"this" keyword

上一篇 / 下一篇  2014-09-02 14:27:07 / 个人分类:Java

The following is a copy & paste fromhere, but explains very well all different uses of thethiskeyword:

Definition:Java’sthiskeyword is used to refer the current instance of the method on which it is used.

Following are the ways to use this:

  1. To specifically denote that the instance variable is used instead of static or local variable. That is,


    Here this refers to the instance variable. Here the precedence is high for the local variable. Therefore the absence of thethisdenotes the local variable. If the local variable that is parameter’s name is not same as instance variable then irrespective ofthisis used or not it denotes the instance variable.

  2. Thisis used to refer the constructors


    This invokes the constructor of the same java class which has two parameters.

  3. Thisis used to pass the current java instance as parameter

  4. Similar to the above this can also be used to return the current instance


    Note: This may lead to undesired results while used in inner classes in the above two points. Since this will refer to the inner class and not the outer instance.

  5. Thiscan be used to get the handle of the current class

    ClassclassName=this.getClass();// this methodology is preferable in java

    Though this can be done by

    ClassclassName=ABC.class;// here ABC refers to the class name and you need to k





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