

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-12 17:44:43 / 个人分类:测试工具

' 启动IE浏览器
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe"

' save the Report Filter mode
OldFilter = Reporter.Filter
Reporter.Filter = 2 ' Enables Errors Only
' 链接描述
Set Desc = Description.Create()
Desc("html tag").Value = "A"
Desc("href").Value = "http://blog.csdn.net/Testing_is_believing/category/.*"

Set BrowserObj = Browser("creationtime:=0")
' 导航到指定页面
BrowserObj.Navigate "http://blog.csdn.net/Testing_is_believing/category/357781.aspx"
Set PageObj = BrowserObj.Page("index:=0")
'  开始“猴子测试
call EnumerateApp(PageObj, Desc, "Click", "ReportPage", "BrowserBack")
Reporter.Filter = OldFilter ' returns the original filter


' 遍历整个程序,执行指定的操作,例如点击每个链接
Function EnumerateApp(ParentObj, Desc, OperationMethod, PostOperationMethod, RestoreMethod)
   dim ObjCol, CurrentObj, idx
   idx = 0
   ' retrieve a collection of all the objects of the given descrition 按指定的描述取得所有子对象
   Set bjCol = ParentObj.ChildObjects(Desc)
   Do While (idx < ObjCol.Count)
      ' get the current object
      set CurrentObj = ObjCol.item(idx)
      ' perform. the desired operation on the object        执行指定的操作,例如Click
      eval("CurrentObj." & OperationMethod)
      ' perform. the post operations (after the object operation)    执行完指定的操作后需要做的动作,例如写入测试日志
      eval(PostOperationMethod & "(ParentObj, CurrentObj)")
      ' Return the application to the original state    让程序回到初始状态,例如让浏览器导航回退到主页面
      eval(RestoreMethod & "(ParentObj, CurrentObj)")
       idx = idx + 1
       ' reretrieve the collection of objects
       ' (as the application might have changed)
       Set bjCol = ParentObj.ChildObjects(Desc)
End Function
' 写测试日志
Function ReportPage(ParentObj, CurrentObj)
    dim FuncFilter, PageTitle
    PageTitle = ParentObj.GetROProperty("title")
    FuncFilter = Reporter.Filter
    Reporter.Filter = 0
    Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Page Information", "page title " & PageTitle
    Reporter.Filter = FuncFilter
End Function

' 让浏览器按回退键
Function BrowserBack(ParentObj, CurrentObj)
   On Error Resume Next
End Function





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