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【Python 操作IE的弹出窗口 2】

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-02 00:05:27 / 个人分类:Python

Python 操作IE的弹出窗口 2】51Testing软件测试网Fn2hA8@?Q+mG



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def clickmsgboxbutton(self, filter = None, buttonname = None):
bg E6aL2D,R,\7Y0        """ click the specified Popup message box's button
zK0iHB2{S XU.j0            parameters:
_7GO]:P*~$`0                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format51Testing软件测试网*pyj^.p
                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)51Testing软件测试网W/dQz_9[
                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions
-bhR?I0                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"
%V+~;K d#Nm$M0                    [buttonname] - the button name or index, it can use the Regular Expressions also.
$`+@K t G1d0                        eg : "Yes","!Ye",2
5P q(M&n q3\0                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)
3d H|mQ.i0            returns:
5u0f9kIj7{0                True or false or None        """
-|6CM$M}0        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)51Testing软件测试网Svh9pU V
        if Mesgboxhwnd == None :
ZG8}f n*\~0            return None51Testing软件测试网 x;z-Ix(S5b,P
cB&v.Q~G*R8r0            ButtonHwnd=0
6i4[*KX!qF"na9a0            if type(buttonname) == type(1) :
&ymu?q ~e"z_9[/@n0                buttonindex=buttonname
"Y-W ~&ga9t0                for t in range(0,buttonindex+1):51Testing软件测试网 }0h }z[~!u]
                    ButtonHwnd=win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,ButtonHwnd,"Button",None)51Testing软件测试网2FG bQ0Nu
            elif buttonname == None :51Testing软件测试网l%dPi4m*s
                ButtonHwnd=win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,ButtonHwnd,"Button",None)51Testing软件测试网:?)pg I9i}J$@ a
#Nma#B!q0                for i in range(0,10) :51Testing软件测试网'p`4eAF7Rg/G
UH,t&k/A&}%B.F0                    ButtonText=win32gui.GetWindowText(ButtonHwnd)
mn _U@f7Ui#r3A6W0                    if buttonname[0] == "!":51Testing软件测试网~?E]$CQfQnr
                        val = buttonname.replace( "!", "", 1)51Testing软件测试网BFV yI%f-X
                        myRE = re.compile(val)
5dAj0N*p;h5M0                        m = myRE.match(ButtonText)
m7@@2x0h(z8z z\/X-c~0                        if m:                           51Testing软件测试网W X7r X"e5K$sD[Y2nL
                            break51Testing软件测试网)Z(PUk Q K;}
        if ButtonHwnd ==0:51Testing软件测试网Ng+ce7e;E
            return None51Testing软件测试网 j!cJ'}(u F
#~ M+X![D2p D/U6Z8w,~J0            win32gui.SendMessage(ButtonHwnd,514,0,0)
Xt.k0            win32gui.SendMessage(ButtonHwnd,513,1,0)
]'Xp3MGU }0            win32gui.SendMessage(ButtonHwnd,514,0,0)51Testing软件测试网XKv!P{1gY8lv6l
#f)n%{!UT0            if win32gui.IsWindow(ButtonHwnd) == 0 :
[y O1@?p6kW0                return True
Jo&Xrw$It+r0            else:51Testing软件测试网.r'x5w1z+`3uu}Krl4n
                return False51Testing软件测试网y"x p&Ps-G:Z5N

def closemsgbox(self, filter = None):51Testing软件测试网2yw[!{ ?!XZv3@
        """ close the specified Popup message box
b)X&aU&[\L0            parameters:
buH7lEQ[TC!@&I0                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format
(g,v8P(cF'f3]0                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)
v#s }\qAG0                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions
ViS&h?4b0                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"51Testing软件测试网 v$r8WR-ewxj
                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)
W%VSK!gW/z0            returns:
'{?B2V:Of?#e3?'tv0                true or false /None
5_5T/x M/l'I-}Z6@4]0        """
&Q`#u9x#Ok7v0        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)51Testing软件测试网It0`#o I:~?%qe
        if Mesgboxhwnd != None :51Testing软件测试网 gYw*`4R}"l
            win32gui.SendMessage(Mesgboxhwnd,16,1,0)51Testing软件测试网 i6yev\bd ^r
PZ&[#ULK0            if win32gui.IsWindow(Mesgboxhwnd) == 0 :
?7V4nqQ.j0                return True51Testing软件测试网"h d0x"a;wR"j1kb
            else:51Testing软件测试网$WTbW ]S@9S C
                return False
.k)j(LZ@h+J{ N1N/M0        else:51Testing软件测试网0m6r u+e`3e:A
            return None
Do;Q[+d&J0def getmsgboxtitle(self, filter = None):
*P*]U/Xw5m1j/y0        """ Get the specified Popup message box's title51Testing软件测试网W?'a4ho'k2K
B Y/z'm9w2{*T0                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format
g`"P]#Wqy0                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)51Testing软件测试网|!Kl[Ji`.|5[*x@
                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions51Testing软件测试网&OVE#Y*OA
                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"
5A"t9f"dW)WP,kj0                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)51Testing软件测试网D@c+n^m ~1u&d
kXB {RhZ,F0                a popup message box title51Testing软件测试网]$@,d1y Q*Ta
        """51Testing软件测试网 Qx0C/l l!Q
        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)51Testing软件测试网1?H j_GO.h
        if Mesgboxhwnd == None :51Testing软件测试网&JG/aY J&@D7~
            return None51Testing软件测试网E/V5Kf/Z0D
        else:51Testing软件测试网zAa9PgGoW IN
            return win32gui.GetWindowText(Mesgboxhwnd)51Testing软件测试网]&lb5F @![kn"S
Jvaapy&p0    def getmsgboxtext(self, filter = None):
b ]cl9M%zs8lY^0        """ Get the specified Popup message box's text
6sI C n&r ?-b^B0            parameters:
:f7t Ia-j6fHo5|0                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format
i!d:V+s!nMo0                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)51Testing软件测试网'l@]T'KoU
                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions
Z!MG!QZ#b Bi0                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"
!nZ WnPq*H Q5H0                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)
Z_[7x]0            returns:51Testing软件测试网'A i Bn J2U
                a popup message box text
msV;iz-~)G }C0        """
#zW#vh_A7K9rC8r0        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)
1x?|4Y B:H0        if Mesgboxhwnd == None :51Testing软件测试网p3~;l7d$MY)}e~
            return None
(_3GN#e6B-?0        else:51Testing软件测试网N#v,XP_N.el6['C
            FirstStaticHwnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,0,"Static",None)51Testing软件测试网6euV_F(z
            if win32gui.GetWindowText(FirstStaticHwnd):
\eEP.O!w0                return win32gui.GetWindowText(FirstStaticHwnd)
EZ;M b2p5h?i0            else:
1M f7{+T9UG9o?0D0                return win32gui.GetWindowText(win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,FirstStaticHwnd,"Static",None))   51Testing软件测试网6r ]IP$pWqk

TAG: alert 卢晨之 Msgbox Popup Python Selenium selenium 弹出窗口




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