[转] How to add one or more control files

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-02-05 15:30:56 / 个人分类:ORACLE



When we have one control file, now want to add one or more control files, there is many method to do it,but the better way is:

1.       Shut down the database with NORMAL or IMMEDIATE options.

2.       Copy the single control file to its new location. Rename it if you want or need to.

3.       Modify your INIT.ORA paramter file. Change the CONTROL_FILES parameter to point to both control files.

4.       Startup the database.

It is so simplely,but I think the best way is to hava more controle files that is in difficult folder.

Usually I have three control files for every database.

TAG: 数据库




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