软件测试网? eX/z,@q,U
51Testing软件测试网 p*Wy F [K9Bz
 51Testing软件测试网3[ ?#T{H ?

D m ]&JCB,lp?g` D6N$[03.Delimiter 分隔符51Testing软件测试网)\:[%z [W@8Cf;P)M

2fn0e X0K J(o.V&?g0Specify the delimiting character in quotation marks, for example:51Testing软件测试网&|,b([2S@rk8x `$G
指定引号(即""或者'')之间的分隔符,比如说:51Testing软件测试网Tx'HyN\Y a
gq/SAg0DELIMITER ";"51Testing软件测试网 a)O H}zQ
51Testing软件测试网 `(f%uZv`
+E{}eC|9EcL/o0The default delimiter is Tab; if you are using the default, you do not need51Testing软件测试网c,Vj6FS#cA7MoP\v

@8_qyY0the DELIMITER line.51Testing软件测试网 Ybtu8O$nH
51Testing软件测试网5I z0t+T.H-Z
默认的分隔符是Tab;如果你使用的是默认分隔符,你不需要“DELIMITER”这一行。51Testing软件测试网:OA!O] I*J2Tuv

5p8X jN @f0 
d }L&@l0
_ w&q&{aj"e+Gc0
%^;lY%Qc W([z3EP:b0Specify a number. This number refers to a database column; 3 is the third
Ku6Pi)u&_9v!w c0column, 7 is the seventh column, and so forth. What happens to column in the51Testing软件测试网;\ g3a+n\'k^

BO5}6e/B'DPW0UNIQUE list is subtle. For example, imagine that you have a database with51Testing软件测试网Zm9V/DiP
highways in it. Each highway has only one name, but it might be represented51Testing软件测试网+{4M7^#nZf7l
by several segments. You would put the NAME column in the UNIQUE list, while51Testing软件测试网JE3jej_ U

x-vJ*C cwf0the column containing data for the individual segments would not be in that51Testing软件测试网}2\~#` j#\
list. This has the effect of creating two related tables; one with names,
"R%b wT yM2F051Testing软件测试网P x\f7^
and one with the other attributes of the objects. This is how MapInfo's
*\ s#pq ?AET"f0
)x+X2m(u K;N0various street maps (StreetInfo) are prepared.51Testing软件测试网WmY5dG{v

2Dp E#kb!FQ hl ?-V7W0指定一个数字。这个数字指定一个数据库的列;3是第三列,7是第七列,以此类推。发生在UNIQUE指定的列上的事情是微妙的。比如说,想象一下你建立一个高速公路的数据库。每一条路都只有一个名字,但是在每一路段中都会把名字重写一遍。这时你会把NAME这一列放在一个单独的表中,而包含每个路段的信息的其他列不会放在那个表中。这样就可以创建两个相关的表格:一个NAME表,一个包含其他信息。This is how MapInfo's various street maps(StreetInfo) are prepared.(这句不会翻译)51Testing软件测试网ckt!i4_B:L
zq~cw051Testing软件测试网jX,ZE[ x%{
5.Index 索引
B;f h#Yibcec051Testing软件测试网0]q6Y0Ai0[,G Up:E*s&j!w
To indicate that columns in the table are indexed, include a number (or a51Testing软件测试网L6p"r4~~F\2L4[

u{4R0uu,r0comma-separated list of numbers) in the Index clause. Each number refers to
?#[2Oz*S%V ]2}(rL0
V Pj^wI8Fc7Y0a database column; 3 is the third column, 7 is the seventh column, and so
-mV i_a NZ,ku0forth. Columns in the INDEX list will have indexes prepared for them.51Testing软件测试网"t!Q$@x;g _ N3L(C

g{ z\8{3H0
 51Testing软件测试网6aDoHJE@ \h

rRqm? { k0Specify the COORDSYS clause to note that the data is not stored in
&V*MF"S6I+p"~n`K}051Testing软件测试网1?!R yZb'r.G
longitude/latitude(经/纬) form. When no COORDSYS clause is specified, data is51Testing软件测试网'LcUT9?eH
51Testing软件测试网;v9T2L/v0J l },C:H
assumed to be stored in longitude/latitude forms. All coordinates are stored
IDp2k\*N$`+s051Testing软件测试网h u0D!b:MgP
with respect to the northeast quadrant. The coordinates for points in the51Testing软件测试网SYA]1az a.yq,f{6q

V6M)W+[.\6CnS/|X0United States have a negative X while coordinates for points in Europe (eastof Greenwich) have a positive X .coordinates for points in the Northern51Testing软件测试网 OQnk8S c!i d

[s&cB.I't o O'M,?0hemisphere have a positive Y while coordinates for points in the Southern
w dP WM.p3w051Testing软件测试网6]Rk!Sd(C
hemisphere have a negative Y. 51Testing软件测试网0hX3X?!N EP Sb

u9GWA8A4q4a.v fC [0指定“COORDSYS”项表示数据不是以经纬度的形式存储的。当没有指定“COORDSYS”这一项时,数据被认为是以经纬度的方式存储。All coordinates are stored with respectto the northeast quadrant.(这句话不知道怎么翻译)。 在美国的点的x坐标为负而在欧洲的点(Greenwich以东)的坐标为正。在北半球的点的y坐标为正而在南半球的点的坐标为负。51Testing软件测试网0O6wby a:O

Syntax 1:   (不大懂,最好找两个例子)
(d Q/?7P*A051Testing软件测试网-e4{(Z3f3[4pM
CoordSys Earth
"TST U3?2U.z#nvD0
F{g;b!E;pO(l O#}.^K0[ Projection type, 
*e:V$bQ+E/U/x0datum, 51Testing软件测试网:g%\;YR,cH"lV@;\u
51Testing软件测试网1[ L q)W1c.\V
[,origin_longtitude ] 
[,origin_lattitude ]51Testing软件测试网wPI C Vh
N Owi#P0M051Testing软件测试网_3A%j@Ub7F"q
1x:AY3ou |6n G0
J0]w+w:X'?+\0[,azimuth ] 51Testing软件测试网*p0J$`q#H8YdB9d1F8T8A
51Testing软件测试网w C~ q'D/[l:S
[,scale_factor ]
k~|9z.WYBn L` S051Testing软件测试网8SMz V N!Uv8sh
[,false_easting ] 
*f\)t6G;s(Jp051Testing软件测试网2R)c/D?@d9]5U m:_
F*u9TX Hv]8~x051Testing软件测试网Gh1`8PX"] E
[,range ]] 51Testing软件测试网-E0_\4hD&m.\;X D1h
[ Bounds (minx,miny) (maxx,maxy) ]51Testing软件测试网:kE4J+Jm&~
Syntax 2: 51Testing软件测试网P"Na&|.dJ

)Qo-`xz3{H0CoordSys Nonearth 
DvK vl1|e0Units unitname
4F;k9`u @'s `0
!b7k(@D o^0Bounds (minx,miny) (maxx,maxy)
"V/pl#o1{w"|1t(T3F"z$X0下面是我对“Syntax 2”的理解:
'~(]8gh/c:F1a gb|0
v(e~I,a0<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
-t!j|9St8`t0 51Testing软件测试网o!Ze-U3W)m
51Testing软件测试网\6@7|P R8pTbx
7.Transform 转换51Testing软件测试网$h%Q@Q(}Yq,Q

g4WFU/t U_?k'}&w0 
6Q_KOF]'W!p051Testing软件测试网e_T rFo:?
When you have MIF files with coordinates stored with respect to the northwest51Testing软件测试网2~B#GZh [ Q6N
51Testing软件测试网:} m~]v.S K
quadrant (quadrant 2), you can transform them to northeast quadrant
(quadrant 1) with a transform clause.
WD^0q"Y8G%ic T:Hm051Testing软件测试网D*u.e6do
!gr:qR4q051Testing软件测试网 ].H6w;}T ],Yw.f

3z;S/@+W5w0| Quadrant 2: | Quadrant 1: |
r(`\ap U&r"n#U0
x2bH,{#_0| Nortwest Quadrant | Norteast Quadrant |51Testing软件测试网9acHh8o

||2N C F W R]T0`0--------------------------------------------51Testing软件测试网i]]U:`
| Quadrant 3: | Quadrant 4: |51Testing软件测试网;f H;oP9Wk)nU r
51Testing软件测试网a[ V!@"zWx
| Southwest Quadrant | Southeast Quadrant |51Testing软件测试网2I2EF_4\II
q5PG-[ z8w_051Testing软件测试网^`-k"Ch6V9|H T
]!a-]*A| o Q0The transofrm clause has the following syntax: 51Testing软件测试网8IA y } r[q
51Testing软件测试网 V+b d5u yI
TRANSFORM Xmultiplier, Ymultiplier, Xdisplacement, Ydisplacement 51Testing软件测试网5G5H%Jhu @;cjL%X
51Testing软件测试网3|z.G[4u;t pm;g"W
o:AWYSF0To transform quadrant 2 data into quadrant 1 data, use the following51Testing软件测试网C)z\B4~(`T

w*m~5]r1r"w r0transform clause:
*mW0iH*g}1A"u1]0如果想把第2象限的数据转换到第一象限,可以像如下使用“Transform”:51Testing软件测试网s+K_ F[ejH;S aa
51Testing软件测试网 ]nWwv
51Testing软件测试网7j.I;P@ Z(v AUR
TRANSFORM -1,0,0,0
r1{ hR#s`.s051Testing软件测试网F-C t;zz[4j
The zeroes instruct MapInfo to ignore that parameter.
8y4DQ)@2DxD00告诉MapInfo忽略那一项:51Testing软件测试网+kBY-t B_,Q:|
$D n~${'X3?0
+TT9h6~!wCD&{&o7k0When you have an application which creates MIF files in quadrant 2, you can: 51Testing软件测试网-B)kNc(}
51Testing软件测试网'jjM A(C;HuzH\
当你的程序在第二象限创建MIF文件,你可以:51Testing软件测试网)^ ^m/|4IN,UF2o
Add the TRANSFORM clause to the MIF files51Testing软件测试网/x fZl1Z#i&J
Change the application so that it creates coordinates in quadrant 1
1];q}8?#bC0Change the application so that it adds a TRANSFORM clause to the MIF Files51Testing软件测试网9dS-_f c

_t(d(E5d p051Testing软件测试网`}4A1o7@s[r5rr
8.Columns 列
*z;WB/dju(b0E W'_b0
*Hh}-A/B DV/Y0 
:QBGw L!a|:~_051Testing软件测试网~}M@&dl2~*P
Specify the number of column. Then, for each column, create a row containing51Testing软件测试网B8\IVV Xy(v2c$B5Na

9XFk*L l4\'K0the column name, the column type, and, for character and decimal columns, a51Testing软件测试网A/m9VjD2]-\
number to indicate the width of the field. Valid column types are:
&j P6dC,m/LvqG0
p qJM*A zFd0指定列数。然后,为每一列,建立一行(包括the column name、the column type、一个用来指定域长度的数字--仅为character和decimal类型的列建立)用来说明其格式。有效的列类型包括:51Testing软件测试网(v6nZ&lh'T
 51Testing软件测试网3c{f4d A/D X
51Testing软件测试网b;TS n]KJ Q9b X3u O
g n B3xS%p/_8I5SA"O0
"i!sk^$S0integer        [说明:which is 4 bytes, from -2^31 to 2^31-1]
0`$}j;fs6O%M-{V ?*j0
'h-B*Uh,zZ0smallint        [说明:which is 2 bytes, so it can only store numbers between -32767 and +32767)]51Testing软件测试网9Y7oZc7x|
51Testing软件测试网B SF7B,cA){R
decimal (width, decimals)51Testing软件测试网%g;r F3L dTmj#H

J/h6?S j2Y/M/O0
A\c A2UBm0date
%D"],x!By%] o051Testing软件测试网)~Ze$g_
~ _?NR'OEz$q@"X3B0

This is an example of the columns section of the header:51Testing软件测试网Z$l5`3}-t&A'u8?-a

下面是mif文件头的COLUMNS部分的一个例子:51Testing软件测试网E \ h%_^qe8z


*hi,N;h&f m*v0

STATE char (15) 51Testing软件测试网kX,l%vSp3@


5Xi+r)th v0

AREA decimal (8,4) 51Testing软件测试网J.{L\+U9n:_S0w)V4R


L r8f0C.X8Kv0

For the database specified in this header, the MID file has three columns:


通过上面指定的数据库,我们知道对应的MID文件有三列:51Testing软件测试网 h,h5J6V_v?F vQu



a 15 character field that represents the STATE column,51Testing软件测试网;Odp#s9Q

an integer field that represents the POPULATION column,


an AREA column that consists of a decimal field with up to 8 total


and 4 character after the decimal.

9Ta&u(I8r Q&fU0

列名           列类型51Testing软件测试网;x1]Y)J6x S6iV_3o

STATE          char(15) 15位长的字符串




AREA           decimal(8,4)一个最长8位、小数点后有4位的小数

/b*W @9w;V `Y ^0


=================MIF DATA SECTION======================51Testing软件测试网[4T;] `+G3k6I


vE ?l]+m'|7aM3s0

The data section of the MIF file follows the header and must be introduced


with DATA on a single line: 

#Cu _5\4~7i)BK0







 51Testing软件测试网;Rd|7g rYn%['mZe

The data section of the MIF file can have any number of graphical primitives,51Testing软件测试网lmw[r"?

one for each graphic object. MapInfo matches up entries in the MIF and MID51Testing软件测试网.\:~5IFg2c"K

files, associating the first object in the MIF file with the first row in the51Testing软件测试网;N J:_lk q!?

MID file, the second object in the MIF file with the second row in the MID51Testing软件测试网7R2G1U$iz)X[-p!?

file, and so on.


MIF文件的数据部分可以包括任意长度的图形变量,其中每一项对映着一个图形对象。MapInfo自动使MIFMID文件里面的每一条相一致,比如说:MIF文件的第一个object对应着MID文件的第一行,MIF文件的第二个object对应着MID文件的第二行。51Testing软件测试网 ]F,`~*n"L&S)t

When there is no graphic object corresponding to a particular row in the MID51Testing软件测试网P)XB'{0HV;o

file, a "blank" object (NONE) must be written as a place holder in the


corresponding place in the MIF file. 51Testing软件测试网W ZF6}$H P:q!A



3~p&i1n Z:N K0



 51Testing软件测试网iV;L-mY H(s

The graphical objects that can be specified are: 

TiM"z XS4tD G0


 51Testing软件测试网1a+i#c3C5m1GQ A3u%O

point         //51Testing软件测试网.OPY`)Bx"c;r

line          //线51Testing软件测试网Y:[5y7f$v#i

polyline      //折线51Testing软件测试网CE MSB'tB

region        //区域51Testing软件测试网+]-c(V`z4a.A

arc           //

/J*Xx7J7[ d0

text          //文本51Testing软件测试网)Z tn~#}#is"vRIaM!v

rectangle     //矩形


rounded rectangle  //圆矩(即4个角做“钝化”处理的矩形)

7^!i O~o0

ellipse       //椭圆


 51Testing软件测试网V,@qm&L TI[



A point object takes two parameters; an X coordinate and a Y coordinate. As an

6Z G g*r@RGQ0

option, specify the symbol that represents the point. Symbols are designated51Testing软件测试网_QpZ E\

by numbers. If you omit the SYMBOL clause, the current symbol is used.

$[ l oNr6[9N7[,]0

 51Testing软件测试网0Rn+b m;BQ8|

POINT x y 

!h2_ E(R%H3t%Z-`]0

[ SYMBOL (shape, color, size) ]51Testing软件测试网w @AG}

 51Testing软件测试网~|R5Rn:O l u

MapInfo 4.0 also supports two variations on the SYMBOL clause; see Symbol

_$? e4h/\ t']0

discussion later in this appendix.

W[:Lb(s)zx ]0


ar ^'e!o&jMc0

A line object requires four parameters; an X and a Y coordinate for each end51Testing软件测试网;E8dY/^D\%YO U

point. As an option, specify a pen type. When no pen type is specified,51Testing软件测试网#S$mp#L:n8Z5W M#@ q

the current pen type is used. 51Testing软件测试网#M q1b0AW&G'i


LINE x1 y1 x2 y251Testing软件测试网)Ow Z,JEbl

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]51Testing软件测试网 a:n(wB"jb


PeMzhL j5O0

A polyline object consists of one or more sections. If the polyline has more51Testing软件测试网:y9d"k5]-}1x"j RH%N$Q

than one section, include the MULTIPLE keyword, followed by the number of51Testing软件测试网J emX!Nz8ooG_f4U5{

sections. For each section, specify a numpts argument (which indicates the51Testing软件测试网'f;uJ4X#aF

number of nodes in that section), followed by an x/y coordinate pair for each

(E6jKuv FA7e0

node. Use the optional PEN clause (described later in this appendix) tospecify the line style. If you include the optional SMOOTH keyword, the51Testing软件测试网,w.S,YpvF:o"|
51Testing软件测试网C;Dr e8Q W _1R
polyline is smoothed.  51Testing软件测试网Fh VMz.s
51Testing软件测试网/yf:|z&tz? o
8H:u\)K"o ilc051Testing软件测试网;lHB |e`2l"djTO"U
PLINE [ MULTIPLE numsections ]
)`%Ew+K L7D/Nc0
v Ju)bOBV0numpts1  
Rh!Q4lK p/Q7n(P:T0
i$d|+TG)\ p a0x1 y1  51Testing软件测试网_@pbo*N

:v1v8W6UM5^m!A0x2 y2
ie M^H8@0
W2f&v6wna m_pm051Testing软件测试网| lwV#m }V*k
51Testing软件测试网.O_v cgWu9q{i

:Iv.E}`f0[ numpts 2  
e U6q'l7P"o-LE"?p051Testing软件测试网#l&W;[U2L6U3Ii
x1 y1  
cbG7{r ^0x2 y2 ]51Testing软件测试网9r[4c K q#RM{9}*Q
51Testing软件测试网O CCN P6Y2B([
51Testing软件测试网 ^)j(H!Lk9Y7v ZOJ

1aa"|G | CL0f9j0
m;b~Q%Ed051Testing软件测试网)n F!^%a vv
[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]  
&W1f'kKk Gus0[ SMOOTH ]
A region object consists of one or more polygons(多边形). Specify the number of
2K't1_1JoC4RG;W _ W0GX0polygons through the numpolygons argument (immediately after the REGION51Testing软件测试网{P+N!Y6Z-@/UCJp5P f&X
keyword). For each polygon, specify a numpts argument (which indicates the51Testing软件测试网N,DO1z#k}5z1P

?!x)E E Q`s3])? i0number of nodes in that polygon), followed by an x/y coordinate pair for each51Testing软件测试网2\ B[;Jt"G VV9X

b%bd(yF0m0h.P W0node. Use the optional PEN and BRUSH clauses (described later in this51Testing软件测试网7H:M9m+Q%x&jfp?

5{k,~ n BO S\6`0appendix) to specify the object's style. Use the optional CENTER clause to
BO^B#f;_.hz,T051Testing软件测试网)B!k8X\ Z4FO7Wf-E(~
define the object's centroid explicitly.51Testing软件测试网II'T2?0X*F]y

'ch8BCJ'`t0 51Testing软件测试网)V I8O*@4Y&C
51Testing软件测试网1G/m0? e3iU
REGION numpolygons51Testing软件测试网'W/siW6|[

RJ8z+yzz0numpts1  51Testing软件测试网P.Yi^(SkH

{$I9E6ok9qU0x1 y1  51Testing软件测试网b-W'Yh~,M2TYjl
x2 y2
5rb.dhvh XWb0
cA KuHBk0
X DB)K-Q5S_]0
/Q;m*}d W(k I051Testing软件测试网 @M*E Cbb7^

V)Q"L i J&v4S0[ numpts 2  
7W6wD xHf0
Z AK6QPX^%dhL]G0x1 y1  51Testing软件测试网!`:LpJ:~X,{V7iw

xqz{a$G!O0R0x2 y251Testing软件测试网%yz:l5my2od\

$RG4E1x:q _/o0OEMt0
51Testing软件测试网3el{}1p5Cp5~5f u
[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]51Testing软件测试网` [heD4M Pz:L,F

`T-@(E b#uD2k0[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]  
*`R,KsZv/a0[ CENTER x y ]51Testing软件测试网"rur2[&HQ:t:g

n&` }`I KgC0---------arc------------51Testing软件测试网7\!v h@0e/J(|

8SH$_Pcv)`V0An arc requires the diagonally opposite corners of its bounding rectangle51Testing软件测试网/i'h@O2?
51Testing软件测试网s5A ~}@"_ni
and the beginning (a) and ending (b) angles of the arc in degrees, moving
z _I{m/}3?051Testing软件测试网;RQ;_t?:`9rj2O)o!W^
counter-clockwise with zero at three o'clock. As an option, specify the arc51Testing软件测试网c6OGL'KW

(H%}e6OW9\L _d0type. (An arc specifies a section of an ellipse, the corners of which are51Testing软件测试网 g Ny+X#O v%tznz8X

WQ5bBowJG0B0determined by the bounding rectangle.)  51Testing软件测试网'}FU5CA/[)w

QI#L#wcTY [0 51Testing软件测试网4Wv*@^Pjtu
ARC x1 y1 x2 y2  
a b
+hq,Sum4l ]051Testing软件测试网j^"h9|X!vx\
[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]
ci'^9gE7Zn#v*Y051Testing软件测试网-[ d"Z-u#Bz
2sTZ+pR5~4c V051Testing软件测试网S(s8x5] ie9T-r:rE
A text object consists of a text string, up to 255 characters long. To make51Testing软件测试网)eY7G,M&cR+\ X&y
the text string wrap onto multiple lines, insert the characters n within the51Testing软件测试网a,lwyfW

!fp:z*F#jH)d.}!P?:Ot0textstring argument (e.g. "First line nSecond line nThird line". The x1,51Testing软件测试网R4wNqh)jW:nF$n7s)M

q$d'vLg0y1, x2, and y2 arguments specify the location of the text on the map.51Testing软件测试网-G6K`)U?x"R!\)i

;lM4K*h8j9f)i#Sm l0 
8E E3vW(v%K0
;r[NR pS0Spacing can be 1.0 (single spacing), 1.5, or 2.0 (double spacing). Use the
,@b)ah.V H0
ak8T P x0y c0Font clause (described later in this chapter) to control the typeface, etc.51Testing软件测试网Q\/K{C'^L
51Testing软件测试网t0i b AY AH9j6[B
 51Testing软件测试网#yfU)f [_ q
TEXT "textstring"  
k"v`ta U0
0GT` Y F7I0x1 y1 x2 y2  
{.c] h^ c`051Testing软件测试网c] ^@\T PD&~
[ FONT... ]
3j4} g#_&P,o"q0
8M#F:Q[4cM0[ Spacing {1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0} ]51Testing软件测试网J x&P h [ t:]M3jQ(c

5O,QV`P&|3kF UFM/q0[ Justify {Left | Center | Right } ]  51Testing软件测试网~%wSz8{;H*XN

I/w6X3O-~`&u v0[ Angle text_angle ]51Testing软件测试网Ck-Or;EK

:E(s8SVr?,_P eP0[ Label Line {simple | arrow} x y ]
P6At#X/_XO8dJ!fVW051Testing软件测试网 O/^(X)c1n/r
------------rectangle-----------------51Testing软件测试网7a9AL5wI} z
51Testing软件测试网c+Aw N ^,dL
A rectangle requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners. As51Testing软件测试网4Q XV'^5Y'e `U
51Testing软件测试网^\W9x mzVv1_

an option, specify pen and brush types. 51Testing软件测试网!F7eJ7}:?%`\"co

 51Testing软件测试网 qnNmp X}IQ

RECT x1 y1 x2 y251Testing软件测试网e/Y }@6}?`&d2c8O

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]51Testing软件测试网4VG I|3O/Rb

[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]

K nz^*k9B?A#a4S0

------------rounded rectangle------------------51Testing软件测试网1t3\A5FeGQ

A rounded rectangle requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite51Testing软件测试网V2i W*{8\

corners and the degree of rounding (a). As an option, specify pen and brush51Testing软件测试网j%}g @hqSM;Q!_

types. Degree of rounding is expressed in coordinate units.



ROUNDRECT x1 y1 x2 y2 

2D.ht |es0


J rJ1e!Cz1c|"X0

[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]51Testing软件测试网5O WWG3@l@

[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]51Testing软件测试网GD-a6Jd

------------ellipse---------------------51Testing软件测试网U2G hg` `3KD

An ellipse object requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners

.i? n0Q1si2m T0

of its bounding rectangle. As an option, specify pen and brush types.51Testing软件测试网^7AE `.thX9B


/CmC D6T0e$mw&? Z0

ELLIPSE x1 y1 x2 y2 


[ PEN (width, pattern, color) ]


[BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor) ]



8}g!VtqV4w E0




/w [&[,q)y$b tn0

The Pen clause specifies the width, pattern, and color of a linear object,


such as a line, polyline or arc. The Pen clause has the following syntax:51Testing软件测试网id2T |%x1^}I`Rb



PEN (width, pattern, color)

%O_w:T S)B0



Width is a number from zero to 7. Note: zero-width lines are invisible.

.E'z/l{U-~ D0

Color is an integer, representing a 24-bit RGB color value.


Pattern is an integer from 1 to 77; patter number 1 is invisible.




Due to a limitness of a text file patterns cannot be shown, however they are

.Fv n0E7v w0

available in MapInfo Refernce book. More info can be obtained by contacting


 51Testing软件测试网5Zo9O6[T4q y

MapInfo. (http://www.mapinfo.com on internet)


===============================================51Testing软件测试网,ADe/t9|8ZB'M6t Bc'E

BRUSH STYLES51Testing软件测试网7x[ U`*K/rr


Cv9F"Yc\ [9jap0

Brush specifies the pattern, foreground color, and background color of a


filled object, such as a circle or region. The Brush clause has the following51Testing软件测试网0n'a eP~0XP_

syntax: 51Testing软件测试网\W d2yX`O

 51Testing软件测试网+^Ob9i rXJ?

BRUSH (pattern, forecolor [, backcolor ] )51Testing软件测试网Z1V'd|_8~u-dz


The forecolor and backcolor arguments are both integers, representing 24-bit

9a Wci+B7Vq1fA0

RGB color values.


Pattern is a number from 1 to 71. Note: Pattern number 1 is "no fill," and51Testing软件测试网EpC |a"L^L Gl

pattern number 2 is a solid fill. Pattern numbers 9-11 are reserved.

!KTCt!Q`5\!k ^0


Tip: To specify a transparent fill style, use pattern number three or larger,51Testing软件测试网H`"X0OAj

and omit the backcolor argument. For example: Brush( 5, 255 )



Due to a limitness of a text file patterns cannot be shown, however they are

V2]g!` FL#G0

available in MapInfo Refernce book. More info can be obtained by contacting



MapInfo. (http://www.mapinfo.com on internet)






 51Testing软件测试网s{S g~^t A

The Symbol clause specifies the appearance of a Point object. There are

%?T Q8M6V`/TJ(CU"A9h0

three different forms of the Symbol clause, described below.

CV \9s2` \+p0



Symbol Clause

A?Xk Y?051Testing软件测试网(a+~5ikMvx F%{NQl

-- MapInfo 3.0 Syntax

kBFQu fl(o0


Y9M-w} ]YY ? V0

The Symbol clause specifies the appearance of a Point object. There are51Testing软件测试网&AfC st8`

three different forms of the Symbol clause. To specify a symbol style using51Testing软件测试网RY~.QwA

"Old MapInfo Symbols" (the symbols that were used in earlier version of51Testing软件测试网s6j+or/Ipb)cR

MapInfo), use the following syntax: 51Testing软件测试网Mz(f?;G t#QS-x



SYMBOL (shape, color, size)

/}v [H,?w D"I0

 51Testing软件测试网lB3r X3CB

The shape argument is an integer value, 31 or larger; 31 represents a blank51Testing软件测试网xRPBP(a `

symbol (i.e. the object will not be visible). The standard set of symbols51Testing软件测试网#]E?)L"nn8]

includes symbols 32 through 67, inclusive, but the user can customize the51Testing软件测试网 e r8WsbyA

symbol set by using the Symbol application.51Testing软件测试网pP d\'h^)L

The color argument is an integer representing a 24-bit RGB color value.


The size argument is an integer from 1 to 48, representing a point size.

HD#R!V'uE_D iX0

 51Testing软件测试网N(\ b-nlQ@9}

The following table lists the default symbols provided with Mapinfo:51Testing软件测试网M%I#Yg)^f"O ]qn8i



Due to a limitness of a text file symbols cannot be shown, however they are51Testing软件测试网$t S$?FP nfj

available in MapInfo Refernce book. More info can be obtained by contacting51Testing软件测试网 p/f4r H!_ o |&c @

MapInfo. (http://www.mapinfo.com on internet)




Symbol Clause -- TrueType Font Syntax


 51Testing软件测试网*L&m"{0h/HG l

To specify a symbol style based on a character from a TrueType font, use51Testing软件测试网 `%N][+`1u\a+\

the following syntax:51Testing软件测试网z M |,rye;H


SYMBOL (shape, color, size, fontname, fontstyle, rotation)



The fontstyle argument is an integer that controls settings such as Bold.

B'WPc M h0

The following table lists the values you can use as fontstyle.51Testing软件测试网;^b2r2e)u*mhD


e bA8^&@J;P]P8L'c0

--------------------------------------------51Testing软件测试网0~ ^$T"Pv+g;I

fontstyle value Effect on Symbol style

nz5F]*R-@W ]T H0


0 Plain text


1 Bold text 51Testing软件测试网r|p o)DIs C

16 Black border around symbol51Testing软件测试网:{(sr%L}8Z

32 Drop shadow 51Testing软件测试网;p2^T jC,G2A+Eb3}8T*z

256 White border around symbol51Testing软件测试网YuA%{{`l

--------------------------------------------51Testing软件测试网!R W;\&b:O/l

 51Testing软件测试网Fo] {5j

To specify two or more style attributes, add the values from the lef column.51Testing软件测试网'rY` Hz

For example, to specify Bold and Drop Shadow, use 33.

3UEjX Zdk@0

The rotation argument is a floating-point number, representing a rotation

3Eo }T(q v1I6d0

angle, in degrees.

MOQN j+@0



Symbol clause - Custom Bitmap File Syntax51Testing软件测试网D9dG2lE


To specify a symbol style based on a character from a TrueType font, use the

vpg|0t*c l0

following syntax: 51Testing软件测试网0nPZ/j\.f



SYMBOL (filename, color, size, customstyle)



8O| @Q7^]0

The filename argument is a text string that identifies a bitmap file (e.g.51Testing软件测试网B7v*z!V^3s

"Arrow.BMP" in the CustSymb directory.



The customstyle argument is an integer that controls whether color and


background attributes are used. The following table lists the values

T/P zh-l:|0


!v K3wD!Q(~ I3SS0

you can use as customstyle:




f1^ zC+l+B7u2z0

customstyle value Effect on Symbol style



z Sc:`Q-T0

0 Both the S

b7d.e"c$[ cq0

GbH~?7@$n kat0hadow Background setting and the51Testing软件测试网7I/U-b#{ PP+]#[

Apply Color setting are off; symbol appears51Testing软件测试网r!I's@@,j

in default states. White pixels in the bitmap51Testing软件测试网9[.d1]B `+Q)L\

appear transparent, allowing whatever is


behind the symbol to show through.




1 The Show Background setting is on; white

j?8S.b&U1s L/ma&R0

pixels in the image are opaque.

0hCk0\r d0


2 The Apply Color setting is on; non-white


colors in the image are replaced with the51Testing软件测试网f~$Kz8M F2b

Symbol's color value.51Testing软件测试网 M}4Vx\

 51Testing软件测试网s$V QK-CM

3 Both Show Background and Apply Color settings


are on.51Testing软件测试网L"vh5U ~7U ipe






1R eo.}!]F0



The Font clause specifies the appearance (typeface, color, etc.) or text


objects. The Font clause has the following syntax:

FMnJ&{Ml r0we0



FONT ("fontname", style, size, forecolor [, backcolor] )51Testing软件测试网e^&sI@

 51Testing软件测试网*G[;kz{5o t c M

Fontname in double quotation marks is the typeface to be displayed. Style is


the text attribute of the typeface as shown in the following table. Size

5bx_ Vw1o6R)G|/G.kS0

must be0 ina MIF file, because each text object on a Map is attached to

f@R nIwF;|0

the map itself (thus the text size changes as you zoom in or out). Forecolor


is an integer representing a 24-bit RGB color. The background color is


optional; if you include it, MapInfo fills the are behind the text with the51Testing软件测试网~]q's6e?

color you specify.

'xW%tK"{ o0




style value Effect on Font Appearance51Testing软件测试网*K3qLv$q7h

--------------------------------------51Testing软件测试网\/C.}fh~ x XQ#w



0 Plain 1 Bold


2 Italic 4 Underline


16 Outline (only supported on the Macintosh)


32 Shadow 256 Halo


512 All Caps 1024 Expanded51Testing软件测试网"ZU*|cY7V5E



--------------------------------------51Testing软件测试网o kPY?hw/\-[


To specify two or more style attributes, add the values from the left column.


For example, to specify Bold and All Caps, use 513.51Testing软件测试网Y{``Y }"W1@-M C


COLORS51Testing软件测试网I?S9q'M d


Colors are often defined in relative concentractions of red, green, and blue.51Testing软件测试网5{MZ Ynn,x1U

Each color is a number from 0 to 255, inclusive; the RGB value of a color is51Testing软件测试网V8M@-C5z#E \ N

calculated by the following formula: 51Testing软件测试网 U!u+pMe?xF


E(L{!Mw Z0

(red * 65536) + (green * 256) + blue

3s(c jt c1G!H:w0


s/O I1?_4C%f]0

These are some often used colors and their values: 51Testing软件测试网^'k MM l)M+x'O

 51Testing软件测试网/JE z8CH,D

Red: 16711680


Green: 65280 


Blue: 255 


Cuan: 6553551Testing软件测试网~&Rb$k[.Kv)[{CZ

Magenta: 16711935 51Testing软件测试网 u5G1ta0F,M:G

Yellow: 16776960 

z0aJ&i G S/D5kk0E.@0

Black: 051Testing软件测试网f tU m+A1[:f%C#G


2DT P)p8~\0


g;k;?H,y @ G0


;fr ^^ DN-LG-n0

=====================MID FILE=================

'UXj |dC0



The MID file contains data,

9RV ^&J ~2X0

one record of data per row, delimited by the51Testing软件测试网z+E HLfa[!W!W
51Testing软件测试网e$F H7nm@.O3i8q
character specified in the delimiter statement. The default delimiter is
Au'Ho!O8zG051Testing软件测试网 p7O\;dN5o8g b
Tab. Each row in the MID file is associated with a corresponding object in
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the MIF file; first row with first object, second row with second object.51Testing软件测试网gf)Zby} C^EGc

s*QD/d_$L,v$g0If delimiter character is included as part of the data in a field, enclose
the field in quotation marks.51Testing软件测试网kfhM1h5xfO

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Q$[~.[r0The MID file is an optional file. When ther is no MID file, all fields are blank.51Testing软件测试网Q1wx8j8w

vt5_$SB7T j/e M0x^)C0文章出处:http://www.diybl.com/course/3_program/rg/200865/122545_12.html
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