Virtual Mathine Material List

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-12-12 00:28:09 / 个人分类:Virtualization


N [#roS3pP|&I0Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the Haystack- Andrew Whitaker et al. - OSDI 2004

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Proceedings of the workshop on virtual computer systems- ACM 197351Testing软件测试网 b?2yB~4d c/Liw

#L eRz`1`.d3t$z0On the relationship between virtual machines and emulators- Efrem G. Mallach - Workshop on virtual computer systems
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o~/]xWOT0Survey of Virtual Machine Research- Robert P. Goldberg - IEEE Computer 197451Testing软件测试网+Ao)q9cth b%q(p)M

1y8{ aK/D#?.B'} N0Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Generation Architectures- Gerald J. Popek, Robert P. Goldberg - CACM, July 1974, pp. 412-421.
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VM/370--A study of multiplicity and usefulness- L.H. Seawright et al. - IBM Systems Journal 197951Testing软件测试网7e t:mPB H2Bbj?
The Origin of the VM/370 Time-Sharing System- R.J. Creasy - IBM Journal of Research and Development 1981
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System/370 Extended Architecture: Facilities for Virtual Machines- P. H. Gum - IBM Journal of Research and Development 1983
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Using the SimOS Machine Simulator to Study Complex Computer Systems- Mendel Rosenblum et al. - ACM TOMACS 199751Testing软件测试网?$]LXFW4HfI,b
Embra: Fast and Flexible machine Simulation- Emmett Witchel and Mendel Rosenblum - ACM SIGMETRICS 1996
9F]|,X'u'VQ2n0Other SimOS Papers
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1q$e` {;RWH,@0Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems On Scalable Multiprocessors- Edouard Bugnion et al. - TOCS 1997
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Cellular Disco: resource management using virtual clusters on shared-memory multiprocessors- Kinshuk Govil et al. - TOCS51Testing软件测试网]zR/ti_ dP)|E

!D o/Q2|TF0Disco Web Site
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Y:qquTPv0Optimizing the Migration of Virtual Computers- Constantine P. Sapuntzakis et al. - OSDI 200251Testing软件测试网$K7Q,X|nIK:L-O

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Virtualizing I/O Devices on VMware Workstation's Hosted Virtual Machine Monitor- Jeremy Sugerman et al. - 2001 USENIX ATC51Testing软件测试网D}Obt`4Ft6I
Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server- Carl Waldspurger - OSDI 2002
8H0w2R+Q'X/R d8L$B0VMWare Web Site- Various product information51Testing软件测试网o Y7v!YC
VMWare Patents


Shade: A Fast Instruction-Set Simulator for Execution Profiling- Robert Cmelik, David Keppel - ACM Sigmetrics 199451Testing软件测试网 zro Z9D!M

!{Q%o1C#atEn!F^0Scale and performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel- Andrew Whitaker et al. - OSDI 2002
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|/Ruv`9r fa@8h`0Xen and the Art of Virtualization- Paul Barham, et al. - SOSP 200351Testing软件测试网qa7h m9T

||3DTw0Restructuring I/O (Xen's second generation I/O architecture)- Keir Fraser, et al. - Technical Report51Testing软件测试网?$u L`k0`
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Operating System Support for Virtual Machines- Samuel T. King et al. - USENIX ATC 200351Testing软件测试网yr}K J Ww
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Analysis of the Intel Pentium's Ability to Support a Secure Virtual Machine Monitor- John Scott Robin et al. - USENIX Security Symp. 2000
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u\L4KW{d0ReVirt: Enabling Intrusion Analysis through Virtual-Machine Logging and Replay- G. W. Dunlap et al. - OSDI 2002
Qg6P Tz)o!V~9}0NetTop- Notes on a current VM-based secure platform - 2002
h3v)p.g&q0Terra: A Virtual Machine-Based Platform for Trusted Computing- Tal Garfinkel et al. - SOSP 2003


Microkernels Meet Recursive Virtual Machines- Bryan Ford et al. - OSDI 199651Testing软件测试网i'Ow"s%u:{s
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Running multiple operating systems concurrently on an IA32 PC using virtualization techniques- Kevin Lawton - 199951Testing软件测试网/Aq.\-M!|@

4P.H)[lc%h^0A user-mode port of the Linux kernel- Jeff Dike - USENIX ALS 200051Testing软件测试网VX4t n['} K4c.i
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When Virtual is Better Than Real- P. Chen et al. - Hot OS 200151Testing软件测试网x7?0K!U*{Ck gY-ax

j/\i#{3z+WZ0Hypervisor-based Fault-tolerance- Thomas C. Bressoud and Fred Schneider - SOSP 199551Testing软件测试网`C pw|6R)N%g/]
An Overview of Virtual Machine Architectures- J. E. Smith - Book Chapter 200451Testing软件测试网 M\*gh c2?%E"e2D
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Another Virtualization Reading List- Peter Dinda - Northwestern University51Testing软件测试网h g*`rU2Wr
Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the Haystack- Andrew Whitaker et al. - OSDI 200451Testing软件测试网[a#bzrFo#]&`
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Devirtualizable Virtual Machines: Enabling General, Single-Node, Online Maintenance- David Lowell et al. - ASPLOS 200451Testing软件测试网1My?Z)C8{Ek

GX)Q AAn0Invitational Workshop on the Future of Virtual Execution Environments 200451Testing软件测试网u5L'US?KT9TUz


TAG: 虚拟机 Virtualization




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