

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-21 09:40:49 / 个人分类:QTP

micCtrlDwn  Presses the Ctrl key. 
/U/Q$Sb}y8P Z"yR0micCtrlUp  Releases the Ctrl key. 
+U5^{/x8`#|i0micLCtrlDwn  Presses the left Ctrl key. 51Testing软件测试网O*~1mt)M2q*@
micLCtrlUp  Releases the left Ctrl key. 51Testing软件测试网"wb c_%Qc;T*D
micRCtrlDwn  Presses the right Ctrl key. 51Testing软件测试网 J3k!u&@3g^ U;qV
micRCtrlUp  Releases the right Ctrl key. 51Testing软件测试网$kNxG"V;AX
micAltDwn  Presses the Alt key. 51Testing软件测试网\&},uz U/|+j
micAltUp  Releases the Alt key. 
!E7yh1[J,x0micLAltDwn  Presses the left Alt key. 
,S @e0~8\ R1]!tA0micLAltUp  Releases the left Alt key. 
M$H @XQjE0micRAltDwn  Presses the right Alt key. 
%UHD[1U+mL%JR0micRAltUp  Releases the right Alt key. 51Testing软件测试网(@ s7nw9^DcE jL
micShiftDwn  Presses the Shift key. 51Testing软件测试网b"r'Sv:o@tul(~
micShiftUp  Releases the Shift key. 
Zy/V(hN0micLShiftDwn  Presses the left Shift key. 
O {)x7pX_0~W'ko0micLShiftUp  Releases the left Shift key. 51Testing软件测试网Lhm'aUn!t
micRShiftDwn  Presses the right Shift key. 51Testing软件测试网.|d+C4jG.n_G
micRShiftUp  Releases the right Shift key. 
C^`5s*B,n`4hf0micIns  Presses the Insert key. 51Testing软件测试网^:C%z*v7DVJ Z(S
micDel  Presses the Delete key. 
fP/V-y5KOF E0micHome  Presses the Home key. 51Testing软件测试网J@sx;]!l
micEnd  Presses the End key. 
4wp4?F%F+m+Eq{0micPgUp  Presses the Page Up key. 51Testing软件测试网c5u+q3M0s
micPgDwn  Presses the Page Down key. 
v3VWc f0O_t*c;^0micUp  Presses the Up arrow key. 
'qy5Kk%{U0micDwn  Presses the Down arrow key. 
v-UVK4i.c%Xb/_0micLeft  Presses the Left arrow key. 51Testing软件测试网!A\(Ol%k8ktB
micRight  Presses the Right arrow key. 
T^ D6o"X,x l]%c0micEsc  Presses the Esc key. 51Testing软件测试网 c4e*u7QPNFZ
micBack  Presses the Backspace key. 
aW BW(|/N6?2LI0micReturn  Presses the Return key. 51Testing软件测试网|.BA-qzE}3s
micTab  Presses the Tab key. 
;E+^EE,b*_t%A0micBreak  Presses the Break key. 
N|*LF6X0micPause  Presses the Pause key. 51Testing软件测试网#E8Ahn4_n6X!u"Hx,Cy
micPrintScr  Presses the Print Screen key. 51Testing软件测试网qz;O$W7?S.C~v;\
micWinLogoDwn  Presses the Windows Logo key. 51Testing软件测试网Ir:lb F e;^
micWinLogoUp  Releases the Windows Logo key. 
%x1@u ? Q.\(sP0micLWinLogoDwn  Presses the left Windows Logo key. 
cy$E@-@t;k0micLWinLogoUp  Releases the left Windows Logo key. 
m eX r"`h7RH\&Y!kZ0micRWinLogoDwn  Presses the right Windows Logo key. 51Testing软件测试网;@`)Wk$T
micRWinLogoUp  Releases the right Windows Logo key. 51Testing软件测试网u:MXPND,EvG
micAppKey  Presses the Application key. 51Testing软件测试网_vL^3ZQF i
micF1  Presses the F1 key. 
|0K uGcW/J*a,|0micF2  Presses the F2 key. 51Testing软件测试网(g#Y Q S{k1E_sy
micF3  Presses the F3 key. 51Testing软件测试网'HmQ V.t,n1U
micF4  Presses the F4 key. 
p+y#^:Q}9r1?w0micF5  Presses the F5 key. 
Y-^i aP*D&I0micF6  Presses the F6 key. 
0n,dv6O0x{} Ty{ K0micF7  Presses the F7 key. 51Testing软件测试网%J!a*iZiR#F-g m B
micF8  Presses the F8 key. 51Testing软件测试网 Go]P'M;\/Rp
micF9  Presses the F9 key. 51Testing软件测试网!c7U4v4Bq'g0B:qDHX
micF10  Presses the F10 key. 51Testing软件测试网(Ll%Jn8L+\
micF11  Presses the F11 key. 
4]+A(k-m}9bqV0micF12  Presses the F12 key. 
/rZc?+H)K[ `"r0micNumLockOn  Turns on the Num Lock. 
8CNZV2[0o9F d.N0micCapsLockOn  Turns on the Caps Lock. 
HzS g/U%H0micScrollOn  Turns on the Scroll Lock. 
%^'Q$L7o]7sSR1_0micNumLockOff  Turns off the Num Lock. 51Testing软件测试网^ cB N2D6gtl;m6V
micCapsLockOff  Turns off the Caps Lock. 
Z7Hc$k*uhd0micScrollOff  Turns off the Scroll Lock.





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