
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-06-22 11:04:26 / 个人分类:开发知识




8D)? ufq#J&Y051Testing软件测试网[,z5b ]x"xai~

USE [oscartest]
O8oF/VJ0? aW0GO
r0D4_ Z Zs'k Vcd0/****** 对象:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[myprc]    脚本日期: 06/22/2009 10:53:03 ******/51Testing软件测试网#Re)J n:R;[PQ
V,Ae&z|V+t0S0GO51Testing软件测试网hq e Vk,E[!T
Create Procedure   [dbo].[myprc]51Testing软件测试网 Wj Rcx5O|3f
@score int ,51Testing软件测试网.V]Po5b
@usename nvarchar(50),51Testing软件测试网2M(tV]i??m U
@countN int output
1mhjZ _9X?|U3H0  as  
)d`x6s2h+C0select @countN =(select count(*) from Student)+151Testing软件测试网XF9].BT9V/yc_

51Testing软件测试网2W l-P x%c

 insert into student(NO,Nname,score) values (@countN,@usename,@score);51Testing软件测试网n.J(V.~-d



%`6} C @3BY0

6Q(B&HGX051Testing软件测试网'j:r^ pb9s;`-FN

51Testing软件测试网Y[yLl r&d/O



1prbRc \5_ }0连接字符串:存放在单独的login.cs里51Testing软件测试网Nwx"f1Oz*K"_] y+t

w"t eb]p `md0using System;

P0da Le0r051Testing软件测试网JN(l.A0p4xqv!R z

public class Login51Testing软件测试网)J-f'kDI%m
{51Testing软件测试网v+^"ke z @m
  // Alter this connection string here - all other examples use this class
xhif6FXx]A0  public static string Connection
,Bd^ _*@1\%N2A0  {51Testing软件测试网^(d2fDT#O/Ot%}_
    //get { return "data source=(local);initial catalog=Northwind;integrated security=SSPI;"; }

&Oi3x Uh/Uc \051Testing软件测试网8_)ko3X["W

      get { return "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=oscartest;User ID=oscar;Password=000;"; }


/m4mJN D)? u0}

L A@}6dL Qp0zao0



U"KgAM]h!{-g0using System;
[ O8y g} h }0using System.IO;51Testing软件测试网8h&w/W3G4c
using System.Data;
Kq;MS2l0using System.Xml;
7^i0L#|0C0using System.Data.SqlClient;51Testing软件测试网0SUaC7j$C)f
using System.Data.OleDb;51Testing软件测试网F:ts0f Uc C g

51Testing软件测试网g"N T8{.V2`x%ME

/// <summary>51Testing软件测试网5i1a(w"o-J
/// Corresponds to section titled 'Executing Commands' in Chapter 1151Testing软件测试网)x/vX?,i ja(@
/// </summary>51Testing软件测试网4{DW1s[ l
public class ExecutingCommands51Testing软件测试网 |;A Fv9~a^)f9x
t-o[h#j+B*SM(m^0 /// <summary>51Testing软件测试网 l W8N[^8hJ5m;o
 /// SimpleDataAccess - show SQL & Stored Procs51Testing软件测试网?4l#dl;? qV$m7]3k
 /// </summary>
:d q ?$U-Hu5A"v0 public static void Main ( )
&H:m%y O+L3Y\0 {51Testing软件测试网5r8aXyb#M
  // The following is the database connection string51Testing软件测试网 bus g;F.h
                string source = Login.Connection ;

)U S M h'dV.R!D:V0

$]Y+s$T)V!SZ*^9@ E0  // First section of code - using a SQL statement to select records51Testing软件测试网M9i3R KTA/e)gFT
  ExecuteSql ( source ) ;51Testing软件测试网R3dF8rh@^2NtH

51Testing软件测试网O#a5W;K4Ch |

  // Second section - calling a stored procedure51Testing软件测试网tl:EymU+m
  ExecuteStoredProc ( source ) ;51Testing软件测试网 lCS.[,j'Y

JIn,d\EPH0  // Third - batch statements51Testing软件测试网HL_VHPwT
  ExecuteBatch ( source ) ;51Testing软件测试网d+Ce{?*U(l


  // Fourth - Return XML from SqlServer...
*sa b*K~g0  ExecuteXml ( source ) ;51Testing软件测试网$I#O`T}L


        //DataSet51Testing软件测试网7dg^"Tw0]8j F
b2q/Z(~]9vo5]%Y0      51Testing软件测试网.W+Yp3?w

51Testing软件测试网aK6iA/~ V)H}

 public static void ExecuteSql ( string source )
Z'\c#X$}3S&AU0 {
.i\(WJS7gu E#g0  // And this is the SQL statement that will be issued
p QOPi'_)y7D0  string select = "SELECT id,Nname,score FROM student;select id from student";

M!RtE9Of H0

lu7O? m0  try51Testing软件测试网 }x{6C0D7FnF8H? |
  {51Testing软件测试网RC c#W:~ E&No
   // Connect to the database...51Testing软件测试网:p;Pm,q{aA,M
   using ( SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(source) )51Testing软件测试网Y"t*w u2V F_t5G
g-|#w8gW'v)U6qP5e0    conn.Open ( ) ;
c{5S(QqKn0              51Testing软件测试网5ad%`:Yk L K!V,j

&]aiq ]A!p*@0    // Create the SQL command...
BTg:^g^|0    SqlCommand  cmd = new SqlCommand ( select , conn ) ;


1q DH1c XU l#V0    // Construct the data reader51Testing软件测试网 @FS-c'@ ?D
    using ( SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( ) )
1P!Qr|$l{4@0    {
B-|-Y+T,j0     // Output headings...51Testing软件测试网6P l\z"]
     Console.WriteLine ( "*** SqlProvider ***" ) ;51Testing软件测试网'yF5zm$rt Q5feJ
     Console.WriteLine ( "Output from direct SQL statement..." ) ;51Testing软件测试网_YY"j#T@
     Console.WriteLine ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网8TX:Q%Jlr2f%v
     Console.WriteLine ( "ID                                 Name         score" ) ;51Testing软件测试网-E0L0_VF.fJ%u1z
     Console.WriteLine ( "----------------------------------------------------------------" ) ;51Testing软件测试网!iR lF4Z a,o;I,qk@

0xK;T4cv5M0     // And iterate through the data51Testing软件测试网'do`'p*To.P"G
     while ( reader.Read ( ) )51Testing软件测试网!f8YZO8oUf$iX
Nd!CO!zP*mjN0      Console.WriteLine ( "{0,-30} {1},{2}" , reader.GetString(0) , reader[1],reader[2] ) ;51Testing软件测试网$tdt6r l1@

P;R&\DdZyr051Testing软件测试网f4t _e q+Nn7Y

     reader.Close ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网~+c6z'X3i'Nw.^

5\ L$X8`V @.o051Testing软件测试网.c \9MQ%L!]8E

    conn.Close ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网Yd c9h$p2b{Ap
7Y_No"l4us#^;m;}1l0  }51Testing软件测试网6AVo [B}
  catch ( Exception e )
r+M8Z4kb0  {51Testing软件测试网$\mCCD mG
   Console.WriteLine ( e.ToString( ) ) ;
1Dl&P(cwsa}0  }51Testing软件测试网cF6dM4p)A8R g

51Testing软件测试网W.D \:U3`

 51Testing软件测试网1kC zg([ FLR

51Testing软件测试网&UKx2`g6ExM G

:Vz C2xe {&W$[a:[ X{0    public static void ExecuteStoredProc(string source)
n7q&m2PFMF4i0    {51Testing软件测试网8Z^kM2]jJPz \ _[$h
        // Connect to the database...51Testing软件测试网3U^j"X.h
        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source))51Testing软件测试网H-i7eH!K i@
        {51Testing软件测试网:z$H{g lRu
            // Open the database connection51Testing软件测试网X:n|"YT7Q0jPYI

(F}$y'W Q#n){5~)ln051Testing软件测试网PX#T aU4@af ^1p[S

            // Create the SQL command that links to a stored procedure
pG8xBV]0            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("myprc", conn);

7]S|~#v t3pR-g]051Testing软件测试网 v~ ~3m2J ~

            // Set the type to stored procedure51Testing软件测试网._dd\'e"}-Xo
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;51Testing软件测试网 Rv0yB0a
            string usename1 = "test1";51Testing软件测试网oM|9H obZ
            Random rnd = new Random();
"nwr(|9UT P0            
[ KCFM(a0            // And add the parameter to the stored proc...51Testing软件测试网1sD @%S A&fh.RB
            SqlParameter score = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@score", SqlDbType.Int));51Testing软件测试网dF!MhF:R _mN
            SqlParameter usename= cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@usename", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50));
3K]a;X(X8Y)D%t r0            SqlParameter countN = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@countN", SqlDbType.Int));


[0P5P(M6c9fZ:yPZ0            score.Value = rnd.Next(60, 100);51Testing软件测试网?&I{~'z2[z
            usename.Value = usename1;51Testing软件测试网&\-x4o2g&Qr7w5A
            countN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;51Testing软件测试网9t5xY y"xNVf!JF
            score.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;51Testing软件测试网+a r"T3x6Kx
            usename.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;51Testing软件测试网M` H r[M.cB
            //cmd.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;51Testing软件测试网bsa7D.p1pDS%{O
c!{ Gd!E$K0            //cmd.Parameters[0].Value = score1;
,^;r fI Y2P F#bR@0            //Console.WriteLine(cmd.Parameters[0].Value is Int32);
&moZ6n:r7?0            //cmd.Parameters[1].Value = usename1;51Testing软件测试网;w(RI"vf8}/AxWp

/|@%Z!I8qF8O7H0            // Construct the data reader
5cb$RZ4E Mk0            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
-l6H&}YS}0            {51Testing软件测试网^/@'g,?P!T$l6k
                Console.WriteLine("*** SqlProvider ***");
h4d4?J,ck G@0                Console.WriteLine("Call NorthWind CustOrderHist stored proc for customer 'QUICK'...");51Testing软件测试网5i-@td6J%w
B6D w6W-u%O!r0                Console.WriteLine("Product Name                       Quantity");
wQ2sz0Xq9f~0                Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------");
ncE,F$SvpG)[7}U0                Console.WriteLine("共有{0}个学生",countN.Value);
6P-n Xx-lz{0                reader.Close();


i|"UG&_fg-W)j0                Console.WriteLine();
]By} w4F4Q Zl-f;?0            }51Testing软件测试网9J"_u:wY1O{,Tu

3RY-m7Hlrn0            string select = "SELECT id,Nname,score FROM student;";51Testing软件测试网3GLQvaB
            cmd = new SqlCommand(select, conn);51Testing软件测试网8] Z!F xgn[Z
            using (SqlDataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader())51Testing软件测试网?@,~@G]_ F,| t
            { // Iterate through the data51Testing软件测试网@%\m R,q9[)V*D
                while (reader1.Read())
-^c @/[`m0                {
Rr.uF+I+^R0                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-34} {1} {2}", reader1[0], reader1[1],reader1[2]);
E)l3ii5wP0                }51Testing软件测试网#\w/P8WbQ$C\ u
Q9x8?:~:o*w0            // Close the connection51Testing软件测试网 nl{j,t R)t
K3wAn#{o8K0        }
-@,s5jD1r(Uv8W0    }51Testing软件测试网VA(}:C MOiP

A E(z9S-Z~l4^"cE0 protected static void ExecuteFullTable ( string source )
(Ixvg)O i?:[0e0 {51Testing软件测试网 Wb:r1cI{M8Ji
  // Connect to the database...51Testing软件测试网L1P8NS+D1}!`L
  using ( OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + source) )51Testing软件测试网{~GD d$pg
  {51Testing软件测试网vAX.X i{8zM
   // Open the database connection51Testing软件测试网:\8f5l9Fi]
   conn.Open ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网4m y]"Rau


   // Create the SQL command that links to a stored procedure
8P:z:WS,\C,}f0   OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand ( "Categories" , conn ) ;51Testing软件测试网J,uBW]?2cQ

`/[V|M0   // Set the type to TableDirect


m*}&M,{t+c2a0   // Construct the data reader51Testing软件测试网5|,SNZ|.`
   using ( OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( ) )51Testing软件测试网X(q8k$vBMz
   {51Testing软件测试网.dZ Z9w(qKt(G7I
    Console.WriteLine ( "" ) ;51Testing软件测试网X3pH[1@.?,`!]2us
    Console.WriteLine ( "*** OleDbProvider ***" ) ;
Qo xM%]!VuE0                //Console.WriteLine ( "Listing all records in Categories table..." ) ;51Testing软件测试网NtSR{`
    Console.WriteLine ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网\3h D DC
    Console.WriteLine ( "ID  Name            Description" ) ;
:Z7ePqu_ U0    Console.WriteLine ( "-----------------------------------------------------" ) ;


)Ra,Zj o2h/v0    // Iterate through the data51Testing软件测试网1PSc9a4LR
    while ( reader.Read ( ) )
W]DU/q r0    {51Testing软件测试网c`t cS|-Px:O \td9s
     Console.WriteLine ( "{0,-3} {1,-15} {2}---此段代码没有执行" , reader.GetString(0) , reader[1], reader[2] ) ;
9}Y7u!N}]K,O~0    }


2pg} ]qZ!r$|$I0    reader.Close ( ) ;

4C,E;al UW5R0

2H}m"v^5C B0    Console.WriteLine ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网$i7FaX@4L5Kf T


s0^+y!N&G Y%Q0   // Close the connection
F4q| q3ctAw0   conn.Close ( ) ;
4Tr.nQ1Yl0  }51Testing软件测试网$j2d8P,SJ.J#@#A z+j*l
 }51Testing软件测试网 zqH _viP

d,Bx+O"xS0 protected static void ExecuteBatch ( string source )
NOk:g)Uw0 {51Testing软件测试网b V0^OTP h2} F3n
  string   select = "SELECT count(*) FROM student;";51Testing软件测试网b aT0t G5Y(oYL(bvXQ
        //SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products51Testing软件测试网9J)n-x]'J
  // Connect to the database...
%b wz)?&J mo*`:`R0  using ( SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source) )
R(ZI7V(q0  {51Testing软件测试网/_.O:JmZ#_p[
   // Open the database connection51Testing软件测试网o^z ~#NNyY
   conn.Open ( ) ;

h I%\r&s0

T%W7t:jZ5qt0   // Create the SQL command...
{EU1G:_,H:n0   SqlCommand  cmd = new SqlCommand ( select , conn ) ;51Testing软件测试网0T A!I&I KA4gif ]:`.mM

-cz.ZUIe;X0   // Construct the data reader51Testing软件测试网o*hWo-KH+a
   using ( SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( ) )
.m!m,LS@7h-?1v y(F0   {
a0sA(i*o2M M0    // Output headings...51Testing软件测试网VJRbX#p"O/W(q
    Console.WriteLine ( "*** SqlProvider ***" ) ;
m(N]6O7yD0U!W0    Console.WriteLine ( "Output from batched SQL statements" ) ;
!\3oqm|z^N0    Console.WriteLine ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网c6OI nhvk^+Zc,k

6i%f"X9aB e5l0    int  statement = 0 ;

E3U:l |4U5Lod0

PG+~+H5S7\0    do51Testing软件测试网S k)l1Za"V^
    {51Testing软件测试网t m6C(vNu7]5nBU
     statement++ ;

~ COr5k*ys0

.@3CM"w;R"}0     while ( reader.Read ( ) )
"{"H"W5`|i a0     {51Testing软件测试网fc*|4q4T
      Console.WriteLine ( "Output from batch statement {0} is {1}" , statement , reader[0]) ;51Testing软件测试网&M0\7Bd,l
8dICC%U!f1}0    } while ( reader.NextResult ( ) ) ;51Testing软件测试网!c,A V#}HM#s0R

51Testing软件测试网?'Ug A+e `+Nw

    reader.Close ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网(F [Sm,qH#j#qY#U#R

p#{usp `i _0

1i'DIwts0   conn.Close ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网%aO-u!E)I}!z
]p8G{F0 }51Testing软件测试网.[G,z ~l:h5w R

3M+t7r5AB0 protected static void ExecuteXml ( string source )
^&R!t#~t#]6` j0 {51Testing软件测试网Jd!CK [fL m
  string   select = "SELECT NO,id,Nname,score FROM student FOR XML AUTO";51Testing软件测试网G1H8u;n!bA8v

51Testing软件测试网 ZlN-Tv8e.x mE/P

  using ( SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source) )51Testing软件测试网m%X c.Bo]/[2ye4b
  {51Testing软件测试网m WEd.hcp
   // Open the database connection51Testing软件测试网:om[a!]5D*M
   conn.Open ( ) ;

R.[:g @ LC;p0

I"O_ l ^F0   // Create the SQL command...
WKdEe0   SqlCommand  cmd = new SqlCommand ( select , conn ) ;


hW0D S&[Fs0   // Construct an Xml Reader
m(w2A1M!Dhh0   XmlReader  xr = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网f}oQ8[iR
          51Testing软件测试网 f9DA)b8[AVpq
   Console.WriteLine ( "" ) ;
\f,iXz/c0   Console.WriteLine ( "*** SqlProvider ***" ) ;
v c0n s X0   Console.WriteLine ( "Use ExecuteXmlReader with a FOR XML AUTO SQL clause" ) ;51Testing软件测试网N7s-V&TGM ht w0fe
   Console.WriteLine ( ) ;
n/Vnr*[ vI4_:L0            StreamWriter swd;51Testing软件测试网F'N+f-bUo
            swd = File.CreateText("oscar.txt");
$v v3cu5BW)xl;d0    //Do something useful with the xml

tg-P2?C3Kv XA5y]S}051Testing软件测试网vo*o9H4U x9DXwY

            //while ( xr.Read() )51Testing软件测试网WYmr6oF6Jy_S Sv
            //    string s = xr.ReadOuterXml();51Testing软件测试网u/w(q;j,T6GU
            //    Console.WriteLine (  s) ;51Testing软件测试网 FH9D)Dd}
            //    //File.AppendAllText("oscar.txt",xr.ReadOuterXml());51Testing软件测试网-K;t4`&]U/O{
            //此种方式不能全部打印console.WriteLine,在while(xr.read())也会执行向下一次。51Testing软件测试网b4ri_y$bLr K.a
9vC$~.^u h"R!F0            //}

'n#WH~0zC051Testing软件测试网z6cd"]` Q%?

tU? e d[R4LoQ0            string s1="0";51Testing软件测试网+WS&jpE.S/cyx-d
                s1 = xr.ReadOuterXml();
@8u E lp0                swd.WriteLine(s1);
"F@/Qoz:a,^ o;]0                if (s1 != "")
G5WA;@z0                    Console.WriteLine(s1+DateTime.Now);51Testing软件测试网Mzk%Q7K;\d AE
            } while (s1 != "");

]1P-D%\#w;N2X051Testing软件测试网 ^8Yw`S x



&j&^3Q0Mix;\#ig0   // And close the connection51Testing软件测试网 QByJ,hs%n,sZ$S+_
   conn.Close ( ) ;
/dx$e7iC&dIs0  }51Testing软件测试网M ~BTDq(S2]

?j dy$GXnv0

f1^.TN;k0    protected static void Dateset1(string source)51Testing软件测试网&o.z-EZ$M/y4Jz
.Jb2c6c0PvD0        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source);
Gjj1}tfA4H!t0        conn.Open();
"~'rdV!@)sQ0        string select = "select * from student";51Testing软件测试网G"x+a9o\/U wa
        //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(select, conn);
!{){5W]~Pn jI0        //SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);51Testing软件测试网-bdv5Ct"|%Ok2] m
        SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(select, conn);

9B F{UI:S3_]051Testing软件测试网 G%o1QSj;P

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

?^X,Jo u5Wi%@;f0

vF(_D,U8e}*j0        //填充数据到coustomers表51Testing软件测试网Q U9q7KDL%o
        sda.Fill(ds, "Customers");
.D#q"v5];tc`0     51Testing软件测试网v@;A-S(}\ dd

:b\.TL1M h t0        //向表添加一行数据51Testing软件测试网6L d PvY1b*E
        DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Customers"].NewRow();51Testing软件测试网's9w F2y{7g8q%b:o
        dr["id"] = 99;
5}I5PGkr0        dr["Nname"] = "samon";51Testing软件测试网} K]:y_z8eD4j
        dr["score"] = 88;
&m9^m"L(\Fy~0        ds.Tables["Customers"].Rows.Add(dr);       
w$etu*Hh0        //DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Customers"].Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, "samon", 88 }); 
Mj9[0F6n{1a6S0   51Testing软件测试网VdhFy-N u M!hh:c K

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        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Customers"].Rows)
l"c*C go0            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1,-30},{2,-16},{3},{4}",51Testing软件测试网:F:UMn6MR {;g)jY
                row[0], row[1],row[2],row[3],row.RowState);51Testing软件测试网lX-K;d'z5Z6| PW

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        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("myprc", conn);51Testing软件测试网$w{rV7~ _`;V
        sda.InsertCommand = cmd;     
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U il3z(I.od2F0        // Set the type to stored procedure
6pz:Kv {0        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;51Testing软件测试网I)Y$s-Q'rzV
        SqlParameter score = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@score", SqlDbType.Int));51Testing软件测试网/V)wPnW~_TF;J
        SqlParameter usename = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@usename", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50));
6tSfU(I m0        SqlParameter countN = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@countN", SqlDbType.Int));51Testing软件测试网WV \}p0?c
        score.SourceColumn = "score";
2uzVY!S9N0        usename.SourceColumn = "Nname";
*Eb]ay*w O0        countN.Value = 3;51Testing软件测试网 X'f8@/RM$k[9]
.[Ip9fNg0        sda.Update(ds, "Customers");51Testing软件测试网d(^`\y/a@G6Zkm


        sda.Fill(ds, "Customers1");
u6cIDT0        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Customers1"].Rows)
'k4s Ts8q H0            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1,-30},{2,-16},{3},{4}",51Testing软件测试网`7Ogl!Uz K
                row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row.RowState);

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:T4Br*p6s v;G0        //从数据库中加载数据到手动创建的表,如果列名不匹配,会自动添加列51Testing软件测试网%~$CD w;YH,D{ JeE
        DataTable products = new DataTable("products");
[ ?2N~8bb0        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("NO", typeof(Int16)));
$]wL.z&b-ov kH)^0        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(string)));
j_^ KQ6H [0        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("N0name", typeof(string)));
c,Ny@d] Yf0        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("score", typeof(int)));51Testing软件测试网xM@G V/z
[7T?3ec_6n/Ui0        sda.Fill(ds, "products");51Testing软件测试网URO K;`:s
        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["products"].Rows)51Testing软件测试网]+dP-C!nZn
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1,-30},{2,-16},{3}", row[0], row[1], row[4], row[3]);




        ds.WriteXml(".\\taseta.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);

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&Oq$F"FS+h,VQH0        conn.Close();

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