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Physical Diagrams

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-03-30 15:30:51 / 个人分类:Testing

Physical Diagrams

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O@z*Q4jh:SS U0There are two types of physical diagrams:deployment diagramsandcomponent diagrams.  Deployment diagrams show the physical relationship between hardware and software in a system.  Component diagrams show the software components of a system and how they are related to each other.  These relationships are called dependencies. 1


When to Use: Physical Diagrams


Physical diagrams are used when development of the system is complete.  Physical diagrams are used to give descrīptions of the physical information about a system.  51Testing软件测试网,Q#civ}5U@

How to Draw: Physical Diagrams

G@&nWL2f-Z0Many times the deployment and component diagrams are combined into one physical diagram.  A combined deployment and component diagram combines the features of both diagrams into one diagram.  51Testing软件测试网/CT s-\0By'D|

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The deployment diagram contains nodes and connections.  A node usually represents a piece of hardware in the system.  A connection depicts the communication path used by the hardware to communicate and usually indicates a method such as TCP/IP.  

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The component diagram contains components and dependencies.  Components represent the physical packaging of a module of code.  The dependencies between the components show how changes made to one component may affect the other components in the system.  Dependencies in a component diagram are represented by a dashed line between two or more components.  Component diagrams can also show the interfaces used by the components to communicate to each other. 151Testing软件测试网7}b\$_q:Fg o

+r_;f;|}0The combined deployment and component diagram below gives a high level physical descrīption of the completed system.  The diagram shows two nodes which represent two machines communicating through TCP/IP.  Component2 is dependant on component1, so changes to component 2 could affect component1. The diagram also depicts component3 interfacing with component1.  This diagram gives the reader a quick overall view of the entire system.  

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