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上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-11-07 09:09:38 / 个人分类:搜索引擎测试技巧

 静态分析工具可在研发过程中应用或者QA做冒烟测试check研发的source时应用,尽早发现缺陷.本次试验在已安装python运行环境的redhat linux 2.6内核上执行.


参考 http://blog.oolanguage.com/erpingwu/google-style-guide-%E4%B9%8B-cpplint/


下载 http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py



[liangjz@b2b_plat_1367 erosa_cap]$ python ~/cpplint.py --filter=






[liangjz@b2b_plat_1367 erosa_cap]$ python ~/cpplint.py    --filter=-whitespace,-readability,-legal   *.* 


CapNetManager.cpp:2: Include the directory when naming .h files [build/include] [4]

CapNetManager.cpp:54: Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type short [runtime/int] [4]

CapNetManager.h:1: #ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: EROSA_EROSA_CAP_CAPNETMANAGER_H_ [build/header_guard] [5]

CapNetManager.h:41: #endif line should be "#endif // EROSA_EROSA_CAP_CAPNETMANAGER_H_" [build/header_guard] [5]


CapNetManager.h:15: Do not use namespace using-directives. Use using-declarations instead. [build/namespaces] [5]


Erosa_cap.cpp:4: Found C system header after C++ system header. Should be: Erosa_cap.h, c system, c++ system, other. [build/include_order] [4]


Erosa_cap.cpp:265: If you can, use sizeof(szTmp) instead of 128 as the 2nd arg to snprintf. [runtime/printf] [3]


Erosa_cap.cpp:262: Add #include <string> for string [build/include_what_you_use] [4]


Parse.cpp:58: Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type short [runtime/int] [4]


Parse.cpp:2241: Is this a non-const reference? If so, make const or use a pointer. [runtime/references] [2]

Parse.cpp:451: Add #include <algorithm> for min [build/include_what_you_use] [4]


Parse.h:7: Do not use namespace using-directives. Use using-declarations instead. [build/namespaces] [5]


RedoFileScan.cpp:238: Almost always, snprintf is better than strcat [runtime/printf] [4]

RedoFileScan.cpp:387: sscanf can be ok, but is slow and can overflow buffers. [runtime/printf] [1]


RedoManager.cpp:231: Consider using localtime_r(...) instead of localtime(...) for improved thread safety. [runtime/threadsafe_fn] [2]


Total errors found: 230


TAG: static




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