
上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-05 23:31:46 / 个人分类:QTP


relevantcodes.com的《QTP: Working with Multiple Browser Applications》这篇文章介绍了如何测试多个浏览器窗口的情况:








AddUsingTitle:Uses the "AddBrowser" method to add browsers to the collection using their Title Property

AddUsingCreationTime :Uses the "AddBrowser" method to add browsers to the collection using their CreationTime Property

AddLastOpen:Uses the "AddBrowser" method to add the last (most recent) open browser

Note: The last open browser always has the greatest CreationTime






' Add Using Title


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours.demoaut.com", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the browser above using its title, and with the name DemoAUT

BrowserObject.AddUsingTitle "DemoAUT", ".*Mercury Tours.*"


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://blog.csdn.net/testing_is_believing", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the browser above using its title, and with the name RelevantCodes

BrowserObject.AddUsingTitle "MyBlog", "实用性测试(Pragmatistic Testing) - CSDN博客"


With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")

       .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"

       .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"





       If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then

              .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"

              .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"

              .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"

              .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"

              .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"

              .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"


       End If

End with


With BrowserObject.Name("MyBlog")

       .Link("text:=《QTP自动化测试实践》", "index:=").Click

End with


With BrowserObject



End with





' Add Last Open


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours.demoaut.com", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using AddLastOpen

BrowserObject.AddLastOpen "DemoAUT"


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://blog.csdn.net/testing_is_believing", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using AddLastOpen

BrowserObject.AddLastOpen "MyBlog"


With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")

       .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"

       .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"





       If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then

              .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"

              .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"

              .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"

              .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"

              .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"

              .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"


       End If

End with


With BrowserObject.Name("MyBlog")

       .Link("text:=《QTP自动化测试实践》", "index:=").Click

End with


With BrowserObject



End with





' Add Using CreationTime


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours.demoaut.com", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using CreationTime 0, assuming no other browsers are open

BrowserObject.AddUsingCreationTime "DemoAUT", 0


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://blog.csdn.net/testing_is_believing", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using CreationTime 1, assuming no other browsers are open prior to above

BrowserObject.AddUsingCreationTime "MyBlog", 1


With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")

       .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"

       .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"





       If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then

              .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"

              .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"

              .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"

              .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"

              .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"

              .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"


       End If

End with


'Added Index - November 06, 2009 - Credits: Clive Farrington

With BrowserObject.Name("MyBlog")

       .Link("text:=《QTP自动化测试实践》", "index:=").Click

End with


With BrowserObject



End with







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