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Get the Browser associated with any Test Object

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-10-09 10:31:03 / 个人分类:QTP

copy from:http://www.softwareinquisition.com/2006/03/quicktest-pro-get-the-browser-associated-with-any-test-object

QuickTest Pro: Get the Browser associated with any Test ObjectMarch 9, 2006

It is pretty common for me to write QTP functions that take a Frame as an argument and only operate within that frame. This works out pretty well until I have to address the browser where the frame resides. I can always set a local oBrowser object to the frame's GetTOProperty("parent"), but what if I am working with a table that resides within a frame within a Browser? What if I don't know how many levels up the tree the browser is. I wrote a small function that will return the browser object from the tree of any object no matter how deeply nested.
   SetoWebObject2 = oWebObject
       SetoWebObject2 = oWebObject2.GetTOProperty("parent")
   SetWebObjectGetBrowser = oWebObject2

Now, with the WebObjectGetBrowser function if I am operating on a table and need to do a sync before the next operation to keep an exist(0) from failing, I can use code like this.

'...operating on the object oTable...
SetōBrowser = WebObjectGetBrowser(oTable)
'...continue working with oTable...

This works, but it is still one line too long and creates the oBrowser object that isn't otherwise necessary. I do a lot of syncing, so I wrote another function and registered it to WebTable, Frame and several other classes.

   SetōBrowser = WebObjectGetBrowser(oWebObject)
'...more register entries

Now my previous two lines can be reduced to one.





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