

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-07-13 22:09:38 / 个人分类:数据库






这两种数据类型是等效的。都有两个参数:p(精度)和s(小数位数)。p指定小数点左边和右边可以存储的十进制数字的最大个数,p必须是从 1到38之间的值。s指定小数点右边可以存储的十进制数字的最大个数,s必须是从0到p之间的值,默认小数位数是0。

real:从-3.40^38到3.40^38之间的浮点数字数据。在SQL Server中,real的同义词为float(24)。





select f from t where f = N'xx'


2、char 和相同长度的varchar处理速度差不多(后面还有说明)




6、O/R Mapping中对应实体的属性类型一般是以string居多,用char[]的非常少,所以如果按mapping的合理性来说,可变长度的类型更加吻合

7、一般基础资料表中的name在实际查询中基本上全部是使用like '%xx%'这种方式,而这种方式是无法利用索引的,所以如果对于此种字段,索引建了也白建


9、varchar的存放和string是一样原理的,即length {block}这种方式,所以varchar的长度和它实际占用空间是无关的






SQL 语法参考手册

    DB2 提供了关连式资料库的查询语言 SQL (Structured Query Language),是一种非常口语化、既易学又易懂的语法。 此一语言几乎是每个资料库系统都必须提供的,用以表示关连式的操作,包含了资料的定义(DDL)以及资料的处理(DML)。SQL原来拼成SEQUEL,这语言的原型以“系统 R“的名字在 IBM 圣荷西实验室完成,经过IBM内部及其他的许多使用性及效率测试,其结果相当令人满意,并决定在系统R 的技术基础发展出来 IBM 的产品。而且美国国家标准学会(ANSI)及国际标准化组织(ISO)在1987遵循一个几乎是以 IBM SQL 为基础的标准关连式资料语言定义。

一、资料定义 DDL(Data Definition Language)

        CREATE TABLE table_name(
        column2 DATATYPE [NOT NULL],
            DATATYPE --是资料的格式,详见表。
            NUT NULL --可不可以允许资料有空的(尚未有资料填入)。
            PRIMARY KEY --是本表的主键。

        ALTER TABLE table_name
        ADD COLUMN column_name DATATYPE
        ALTER TABLE table_name
        ADD PRIMARY KEY (column_name)
        ALTER TABLE table_name
        DROP PRIMARY KEY (column_name)

        CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)

        DROP table_name
        DROP index_name

二、的资料形态 DATATYPEs
                16 位元的整数。
                32 位元的整数。
                p 精确值和 s 大小的十进位整数,精确值p是指全部有几个数(digits)大小值,s是指小数
                点後有几位数。如果没有特别指定,则系统会设为 p=5; s=0 。
                n 长度的字串,n不能超过 254。
                长度不固定且其最大长度为 n 的字串,n不能超过 4000。
                和 char(n) 一样,不过其单位是两个字元 double-bytes, n不能超过127。这个形态是为
                可变长度且其最大长度为 n 的双字元字串,n不能超过 2000。
                包含了 年份、月份、日期。
                包含了 小时、分钟、秒。
                包含了 年、月、日、时、分、秒、千分之一秒。

三、资料操作 DML (Data Manipulation Language)
    资料定义好之後接下来的就是资料的操作。资料的操作不外乎增加资料(insert)、查询资料(query)、更改资料(update) 、删除资料(delete)四种模式,以下分 别介绍他们的语法:

        INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,...)
        VALUES ( value1,value2, ...)
            1.若没有指定column 系统则会按表格内的栏位顺序填入资料。
            3.table_name 也可以是景观 view_name。

        INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,...)
        SELECT columnx,columny,... FROM another_table

        SELECT column1,columns2,...
        FROM table_name
        说明:把table_name 的特定栏位资料全部列出来
        SELECT *
        FROM table_name
        WHERE column1 = xxx
        [AND column2 > yyy] [OR column3 <> zzz]
            2.WHERE 之後是接条件式,把符合条件的资料列出来。

        SELECT column1,column2
        FROM table_name
        ORDER BY column2 [DESC]
        说明:ORDER BY 是指定以某个栏位做排序,[DESC]是指从大到小排列,若没有指明,则是从小到大

        SELECT *
        FROM table1,table2
        WHERE table1.colum1=table2.column1
            1.查询两个表格中其中 column1 值相同的资料。

        SELECT COUNT (*)
        FROM table_name
        WHERE column_name = xxx
        SELECT SUM(column1)
        FROM table_name
            2.除此以外还有 AVG() 是计算平均、MAX()、MIN()计算最大最小值的整合性查询。
        SELECT column1,AVG(column2)
        FROM table_name
        GROUP BY column1
        HAVING AVG(column2) > xxx
            1.GROUP BY: 以column1 为一组计算 column2 的平均值必须和 AVG、SUM等整合性查询的关键字
            2.HAVING : 必须和 GROUP BY 一起使用作为整合性的限制。

        SELECT *
        FROM table_name1
        WHERE EXISTS (
        SELECT *
        FROM table_name2
        WHERE conditions )
            1.WHERE 的 conditions 可以是另外一个的 query。
            2.EXISTS 在此是指存在与否。
        SELECT *
        FROM table_name1
        WHERE column1 IN (
        SELECT column1
        FROM table_name2
        WHERE conditions )
            1. IN 後面接的是一个集合,表示column1 存在集合里面。
            2. SELECT 出来的资料形态必须符合 column1。

        SELECT *
        FROM table_name1
        WHERE column1 LIKE 'x%'
        说明:LIKE 必须和後面的'x%' 相呼应表示以 x为开头的字串。
        SELECT *
        FROM table_name1
        WHERE column1 IN ('xxx','yyy',..)
        说明:IN 後面接的是一个集合,表示column1 存在集合里面。
        SELECT *
        FROM table_name1
        WHERE column1 BETWEEN xx AND yy
        说明:BETWEEN 表示 column1 的值介於 xx 和 yy 之间。

        UPDATE table_name
        SET column1='xxx'
        WHERE conditoins
            2.conditions 是所要符合的条件、若没有 WHERE 则整个 table 的那个栏位都会全部被更改。

           DELETE FROM table_name
           WHERE conditions

  (1)如果是ACCESS数据库,则为:WHERE mydate>#2000-01-01#    
  (2)如果是ORACLE数据库,则为:WHERE mydate>cast('2000-01-01' as date)
                           或:WHERE mydate>to_date('2000-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')
     thedate= '2000-01-01';
     query1.SQL.add('select * from abc where mydate>cast('+''''+thedate+''''+' as date)');

SQL Server 2000 Datatypes
Sergey Vartanyan


Binary datatypes
Character datatypes
Date and Time datatypes
Numeric datatypes
Integer datatypes
Monetary datatypes
Special datatypes
Text and image datatypes
Unicode Character datatypes
User-Defined datatypes


There are three new datatypes in SQL Server 2000 in comparison with SQL Server 7.0.

These datatypes were added:

  • bigint
  • sql_variant
  • table

In this article, I want to tell you about built-in SQL Server 2000 datatypes, about user-defined datatypes and what datatype is generally used in a particular situation.

Binary datatypes

Binary data is similar to hexadecimal data and consists of the characters 0 through 9 and A through F, in groups of two characters each. You should specify 0x before binary value when input it.

There are two binary datatypes:

  • binary[(n)]
  • varbinary[(n)]

Binary[(n)] datatype can store up to 8000 bytes of fixed-length binary data. You can specify the maximum byte length with n.

Varbinary[(n)] datatype can store up to 8000 bytes of variable-length binary data. You can specify the maximum byte length with n. Variable-length means that binary data can contain less than n bytes, and the storage size will be the actual length of the data entered.

You should use varbinary datatype instead of binary datatype, when you expect null values or a variation in data size.

Character datatypes

Character datatypes are used to store any combination of letters, symbols, and numbers. You should enclose character data with quotation marks, when enter it.

There are two character datatypes:

  • char[(n)]
  • varchar[(n)]

Char[(n)] datatype can store up to 8000 bytes of fixed-length character data. You can specify the maximum byte length with n.

Varchar[(n)] datatype can store up to 8000 bytes of variable-length character data. You can specify the maximum byte length with n. Variable-length means that character data can contain less than n bytes, and the storage size will be the actual length of the data entered.

You should use varchar datatype instead of char datatype, when you expect null values or a variation in data size.

Date and Time datatypes

There are two datetime datatypes:

  • datetime
  • smalldatetime

Datetime is stored in 8 bytes of two 4-byte integers: 4 bytes for the number of days before or after the base date of January 1, 1900, and 4 bytes for the number of milliseconds after midnight.

Datetime datatype can store dates from January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999, with accuracy of 3.33 milliseconds.

If you will not specify date portion of the datetime value, then January 1, 1900 is supplied; if you will not specify time portion of datetime value, then 12:00:00:000AM is supplied.

Smalldatetime is stored in 4 bytes of two 2-byte integers: 2 bytes for the number of days after the base date of January 1, 1900, and 2 bytes for the number of minutes after midnight.

Smalldatetime datatype can store dates from January 1, 1900, to June 6, 2079, with accuracy to the minute.

If you will not specify date portion of the datetime value, then January 1, 1900 is supplied; if you will not specify time portion of datetime value, then 12:00AM is supplied.

Numeric datatypes

There are two kinds of the numeric datatypes:

  • Exact Numeric Data
  • Approximate Numeric Data
The difference between Exact Numeric Data and Approximate Numeric Data in that Exact Numeric Datacan store all decimal numbers with complete accuracy, and Approximate Numeric Data cannot.


Exact Numeric Data are:

  • decimal[(p[, s])]
  • numeric[(p[, s])]

The decimal and numeric datatypes are synonyms in the SQL Server 2000. Exact Numeric Data holds values from 10^38 - 1 through - 10^38 - 1. The storage size varies based on the specified precision, and it ranges from a minimum of 2 bytes to a maximum of 17 bytes.

p - is a precision, that specify the maximum total number of decimal digits that can be stored, both to the left and to the right of the decimal point. The maximum precision is 28 digits.

s - is a scale, that specify the maximum number of decimal digits that can be stored to the right of the decimal point, and it must be less than or equal to the precision.

Approximate Numeric Data are:

  • float[(n)]
  • real

Float[(n)] datatype is stored in 8 bytes and is used to hold positive or negative floating-point numbers. By default, this column has a 15-digit precision. Float[(n)] datatype can store positive values from 2.23E-308 to 1.79E308 and negative values from -2.23E-308 to -1.79E308.

Real datatype is stored in 4 bytes and is used as float datatype to hold positive or negative floating-point numbers. This column has a 7-digit precision. Real datatype can store positive values from 1.18E-38 to 3.40E38 and negative values from -1.18E-38 to -3.40E38.

Integer datatypes

There are four integer datatypes:

  • tinyint
  • smallint
  • int
  • bigint

Tinyint is stored in 1 byte and is used to hold integer values from 0 through 255.

Smallint is stored in 2 bytes and is used to hold integer values from -32768 through 32,767.

Int is stored in 4 bytes and is used to hold integer values from -2147483648 through 2147483647.


Bigint is stored in 8 bytes and is used to hold integer values from -9223372036854775808 through 9223372036854775807.


Monetary datatypes

Monetary datatypes are usually used to store monetary values. There are two monetary datatypes:

  • money
  • smallmoney

Money datatype is stored in 8 bytes and is used to hold monetary values from -922337203685477.5808 through 922337203685477.5807.


Smallmoney datatype is stored in 4 bytes and is used to hold monetary values from - 214748.3648 through 214748.3647.


Special datatypes

These are the special datatypes:

  • bit
  • cursor
  • sql_variant
  • table
  • timestamp
  • uniqueidentifier

Bit datatype is usually used for true/false or yes/no types of data, because it holds either 1 or 0. All integer values other than 1 or 0 are always interpreted as 1. One bit column stores in 1 byte, but multiple bit types in a table can be collected into bytes. Bit columns cannot be NULL and cannot have indexes on them.

Cursor datatype is used for variables or stored procedure OUTPUT parameters that contain a reference to a cursor. The variables created with the cursor data type are nullable. You cannot use this datatype for a column in a CREATE TABLE statement.

sql_variant datatype is used to store values of various SQL Server supported data types, except text, ntext, timestamp, and sql_variant. The maximum length of sql_variant datatype is 8016 bytes. You can store in one column of type sql_variant the rows of different data types, for example int, char, and varchar values.

This is the example of using sql_variant datatype:

SET NOCOUNT ON GO if object_id('tbTest') is not null drop table tbTest GO CREATE TABLE tbTest ( id int primary key, sql_v sql_variant ) GO INSERT INTO tbTest VALUES (1, 1) INSERT INTO tbTest VALUES (2, 1.0) INSERT INTO tbTest VALUES (3, '1') INSERT INTO tbTest VALUES (4, 0x01) GO SELECT sql_v FROM tbTest GO

Here is the result set:

sql_v ------------------------ 1 1.0 1 0x01

Table datatype is used to store a result set for later processing. You cannot use this datatype for a column in a CREATE TABLE statement. You should use DECLARE @local_variable to declare variables of type table. Table variables should be used instead of temporary tables, whenever possible, because table variables are cleaned up automatically at the end of the function, stored procedure, or batch in which they are defined, and table variables require less locking and logging resources.

This is the example of using table datatype:

DECLARE @tbl table (id int) INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES (1) INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES (2) SELECT * FROM @tbl

Here is the result set:

id ----------- 1 2

Timestamp datatype is stored in 8 bytes as binary(8) datatype. The timestamp value is automatically updated every time a row containing a timestamp column is inserted or updated.

Timestamp value is a monotonically increasing counter whose values will always be unique within a database and can be selected by queried global variable @@DBTS.

Uniqueidentifier is a GUID (globally unique identifier). A GUID is a 16-byte binary number that is guaranteed to be unique in the world. This datatype is usually used in replication or as primary key to unique identify rows in a table.

You can get the new uniqueidentifier value by calling the NEWID function.


Note You should use IDENTITY property instead of uniqueidentifier, if global uniqueness is not necessary, because the uniqueidentifier values are long and more slowly generated.


Text and image datatypes

Text and image data are stored on the Text/Image pages, not on the Data pages as other SQL Server 2000 data.

There are three datatypes in this category:

  • text
  • ntext
  • image

Text datatype is a variable-length datatype that can hold up to 2147483647 characters. This datatype is used when you want to store the character values with the total length more than 8000 bytes.

ntext datatype is a variable-length unicode datatype that can hold up to 1073741823 characters. This datatype is used when you want to store the variable-length unicode data with the total length more than 4000 bytes.

Image datatype is a variable-length datatype that can hold up to 2147483647 bytes of binary data. This datatype is used when you want to store the binary values with the total length more than 8000 bytes. This datatype is also used to store pictures.

Unicode Character datatypes

A column with unicode character datatype can store all of the characters that are defined in the various character sets, not only the characters from the particular character set, which was chosen during SQL Server Setup. Unicode datatypes take twice as much storage space as non-Unicode datatypes.

The unicode character data, as well as character data, can be used to store any combination of letters, symbols, and numbers. You should enclose unicode character data with quotation marks, when enter it.

There are two unicode character datatypes:

  • nchar[(n)]
  • nvarchar[(n)]

nchar[(n)] datatype can store up to 4000 bytes of fixed-length unicode character data. You can specify the maximum byte length with n.

nvarchar[(n)] datatype can store up to 4000 bytes of variable-length unicode character data. You can specify the maximum byte length with n. Variable-length means that character data can contain less than n bytes, and the storage size will be the actual length of the data entered.

You should use nvarchar datatype instead of nchar datatype, when you expect null values or a variation in data size.

User-Defined datatypes

You can create your own User-Defined datatypes by executing sp_addtype system stored procedure. Once a User-Defined datatype is created, you can use it in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements, as built-in SQL Server 2000 datatypes.

This is the syntax of sp_addtype stored procedure:

sp_addtype [ @typename = ] type, [ @phystype = ] system_data_type [ , [ @nulltype = ] 'null_type' ] [ , [ @owner = ] 'owner_name' ]


typename - is the User-Defined datatype name.

phystype - is the SQL Server 2000 datatype, on which the User-Defined datatype is based.

nulltype - is the NULL or NOT NULL.

owner - is the owner of the User-Defined datatype.





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