
cmd 命令大全

上一篇 / 下一篇  2014-06-05 09:10:10 / 个人分类:系统


*@s L6k,aq{U;L051Testing软件测试网Aju'BVP,I H


9`TD\@3p r0gpedit.msc-----组策略 sndrec32-------录音机51Testing软件测试网+e8M%_-Ny]

51Testing软件测试网H4gqw `B8Z

  Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器 explorer-------打开资源管理器51Testing软件测试网 S#Q;WZa8A%{ vLl(S

51Testing软件测试网+}t t,Z8uX1R0Z

  logoff---------注销命令 tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令


)SD%XVA/A6KS8S0K f0  lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组 services.msc---本地服务设置


  oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活notepad--------打开记事本

D#I'Byg6qb8? h0

"t5P{rkN X eW0  cleanmgr-------垃圾整理 net start messenger----开始信使服务51Testing软件测试网 qO9XMK


  compmgmt.msc---计算机管理 net stop messenger-----停止信使服务51Testing软件测试网'x.?{(c,a%j


  conf-----------启动netmeeting dvdplay--------DVD播放器51Testing软件测试网`~DMJ%Edn |5j i @R

gj&mTU4AU0  charmap--------启动字符映射表 diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序51Testing软件测试网 c1yI? dbH0u UK4CZ

MJ&q:bv0  calc-----------启动计算器 dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序

9g+`*v8]*z1WU%iR a#G051Testing软件测试网1rsH'|1T ~\#E5sG

  chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查 devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器51Testing软件测试网 ObtsR,LH

#q2w0P-l`Je+S0  regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行drwtsn32------ 系统医生51Testing软件测试网Z3^v(|3`q}`

%Ln:g!@Q Xkzq%^0  rononce -p ----15秒关机 dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息51Testing软件测试网{8W)u$z kZ#J$T9A [

f_^*D)p'F9f0  regedt32-------注册表编辑器 Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序

Il N6vD}P0

|1B8nu;gIP3m8WP0  rsop.msc-------组策略结果集 mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况51Testing软件测试网W3\@"}HF8e(G@

&Hjab/G5^0  regedit.exe----注册表 winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天51Testing软件测试网T.b%Q2h]:yw,q


  progman--------程序管理器 winmsd---------系统信息51Testing软件测试网r5D0Oh.X4@}\W

WbU f_f0o0  perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序 winver---------检查Windows版本51Testing软件测试网-^(F(x1\)sx7k x

51Testing软件测试网,MbU IE1o-v4f

  sfc /scannow-----扫描错误并复原 winipcfg-------IP配置51Testing软件测试网k9o?u'bE!CA3S,J5p

51Testing软件测试网2O` ]\1s2mE+}.[z

  taskmgr-----任务管理器(2000/xp/2003)command--------cmd51Testing软件测试网5F I3HCo"Ze

51Testing软件测试网 D'~+jU$f+b3{RGZ `

  fsmgmt.msc 共享文件夹 netstat -an----查看端口51Testing软件测试网ql(d~;s

5B I^ tS5CyA0  osk 屏幕键盘install.asp----修改注册网页51Testing软件测试网w%?B*IPtX_;l5m

51Testing软件测试网1D N%Ote

  eventvwr.msc 时间查看器

YlCYig)aS051Testing软件测试网3Q0S Ge"j k](D

  secpol.msc 本地安全设置

B G&d0^B0_7u051Testing软件测试网3d ui]+Dd:pa

  services.msc 服务




,_`v%Kkn._a&F]0  accwiz.exe > 辅助工具向导

pcQ+J)u@:ADF#xF051Testing软件测试网[*{ s;~N?

  acsetups.exe > acs setup dcom server executable

J![{;? c051Testing软件测试网-{\_[`4R sK/x o

  actmovie.exe > 直接显示安装工具

'w_h;e e:R,v{b0

e+{2U T'V H W/msn m0  append.exe > 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据

8b2i)Sb cJR.X0

7Y(W;S1Z&S*?'S/yO0  arp.exe > 显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应列表

s/V$?!Om051Testing软件测试网 T5^p,RU

  at.exe > 计划运行任务51Testing软件测试网:q];iy[i/`

4wANk)u0  atmadm.exe > 调用管理器统计51Testing软件测试网@+E!]:\y


  attrib.exe > 显示和更改文件和文件夹属性

WAVc/M7Kp5m h0

,^ }TLh{0  autochk.exe > 检测修复文件系统51Testing软件测试网NX#L8A V;r

51Testing软件测试网| JPeidr,o

  autoconv.exe > 在启动过程中自动转化系统

,N'h(b!J#cA051Testing软件测试网4f3k`4s#i$S f

  autofmt.exe > 在启动过程中格式化进程


.^&K2MQ{~D-RU0  autolfn.exe > 使用长文件名格式

E0X'idF6j0bA051Testing软件测试网u*b-w$| P5K Ut["D~

  bootok.exe > boot acceptance application for registry

] F F8v9N051Testing软件测试网d:pq V}P B h"a

  bootvrfy.exe > 通报启动成功51Testing软件测试网p H ud`3T[*V QP

z,J*hM#IUr0  cacls.exe > 显示和编辑acl51Testing软件测试网9a)rX4R6A{ g@


  calc.exe > 计算器


B)enZL;cQQ0  cdplayer.exe > cd播放器51Testing软件测试网^?l2L+] `D W3cu

$]K,lX$u3V"f:i Y;]&m0  change.exe > 与终端服务器相关的查询


  charmap.exe > 字符映射表51Testing软件测试网1F;@/it4bs(Y

51Testing软件测试网9b7}HDn U

  chglogon.exe > 启动或停用会话记录


6G~ G~'Ox;P0  chgport.exe > 改变端口(终端服务)


*u s.M)g!c(A#_n0  chgusr.exe > 改变用户(终端服务)

v ~W$rUd|051Testing软件测试网Et{"q(q6vsZ O

  chkdsk.exe > 磁盘检测程序

.cL;A l*~ tC5^0

H.\BbUk`0  chkntfs.exe > 磁盘检测程序

.^8y WQ"t051Testing软件测试网&r#KF/m;XnG"g[F^$s

  cidaemon.exe > 组成ci文档服务

S| pb2M7_ ~0

ET2M}O6m _2^ pp0  cipher.exe > 在ntfs上显示或改变加密的文件或目录

*W pL{`1G z8kN051Testing软件测试网$k1F1ZZ$Jk/Nj

  cisvc.exe > 索引内容51Testing软件测试网BFo@vo[&~4_ Z

rONpN:^U q0  ckcnv.exe > 变换cookie51Testing软件测试网9E2K4R4C zU

a&mroT0  cleanmgr.exe > 磁盘清理

(l)oXhJ7u051Testing软件测试网;lcF s&Cv8o

  cliconfg.exe > sql客户网络工具51Testing软件测试网CX+^*m[E@)E

't?e4K,tPB0  clipbrd.exe > 剪贴簿查看器

&p I/] Od3K ^)t051Testing软件测试网)u zW ? PQ$F

  clipsrv.exe > 运行clipboard服务51Testing软件测试网)X0kx1H+XUC$R

51Testing软件测试网tzG` c9A

  clspack.exe > 建立系统文件列表清单51Testing软件测试网9QHnoy g'H2H

0]V@)PF)hV0  cluster.exe > 显示域的集群51Testing软件测试网xNY#[ M/Cl Q

51Testing软件测试网\P xc8Y|)Fg

  _cmd_.exe > 没什么好说的!

/@3Yoxk6btP0T J051Testing软件测试网s#H-@j.B:u+` zk

  cmdl32.exe > 自动下载连接管理

`'Fvc a.M051Testing软件测试网*t[.tbB ko%v

  cmmgr32.exe > 连接管理器


  cmmon32.exe > 连接管理器监视

6i~}f3y8f2y[A051Testing软件测试网&x r&WY r"a.Bo t

  cmstp.exe > 连接管理器配置文件安装程序51Testing软件测试网M0uO_gPM&X+N

9?'C?x[Z$S0  comclust.exe > 集群51Testing软件测试网.tY?L+Lv3r1E


  comp.exe > 比较两个文件和文件集的内容*


"y {TZ*[ s"Z w,X3D0  compact.exe > 显示或改变ntfs分区上文件的压缩状态

&Zbj)Af E{S051Testing软件测试网;D"T|{)];~L4Q

  conime.exe > ime控制台51Testing软件测试网}Hq ? ZM}^

G HVUS$m}0  control.exe > 控制面板51Testing软件测试网d#~?8T7WC5Je6g

4Z,s"Y0F0p0  convert.exe > 转换文件系统到ntfs


s;s%O|$a{0  convlog.exe > 转换iis日志文件格式到ncsa格式51Testing软件测试网9x%[8}(F4n"i

"o ms1FN"W)V%J0  cprofile.exe > 转换显示模式


&a?0b ax,ll6] d.h2Ze0pZ0  cscript.exe > 较本宿主版本


/~g s0g8q"n!MJ0  csrss.exe > 客户服务器runtime进程


"U {/be8~y.R0  csvde.exe > 日至格式转换程序


q`;Z0^7UvK1Nz0  dbgtrace.exe > 和terminal server相关


W6c5S kY)Gg-L0  dcomcnfg.exe > dcom配置属性51Testing软件测试网&cT"g0{ _\,cF

/k#Td#CTl~F0  dcphelp.exe > ?51Testing软件测试网-k!A6HN7~@\(S


  dcpromo.exe > ad安装向导51Testing软件测试网)O:p0s.e%c(Nc!m#j


  ddeshare.exe > dde共享51Testing软件测试网:a{$}.[S$o;T4k/y

iTbnBGSD#b0  ddmprxy.exe >51Testing软件测试网}C PHmL9i;J} m


  debug.exe > 就是debug啦!

O~dV _5k+N0

&wZH3w(yEB ]5U0  dfrgfat.exe > fat分区磁盘碎片整理程序51Testing软件测试网3|c LCJ)R9y?

51Testing软件测试网timZMEO m3n

  dfrgntfs.exe > ntfs分区磁盘碎片整理程序

!FMY O3}/x]J5P6x051Testing软件测试网"G(IuC)di'W4@

  dfs_cmd_.exe > 配置一个dfs树51Testing软件测试网)ts~:D'mV8g


  dfsinit.exe > 分布式文件系统初始化51Testing软件测试网$M.zG2Y-I

51Testing软件测试网_I-Oo{ Vw

  dfssvc.exe > 分布式文件系统服务器51Testing软件测试网l5q+bj[m ?1Z

51Testing软件测试网o fM1OuH)w:o

  diantz.exe > 制作cab文件51Testing软件测试网 S3u%]HS$Fa~d

\)wWS*q6EI-O7x.s0  diskperf.exe > 磁盘性能计数器


  dllhost.exe > 所有com+应用软件的主进程

ea#U&y$glb b0

}hh(Jg!V+z6o9Rc+h0  dllhst3g.exe >

OM _~Cs0

B%i_W X8xw"u0  dmadmin.exe > 磁盘管理服务51Testing软件测试网(i ky1f5{.njWw vN

nmW(gH:Tc y0ia0  dmremote.exe > 磁盘管理服务的一部分51Testing软件测试网qL*A}9]

/]oO*K kF8m$e0  dns.exe > dns applications dns

1}j okzf:I8D0

S%q v~1F5{-Ss,E0  doskey.exe > 命令行创建宏51Testing软件测试网9X O&Kb?(s~

P]w_(b|0  dosx.exe > dos扩展

A O+j7[$s0

&Q4R(i}NY_F*V;mBM0  dplaysvr.exe > 直接运行帮助

dM V2{3v?051Testing软件测试网&V i2`+u(Y j5e Dr

  drwatson.exe > 华生医生错误检测51Testing软件测试网r l.EgwE+gZ.g_

F4l1sT&{*xF.h2i0  drwtsn32.exe > 华生医生显示和配置管理51Testing软件测试网0VG:W5e|(Q)YE n:K

51Testing软件测试网^7E"q Pwg

  dtcsetup.exe > installs mdtc51Testing软件测试网 xW$D|n?5pQ

/s(h2UT`|~Z0  dvdplay.exe > dvd播放

'^ U gx%b OPG0

M#PER1b-s0  dxdiag.exe > direct-x诊断工具

3T+E6p OPA m051Testing软件测试网1OHa HvR

  edlin.exe > 命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊!)

,U$S@I| F4h})Y051Testing软件测试网2K[Eaa0Tu'~z

  edlin.exe > 命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊!)

%bK6^9|6` g5}1[$t0

nB-}t,a}T0  esentutl.exe > ms数据库工具

(U\ {6_|a051Testing软件测试网+g!RCV*I_9i/O8`\`

  eudcedit.exe > type造字程序51Testing软件测试网}\1}/p,I!CiLg

51Testing软件测试网R+f g!z*bg1f

  eventvwr.exe > 事件查看器51Testing软件测试网9zH-o @Stu

Z6oNL}z|?0  evnt_cmd_.exe > event to trap translator; configuration tool


N(~&e|n#Z9c6{!v v0  evntwin.exe > event to trap translator setup51Testing软件测试网fhh ~2G1Y \4j

51Testing软件测试网:ala R V9|-?S

  exe2bin.exe > 转换exe文件到二进制51Testing软件测试网 ]} s~x7uS

8h]Y:S:g%J:nx?D0  expand.exe > 解压缩51Testing软件测试网Y _H pur;q

51Testing软件测试网5Feo d/fP'Y%y^

  extrac32.exe > 解cab工具


K,? ``"|i&IE|~0  fastopen.exe > 快速访问在内存中的硬盘文件

~7U*kG [b(W0

8K;S vc$S'htDA0  faxcover.exe > 传真封面编辑

V[8se {8? c051Testing软件测试网4t*}C(T&Ju&d

  faxqueue.exe > 显示传真队列51Testing软件测试网'y+w+FEd8xAw C

,\VqV}#B/n+DJ{0  faxsend.exe > 发送传真向导51Testing软件测试网 p#[5rg[? } q3m

51Testing软件测试网&n8}:Y,ZQ8n;p g

  faxsvc.exe > 启动传真服务51Testing软件测试网J+m'T p5S}

kyD j`zW"I0  fc.exe > 比较两个文件的不同51Testing软件测试网P#b1Fa m$D lq

Qx:w(a|'dp0  find.exe > 查找文件中的文本行

xE,V:Bse p~)YT0

'M'g'W:F/I:ij'o0  findstr.exe > 查找文件中的行51Testing软件测试网R%RkiJ!UYY

7B [1iuMB ]0  finger.exe > 一个用户并显示出统计结果51Testing软件测试网l7Nmk DP"L@t?!EI

&ix KRh5g0  fixmapi.exe > 修复mapi文件51Testing软件测试网 E{Z&dzE

51Testing软件测试网%mz;~@D,U3@)v J

  flattemp.exe > 允许或者禁用临时文件目录


Q P$S+|cU9m:?2b0  fontview.exe > 显示字体文件中的字体


CBL%q1v0  forcedos.exe > forces a file to start in dos mode. 强制文件在dos模式下运行


  freecell.exe > popular windows game 空当接龙

i!f+XMr v051Testing软件测试网m gv Jxh7s-ki'R+`

  ftp.exe > file transfer protocol used to transfer files over a network conne

*cF`+c \0

9}/|O7J-zc0  ction 就是ftp了51Testing软件测试网3?FR/i{fe;h

z pGxX#w0  gdi.exe > graphic device interface 图形界面驱动51Testing软件测试网,j$C9D5D:U@

B@2V3mq0  grovel.exe >51Testing软件测试网\4~,T$jdK


  grpconv.exe > program manager group convertor 转换程序管理员组51Testing软件测试网9z x.I-V)qt7x"^O-?

51Testing软件测试网a(W{L/\hxD i

  help.exe > displays help for windows 2000 commands 显示帮助51Testing软件测试网{ Xi2R-]

K8J `(A E,|0  hostname.exe > display hostname for machine. 显示机器的hostname


  ie4uinit.exe > ie5 user install tool ie5用户安装工具

C ^!_1Nv*{Uo051Testing软件测试网*KR u;[F%?j.B

  ieshwiz.exe > customize folder wizard 自定义文件夹向导51Testing软件测试网8SBD}b w6m

XiN_O,P0  iexpress.exe > create and setup packages for install 穿件安装包51Testing软件测试网%C5M3W+S0\Lp

G;[Fw[&{n/\ azp0  iisreset.exe > restart iis admin service 重启iis服务


  internat.exe > keyboard language indicator applet 键盘语言指示器51Testing软件测试网tc(aDF@

51Testing软件测试网D y @ T)DqL6L

  ipconfig.exe > windows 2000 ip configuration. 察看ip配置


  ipsecmon.exe > ip security monitor ip安全监视器

.D:p:ODCv| ^0

:@l:Z$CXExkX2B0  ipxroute.exe > ipx routing and source routing control program ipx路由和源路由51Testing软件测试网-V9D"Y1t8J,W

0] n$k1Wg:t}R^J0  控制程序51Testing软件测试网zl'q(\-srU ?#e

)@8hK6Y|0  irftp.exe > setup ftp for wireless communication 无线连接51Testing软件测试网@4W([-wA|#O


  ismserv.exe > intersite messaging service 安装或者删除service control manage51Testing软件测试网ZCv6q2h#G[Q


  r中的服务51Testing软件测试网Jin4[ n9D;T9R^

b6J!u|_9cxYM2w0  jdbgmgr.exe > microsoft debugger for java 4 java4的调试器


  jetconv.exe > convert a jet engine database 转换jet engine数据库51Testing软件测试网*A,a!l_GH5P/e;kv4`

3k ei9L Z FH1OBn0  jetpack.exe > compact jet database. 压缩jet数据库

F'htrMK/CB @_0

!o9UP-X)MrH {2dw0  jview.exe > command-line loader for java java的命令行装载者


*G:[h-f^P'\0  krnl386.exe > core component for windows 2000 2000的核心组件


i7QX.p]gu&~0  label.exe > change label for drives 改变驱动器的卷标51Testing软件测试网+K%v)M[$F8f(BE$P]


  lcwiz.exe > license compliance wizard for local or remote systems. 许可证符合



d:JH2[%@051Testing软件测试网*]J NV s:i&v;h

  ldifde.exe > ldif cmd line manager ldif目录交换命令行管理51Testing软件测试网S3h@u sm2VMz

l L4H2qZ/qa0  licmgr.exe > terminal server license manager 终端服务许可协议管理

!wI Q5dup0

(Bm+Z-K.B y%n(G0  lights.exe > display connection status lights 显示连接状况

;Pv!UKQ7F"`2eU'J051Testing软件测试网M mH-M$w

  llsmgr.exe > windows 2000 license manager 2000许可协议管理

\Z)It Eq)Y%@#? et051Testing软件测试网'Go|z[-T,[

  llssrv.exe > start the license server 启动许可协议服务器

tm3wcg-t/L5V \051Testing软件测试网7MF+WX S-v1zy*T]

  lnkstub.exe >


  locator.exe > rpc locator 远程定位51Testing软件测试网Q%J+r(s0UbQ;W(V7YC)}


  lodctr.exe > load perfmon counters 调用性能计数


|)k8U+Q1sO*u4A?3C0  logoff.exe > log current user off. 注销用户51Testing软件测试网jO#l[,HxrQ?

51Testing软件测试网)m%["q1U jJ

  lpq.exe > displays status of a remote lpd queue 显示远端的lpd打印队列的状态,51Testing软件测试网F tSb6T&}m4n;~



a;Y5NiF!E Wm051Testing软件测试网/{Z _~p)vP

  lpr.exe > send a print job to a network printer. 重定向打印任务到网络中的打印51Testing软件测试网Fc#iF/A7k F,n#I+x

51Testing软件测试网 c:aH9Xvli7s


0oYQ]{ d#E"Lq p051Testing软件测试网6lD*y a*r%GW{


;fa eE ] j"J_y051Testing软件测试网0TN6i4DDA4wq

  lsass.exe > lsa executable and server dll 运行lsa和server的dll51Testing软件测试网4y6b7Bt+|'Z

\r9Cs z @yb0G0  lserver.exe > specifies the new dns domain for the default server 指定默认se

#b!{ R8B(f8Ar051Testing软件测试网"I*hd#\*g'[}

  rver新的dns域51Testing软件测试网^ w;D)I7_t \


  os2.exe > an os/2 warp server (os2 /o) os/2


1sJr&_ArI0  os2srv.exe > an os/2 warp server os/2


^0G4{#z*d0  os2ss.exe > an os/2 warp server os/251Testing软件测试网c$^,O$yE6D w8?/In;_


  osk.exe > on screen keyboard 屏幕键盘


  packager.exe > windows 2000 packager manager 对象包装程序51Testing软件测试网XwA"k:aw

QrcQIM3H lNT0  pathping.exe > combination of ping and tracert 包含ping和tracert的程序51Testing软件测试网9K'y ? Q4E ~.Q2p

51Testing软件测试网!rc Nac_

  pax.exe > is a posix program and path names used as arguments must be specif


J c/Uon I;K.AJ(z0  ied in posix format. use "//c/users/default" instead of "c:usersdefault."51Testing软件测试网!UZM;m$B9c'Z

51Testing软件测试网j%H(X_.b ^

  启动便携式存档互换 (pax) 实用程序51Testing软件测试网}t:^j:C|

7? O}8{.x5G Q p0  pentnt.exe > used to check the pentium for the floating point division error51Testing软件测试网&KGzi F2v7oq4]


  . 检查pentium的浮点错误

'|*hP6\b~d051Testing软件测试网;U+N2o I3QQ/@2Hk#O

  perfmon.exe > starts windows performance monitor 性能监视器51Testing软件测试网JP6et0c(?9s

|8c P)Sn5YdkWo0  ping.exe > packet internet groper 验证与远程计算机的连接51Testing软件测试网+k C5S*l)y X9@$\


  posix.exe > used for backward compatibility with unix 用于兼容unix


  print.exe > cmd line used to print files 打印文本文件或显示打印队列的内容。


  progman.exe > program manager 程序管理器51Testing软件测试网WT+v~?|]

;D-BkJl*{!j0  proquota.exe > profile quota program51Testing软件测试网1]6YMLt8`

/W"]i D.iZ0  psxss.exe > posix subsystem application posix子系统应用程序51Testing软件测试网5N MwPow2p

lh%e8l{.\'\0  qappsrv.exe > displays the available application terminal servers on the net

b5c8Q @.HD051Testing软件测试网$Q#@'K} D;\j.Z

  work51Testing软件测试网M Znp7iXM

51Testing软件测试网.n Wt]n

  在网络上显示终端服务器可用的程序51Testing软件测试网$S ^{xKY n;hr:bD

)h!Fz;l O0  qprocess.exe > display information about processes local or remote 在本地或远51Testing软件测试网[f S:OE?

51Testing软件测试网.t8Q {qQ B5}Q|

  程显示进程的信息(需终端服务)51Testing软件测试网wsT GXk4f}

)H6A-ie0Rh1m'[%w0  query.exe > query termserver user process and sessions 查询进程和对话51Testing软件测试网6_L+L6V!cKDC/@ \;Y

)m6^&`#e}_0  quser.exe > display information about a user logged on 显示用户登陆的信息(需

8@[A-OT] ?051Testing软件测试网*{_Lsr3D B}A

  终端服务)51Testing软件测试网C @ eM ~z!O]*t


  qwinsta.exe > display information about terminal sessions. 显示终端服务的信息51Testing软件测试网a}`O!w

pQ Po3i F0  51Testing软件测试网DTm2b]r#c zE

$?jU#m2r7y0  rasadmin.exe > start the remote access admin service 启动远程访问服务

7Fu:QN(mXx jZ051Testing软件测试网]E2m8F t6CWu_5o

  rasautou.exe > creates a ras connection 建立一个ras连接51Testing软件测试网 gqB#G)x"K GQ

X0\ U G m'PG ~K0  rasdial.exe > dial a connection 拨号连接51Testing软件测试网5]#wjv/]

51Testing软件测试网aC@N? {,hQU

  ras.exe > starts a ras connection 运行ras连接51Testing软件测试网h x?1t*S2RQ,GG{

9OLTuS m%^9zf0  rcp.exe > copies a file from and to a rcp service. 在 windows 2000 计算机和运51Testing软件测试网(KLG:j v`-e

)pT5T [(?j;b/q0  行远程外壳端口监控程序 rshd 的系统之间复制文件

OLZ(Kfs051Testing软件测试网]Ir RZ}

  rdpclip.exe > rdpclip allows you to copy and paste files between a terminal

N2a#R\T T gxx051Testing软件测试网 v N(gZ%\

  session and client console session. 再终端和本地复制和粘贴文件51Testing软件测试网i1I*i2|nN)[l;mg'}

a]-~1C;xbhu2V0  recover.exe > recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk 从坏


g4o J~'xxP S0  的或有缺陷的磁盘中恢复可读取的信息。

k2M'C+@ N+|051Testing软件测试网oz V'TYJPy4Ci

  redir.exe > starts the redirector service 运行重定向服务

m-N,M|R8RO M0

+Y#P&pNS#^0  regedt32.exe > 32-bit register service 32位注册服务

b3caN@;a-Q#g@051Testing软件测试网:{1gND+wm a

  regini.exe > modify registry permissions from within a script. 用脚本修改注册




;T ^yJ+GGpa0  register.exe > register a program so it can have special execution character

J1P4\8tVE [j;F051Testing软件测试网 SD*v#ux,J"NFWE

  istics. 注册包含特殊运行字符的程序51Testing软件测试网2tjt!x1M~1?3u


  regsvc.exe >


8O1X{,UF0  regsvr32.exe > registers and unregister"s dll"s. as to how and where it regi51Testing软件测试网Zss!L0m'Vs

i k_oha#m0  ster"s them i dont know. 注册和反注册dll51Testing软件测试网ey]Ujj'`r

q {E0nj"sp0  regtrace.exe > options to tune debug options for applications failing to dum

H4d&t1k%u%\t Qlv051Testing软件测试网(`~}'@!G!f

  p trace statements51Testing软件测试网&Gz[5Kr9w`*s


  trace 设置51Testing软件测试网Jj0X:^P3I@jzY


  regwiz.exe > registration wizard 注册向导51Testing软件测试网.W1\\ [B/W


  remrras.exe >51Testing软件测试网 l:g9h5A7x{ QbO

9vZ+l8[BP$B4l0  replace.exe > replace files 用源目录中的同名文件替换目标目录中的文件。51Testing软件测试网b$E^ocA H mX

/[%J,bVKVY*_~0  reset.exe > reset an active section 重置活动部分51Testing软件测试网#IT7M~"y${

51Testing软件测试网o$m.O7a4d!QdP T)ta

  rexec.exe > runs commands on remote hosts running the rexec service. 在运行51Testing软件测试网Yp uL2U["N Z


  rexec 服务的远程计算机上运行命令。rexec 命令在执行指定命令前,验证远程计算机

:Bp2{k,d/LT$Q m0

%\&r2_Dw F;V \0  上的用户名,只有安装了 tcp/ip 协议后才可以使用该命令。51Testing软件测试网:y'C z8z3J[4^d

+d O#V[(?n0  risetup.exe > starts the remote installation service wizard. 运行远程安装向导51Testing软件测试网 hNmO7L

Nr oI)bW G i0  服务

0u7TFt ta8v0

'cs(SGs9[%vf0  route.exe > display or edit the current routing tables. 控制网络路由表51Testing软件测试网#]Q2a D;Ghm Z

e dE6{ _c7PZ%o0  routemon.exe > no longer supported 不再支持了!

$xL7w j*vL|4g051Testing软件测试网0L-PNJ ~4cyf7^'Fxt

  router.exe > router software that runs either on a dedicated dos or on an os51Testing软件测试网&k$@C2V,IDMzo

Ub8cBY@0G6B4S~0  /2 system. route软件在 dos或者是os/2系统51Testing软件测试网;Xp7}D]0UeQ4\8W

v"n:{dJ~)~ T0  rsh.exe > runs commands on remote hosts running the rsh service 在运行 rsh 服51Testing软件测试网"k#Hkzht

;B.tI?jSo7C0  务的远程计算机上运行命令


  rsm.exe > mounts and configures remote system media 配置远程系统媒体51Testing软件测试网@\.J0z Y j z-F8^)r/u

51Testing软件测试网 G v}"?:@_$\ j_

  rsnotify.exe > remote storage notification recall 远程存储通知回显51Testing软件测试网 JHAp J0M8@Z


  rsvp.exe > resource reservation protocol 源预约协议51Testing软件测试网U*p_K^Z(z5d C)o'ZiG b


  runas.exe > run a program as another user 允许用户用其他权限运行指定的工具和

1v0_6D[#r+t J8| E7F051Testing软件测试网 IT$s'@:zI5cB&s


8jL d@/W3Z ~7l051Testing软件测试网"Xf&u#KRIx(G

  rundll32.exe > launches a 32-bit dll program 启动32位dll程序51Testing软件测试网9t-Ft#w:~w+t`,H^

51Testing软件测试网tAQWr I*h q

  runonce.exe > causes a program to run during startup 运行程序再开始菜单中


E9uy"osG"k;g0  rwinsta.exe > reset the session subsystem hardware and software to known ini51Testing软件测试网Hhv5R6j(Tv:fB5U6l

;z3K3jL#X$^A/D}c0  tial values 重置会话子系统硬件和软件到最初的值51Testing软件测试网d`0[/EQ \(F

Z#d9e7m~b.G-X0  savedump.exe > does not write to e:winntuser.dmp 不写入user.dmp中

r,G!GQshM051Testing软件测试网b g1FdC

  scardsvr.exe > smart card resource management server 子能卡资源管理服务器

%bA P3}%A#t \g|0

5Sb;}\l ^W0  schupgr.exe > it will read the schema update files (.ldf files) and upgrade

^#}+vP']E;Y n } c0

mp&D0~x0}n0  the schema. (part of adsi) 读取计划更新文件和更新计划

!L%ORw;cT(Mg(T051Testing软件测试网"m t_ j"xs

  secedit.exe > starts security editor help 自动安全性配置管理51Testing软件测试网x+S.P6i L/qVt O Zj

&D&G7cJ:o A;P }0  services.exe > controls all the services 控制所有服务51Testing软件测试网E*xHvS\.d

F&p(|F5VW0  sethc.exe > set high contrast - changes colours and display mode logoff to s

`b RM1~C0

!ER}k+d XS0  et it back to normal 设置高对比

mu5`!T B7K \7^Q051Testing软件测试网3{0Rx Rg E{1^7@ N

  setreg.exe > shows the software publishing state key values 显示软件发布的国51Testing软件测试网^ h'K4E[&N$f

_EQ1j f&S0  家语言

A9BM*E['\4h b0

mT j4Ab irn0  setup.exe > gui box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system co


"u`-nn#X| T0  mponents 安装程序(转到控制面板)


!|j4b c7k0K0  setver.exe > set version for files 设置 ms-dos 子系统向程序报告的 ms-dos 版本51Testing软件测试网z"w!c r#^t

e.V R5^b+x0  号51Testing软件测试网)^u E K9O2\r8Si x j&A/^


  sfc.exe > system file checker test and check system files for integrity 系统


?]+_M cy#wJ7`E0  文件检查

tK/i{m CM0

T4]'vla0  sfmprint.exe > print services for macintosh 打印macintosh服务51Testing软件测试网;y"{!dBe*Od9F

:M}f&[2jBv0  sfmpsexe.exe >


6l1fFj/r"K0  sfmsvc.exe >

%| KJ2g6v051Testing软件测试网!DC3W&X7v%@,|

  shadow.exe > monitor another terminal services session. 监控另外一台中端服务51Testing软件测试网,a0W%LS \#LQw

/U fx%`m7t@l8o3E0  器会话


  share.exe > windows 2000 和 ms-dos 子系统不使用该命令。接受该命令只是为了与

,`1Rz%S sX&i0

3e-s{8H:?pm ^0  ms-dos 文件兼容51Testing软件测试网wv+S`0@5D

51Testing软件测试网| iV*m8v g

  shmgrate.exe >

K |+[P?#B0

d.k&lzvh4_ e:F5v0  shrpubw.exe > create and share folders 建立和共享文件夹51Testing软件测试网Mry%C[5[/}I?s

S anap0  sigverif.exe > file signature verification 文件签名验证


  skeys.exe > serial keys utility 序列号制作工具51Testing软件测试网4iP Ch:k!X*e

51Testing软件测试网Z#dOB:h7q1P2t F

  smlogsvc.exe > performance logs and alerts 性能日志和警报

qfmd7?051Testing软件测试网!C#E$q `+U*`6?j)LN

  smss.exe >

7M%v g2S7s6] N4W-Q051Testing软件测试网8vp#y|c(^

  sndrec32.exe > starts the windows sound recorder 录音机51Testing软件测试网L9s/Skh |s

Si"| e!}Oc0  sndvol32.exe > display the current volume information 显示声音控制信息


z.z oN)v SY%A8^0  snmp.exe > simple network management protocol used for network mangement 简单


|vNs1x0  网络管理协议51Testing软件测试网 V7E0Afm

x T |*s7DU/\0  snmptrap.exe > utility used with snmp snmp工具51Testing软件测试网.zi%rX Z\`tN

51Testing软件测试网 L u] u B)P*c

  sol.exe > windows solitaire game 纸牌

M U1c ^f)x"oR051Testing软件测试网L Zmy(StT)e

  sort.exe > compares files and folders 读取输入、排序数据并将结果写到屏幕、文

"] l/dqW5C8\0

8P"x9};f{3`0  件和其他设备上

p ue AmC*k1O0

7b/P;H$i H4\"a VTc j0  SPOOLSV.EXE > Part of the spooler service for printing 打印池服务的一部分


2? w*jH$A[0  sprestrt.exe >

M"m Sf5|o0

+\w6y"R_qU3G0  srvmgr.exe > Starts the Windows Server Manager 服务器管理器


~b0y ~8G0  stimon.exe > WDM StillImage- > Monitor51Testing软件测试网/lNy!v.Q/yI!Q7QU0w

8d']N`1Do0  stisvc.exe > WDM StillImage- > Service51Testing软件测试网3YU8YF0n&z

51Testing软件测试网A!Z I\!}g!`N ^mL*x

  subst.exe > Associates a path with a drive letter 将路径与驱动器盘符关联


  svchost.exe > Svchost.exe is a generic host process name for services that a51Testing软件测试网 E*N:l.S4e'M

51Testing软件测试网h7d;f'z ipd By

  re run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). DLL得主进程


'Mtt?dz,e0  syncapp.exe > Creates Windows Briefcase. 创建Windows文件包51Testing软件测试网'_$B0A_H*W TrE

k o;_6?Gb:Wq u0  sysedit.exe > Opens Editor for 4 system files 系统配置编辑器51Testing软件测试网 i,VB D6b o1u

%l [Fv v0  syskey.exe > Encrypt and secure system database NT账号数据库按群工具

w;@5P+i{m a\)D"Z!e0

{j}*Y&ih2i0  sysocmgr.exe > Windows 2000 Setup 2000安装程序51Testing软件测试网](?&\,y&O3k ]7y4d }1x C


  systray.exe > Starts the systray in the lower right corner. 在低权限运行syst51Testing软件测试网(Rj{:D7|&L^Fa&?8S

51Testing软件测试网@ mi8O^1vS



0C+H|:{ |4s f0  macfile.exe > Used for managing MACFILES 管理MACFILES

tCgv4qQ#bg z0D0c0

b4pzu,@.[0  magnify.exe > Used to magnify the current screen 放大镜51Testing软件测试网l2_$wYfs{

n:W5I.YJL i0  makecab.exe > MS Cabinet Maker 制作CAB文件51Testing软件测试网 F,L/ZL)UqSuc#K

NJ s&LL A'B/O,I0  mdm.exe > Machine Debug Manager 机器调试管理51Testing软件测试网8p-pcPEW


  mem.exe > Display current Memory stats 显示内存状态

;s$AJ??%DI o@*e0

eRj hcHlW0  migpwd.exe > Migrate passwords. 迁移密码51Testing软件测试网f@Z~ X!Fu

a U$AUe6p i$}0  mmc.exe > Microsoft Management Console 控制台


V$gJgT*\)~0  mnmsrvc.exe > Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing NetMeeting远程桌面共享51Testing软件测试网8tOx4Q:Z'}

51Testing软件测试网 f|"? [uG/f:rvt

  mobsync.exe > Manage Synchronization. 同步目录管理器51Testing软件测试网g6WVj,]j

51Testing软件测试网 CBPYPh,H,QV

  mountvol.exe > Creates, deletes, or lists a volume mount point. 创建、删除或

Lj\ Q_1Q"\pL051Testing软件测试网U'c-Ct)xe"b^



Gf4PnJ3F,f,v8O+_B0  mplay32.exe > MS Media Player 媒体播放器

w?5Y"lYv+V051Testing软件测试网w+S^n!d'f X(sqc

  mpnotify.exe > Multiple Provider Notification application 多提供者通知应用程51Testing软件测试网:@.YHm!J,B*?

+J,L R%d!Y{7Z5J,SE0  序51Testing软件测试网+}u0q `X*Z x

{Ag:`&FH-E g;v({0  mq1sync.exe >51Testing软件测试网cLz mc2kMg

7l+r&t;l |v&jG v0  mqbkup.exe > MS Message Queue Backup and Restore Utility 信息队列备份和恢复工51Testing软件测试网v?Mr-EF~D6~\

n k-ep9W5^9J0  具

"U l$j9D7? w&^EE051Testing软件测试网0hO5B q'V v+i

  mqexchng.exe > MSMQ Exchange Connector Setup 信息队列交换连接设置51Testing软件测试网}g'v5h~l

-iw8xQ8|#B:w}O0  mqmig.exe > MSMQ Migration Utility 信息队列迁移工具


_0wk Z"sZt2Cv)`Bg0  mqsvc.exe > ?51Testing软件测试网Q[}]/o1M2S+G R'?

LAgNt S0  mrinfo.exe > Multicast routing using SNMP 使用SNMP多点传送路由51Testing软件测试网 Yb'^-p1Y,k(lV)V

Q.n~`$a;z0  mscdexnt.exe > Installs MSCD (MS CD Extensions) 安装MSCD51Testing软件测试网3e(C+QNk!bt7QH


  msdtc.exe > Dynamic Transaction Controller Console 动态事务处理控制台

I,``fB Gg Y0

"EwkQ(wM]0  msg.exe > Send a message to a user local or remote. 发送消息到本地或远程客户51Testing软件测试网9XaN ZG4j/DT

!f)Ez;}N{/C2x W0  

K9V B.T1qQ kh F1^051Testing软件测试网S\IK.pc(X5?j

  mshta.exe > HTML Application HOST HTML应用程序主机


/@)gsFl+tn3e@0  msiexec.exe > Starts Windows Installer Program 开始Windows安装程序51Testing软件测试网1{6J(L"q'KL4B

?7h[,yG F0  mspaint.exe > Microsoft Paint 画板

k.G W}k7z051Testing软件测试网{1T6e+[&W'I0}

  msswchx.exe >51Testing软件测试网{&e5xm4wX7hL1d

;Xar;lK/mT0  mstask.exe > Task Schedule Program 任务计划表程序


/VA1zou0  mstinit.exe > Task scheduler setup 任务计划表安装


:~q Dai0  narrator.exe > Program will allow you to have a narrator for reading. Micros51Testing软件测试网^(V1t/~ b}b

51Testing软件测试网b|(g8c hp&F"{



  nbtstat.exe > Displays protocol stats and current TCP/IP connections using N51Testing软件测试网)l#m2H dQ9A


  BT 使用 NBT(TCP/IP 上的 NetBIOS)显示协议统计和当前 TCP/IP 连接。51Testing软件测试网 Im L4|2V5z'u


  nddeapir.exe > NDDE API Server side NDDE API服务器端

lH6Eu} \051Testing软件测试网fPi cV8A{

  net.exe > Net Utility 详细用法看/?

;@J S;^MDG0

b2cDN@+KP)Y0  net1.exe > Net Utility updated version from MS Net的升级版51Testing软件测试网@-Ge1v7r

wX1y%i0[u0  netdde.exe > Network DDE will install itself into the background 安装自己到后




Z|'?.lx0  netsh.exe > Creates a shell for network information 用于配置和监控 Windows 2

^W%XgRB051Testing软件测试网 paEc.H(}

  000 命令行脚本接口。51Testing软件测试网nb7Iv;lg0Dd*m

k;S7}5vg-_ |#Y0  netstat.exe > Displays current connections. 显示协议统计和当前的 TCP/IP 网络51Testing软件测试网GZ-|0V:?$Y

OqH7m-}f6T0  连接。


  nlsfunc.exe > Loads country-specific information 加载特定国家(地区)的信息。51Testing软件测试网:Wy(V"B]-Ep

)rc`S~4j0  Windows 2000 和 MS-DOS 子系统不使用该命令。接受该命令只是为了与 MS-DOS 文件兼51Testing软件测试网?J0}:_5W:@%Vu0a

51Testing软件测试网~7n~3X u$@UR}


}5rEh3]mH d(T6e7A?051Testing软件测试网'_3S y ]i

  notepad.exe > Opens Windows 2000 Notepad 记事本51Testing软件测试网7z+u6}2AVwDR

51Testing软件测试网B#~!M ]Uq/{#m u

  nslookup.exe > Displays information for DNS 该诊断工具显示来自域名系统 (DNS)51Testing软件测试网q w@`3i5QTW

#[d#ARsgo0  名称服务器的信息。


q J^6U/dz0  ntbackup.exe > Opens the NT Backup Utility 备份和故障修复工具51Testing软件测试网l rUQ}Yq

1[0b g*n4O0  ntbooks.exe > Starts Windows Help Utility 帮助51Testing软件测试网Q {NA k Bh ?0o/p9rW

51Testing软件测试网VF[3wG u

  ntdsutil.exe > Performs DB maintenance of the ADSI 完成ADSI的DB的维护

4`Isbi051Testing软件测试网E GUNu{$RVRY

  ntfrs.exe > NT File Replication Service NT文件复制服务


.N_V_/S4N4g)w0  ntfrsupg.exe >


  ntkrnlpa.exe > Kernel patch 核心补丁51Testing软件测试网 E6A?4h7sO

%jzF!iw0{8x3G0  ntoskrnl.exe > Core NT Kernel KT的核心


2Um*A1|j?O:X0  ntsd.exe >51Testing软件测试网3Ne2JfxfYOJ2a


  ntvdm.exe > Simulates a 16-bit Windows environment 模拟16位Windows环境

+V!S2w9U I^\051Testing软件测试网;M0B9e6u8P$LL

  nw16.exe > Netware Redirector NetWare转向器


3}1Et-p N g[b0  nwscript.exe > runs netware scripts 运行Netware脚本51Testing软件测试网T;f9x-w+D^]


  odbcad32.exe > ODBC 32-bit Administrator 32位ODBC管理51Testing软件测试网Sv:G+E4N2j


  odbcconf.exe > Configure ODBC driver"s and data source"s from command line 命51Testing软件测试网Zs3Ka t!E#F#{7H

8X)jB6UM"T}1?0  令行配置ODBC驱动和数据源51Testing软件测试网$U*BUY|8i T%?$N'p

51Testing软件测试网7t G5E0`k e HU0O

  taskman.exe > Task Manager 任务管理器


TRre.~6Y@0  taskmgr.exe > Starts the Windows 2000 Task Manager 任务管理器51Testing软件测试网 Y,FT0ai(w} DA

51Testing软件测试网 Rh,`/x K4hj&s3ica?

  tcmsetup.exe > telephony client wizard 电话服务客户安装


  tcpsvcs.exe > TCP Services TCP服务51Testing软件测试网 PH;e;UDU

8`I!RKj;XI0  .exe > Telnet Utility used to connect to Telnet Server

3s_f*e)J }G5X051Testing软件测试网9T6? w1k/O0HX.Cq

  termsrv.exe > Terminal Server 终端服务51Testing软件测试网4mP`y9oX


  tftp.exe > Trivial FTP 将文件传输到正在运行 TFTP 服务的远程计算机或从正在运行51Testing软件测试网"m_S2U#M5g6vV

KtK0hN@!|0  TFTP 服务的远程计算机传输文件

*} mQWhRsh?051Testing软件测试网BC{Gg

  tftpd.exe > Trivial FTP Daemon51Testing软件测试网5E~j4x4K)b/zO

%OZd^Z,B0  themes.exe > Change Windows Themes 桌面主题

Jey)Q9U!G p0

3i]n5r:tc5]-q0  tlntadmn.exe > Telnet Server Administrator Telnet服务管理

m.V2f S;_8L051Testing软件测试网;DvS_F&f0h

  tlntsess.exe > Display the current Telnet Sessions 显示目前的Telnet会话

5q9S(T5g}5Mp6QA051Testing软件测试网DQ*b F~.JWN

  tlntsvr.exe > Start the Telnet Server 开始Telnet服务51Testing软件测试网(B$KL']\Rz R

51Testing软件测试网 s-U2H&v$J X sQ$]

  tracert.exe > Trace a route to display paths 该诊断实用程序将包含不同生存时间51Testing软件测试网 `+V g/@#pZ9K

1U#{*n??0  (TTL) 值的 Internet 控制消息协议 (ICMP) 回显数据包发送到目标,以决定到达目标51Testing软件测试网 O(aV[5s/W&gh#Q'v

51Testing软件测试网Y"{u{pT _


R#|i9G!i m%c/]K6L0

(w5ln"[Lh:G0]0  tsadmin.exe > Terminal Server Administrator 终端服务管理器51Testing软件测试网|Lc1H9x

IpF*sa)n,u*YX0  tscon.exe > Attaches a user session to a terminal session. 粘贴用户会话到终端51Testing软件测试网&lG0tU1Y/@

9z.p!n3Ye@X0  对话51Testing软件测试网(h+{z.rKC_k0`\V7ol


  tsdiscon.exe > Disconnect a user from a terminal session 断开终端服务的用户

F?}o]I e-w0

_&pMM&Qg)a7d0  tskill.exe > Kill a Terminal server process 杀掉终端服务

*{t8Z1{K]D m0

.qO+I*Qh-F0  tsprof.exe > Used with Terminal Server to query results. 用终端服务得出查询结51Testing软件测试网t"rs4_:o'O*T\

1O)f_*J*S+G0  果

:JN T7i3Sw0T9M0

XX#CM Sj#t0  tsshutdn.exe > Shutdown the system 关闭系统


  unlodctr.exe > Part of performance monitoring 性能监视器的一部分51Testing软件测试网9D\#p#m9|3R

'V U8HN HB"|y?H0  upg351db.exe > Upgrade a jet database 升级Jet数据库


x0`c4zD VQ0  ups.exe > UPS service UPS服务51Testing软件测试网+P%Dn@8_

51Testing软件测试网_ClP r8D:x

  user.exe > Core Windows Service Windows核心服务51Testing软件测试网`!P [Z0a&S I


  userinit.exe > Part of the winlogon process Winlogon进程的一部分


8| Fz/Z9A~#~0  usrmgr.exe > Start the windows user manager for domains 域用户管理器

}jYZ x6tX(j*_,v0

A"N'Q'b/U$L)A]t0  utilman.exe > This tool enables an administrator to designate which computers automatically open accessibility tools when Windows 2000 starts. 指定2000启动时自动打开那台机器


  verifier.exe > Driver Verifier Manager Driver Verifier Manager

A7^0i Q:dtQ@6_kJS051Testing软件测试网0@|g:e;l#K

  vwipxspx.exe > Loads IPX/SPX VDM 调用IPX/SPX VDM51Testing软件测试网B'u7Y!|m)F4P9^1W


  w32tm.exe > Windows Time Server 时间服务器51Testing软件测试网+W8d[ _8h+zZ*I

c|YUbY%bH _0  wextract.exe > Used to extract windows files 解压缩Windows文件51Testing软件测试网t[GPF.F

.y R8z!^MSo/J:L2G0  winchat.exe > Opens Windows Chat 打开Windows聊天

p\/j Cz7]nN051Testing软件测试网2@-?p-eR4X3}/q#~}2~&^([;U

  winhlp32.exe > Starts the Windows Help System 运行帮助系统

i7Sz {%U0|v8A~051Testing软件测试网-W$Q-Nl7N:R5Z

  winlogon.exe > Used as part of the logon process. Logon进程的一部分51Testing软件测试网7_&xI(p$[;u~i,K

[xx!z G PP0  winmine.exe > windows Game 挖地雷

3v {@ \m:Sph4?5a051Testing软件测试网*@ Z4k~"l/c v8~!b

  winmsd.exe > Windows Diagnostic utility 系统信息

z_C il:^4y.M0

$F$m-nzeL+^p!xc0  wins.exe > Wins Service Wins服务

M0nD wbPz0

%L3~Zc s0  winspool.exe > Print Routing 打印路由


  winver.exe > Displays the current version of Windows 显示Windows版本51Testing软件测试网R;ra(d*|5b

51Testing软件测试网d%E b]"@0\kU*O

  wizmgr.exe > Starts Windows Administration Wizards Windows管理向导51Testing软件测试网 I,w h,J'e'n(^ B/_

51Testing软件测试网*w$z QN"}l

  wjview.exe > Command line loader for Java 命令行调用Java51Testing软件测试网W:wD)Xx!tPl"o x\

51Testing软件测试网 L3aF+SfFBHE*].b

  wowdeb.exe > . For starters, the 32-bit APIs require that the WOWDEB.EXE tas

&{M5Bd?4itc j+t0

9n/fMN:{D/~0  k runs in the target debugee"s VM 启动时,32位API需要

)q k2XsQ~F3dY%y} A0

ND+fs6Q o6B0  wowexec.exe > For running Windows over Windows Applications 在Windows应用程序

#C'` WN3njoSX K051Testing软件测试网gh$V[Q0QE

  上运行Windows51Testing软件测试网Uh8W(A l)X+n J/w

Lim3}QR:W#U0  wpnpinst.exe > ?51Testing软件测试网a:fHHE6u.@

Xut,xn;c8S0  write.exe > Starts MS Write Program 写字板51Testing软件测试网 e:d}-j4Qh

51Testing软件测试网I.u]9}#lX V

  wscript.exe > Windows Scripting Utility 脚本工具51Testing软件测试网qCHv,u/Wt}wB

J H a$W(Df0  wupdmgr.exe > Starts the Windows update Wizard (Internet) 运行Windows升级向导


U+J2W-V$l [N)Z)X0  xcopy.exe > 复制文件和目录,包括子目录51Testing软件测试网mNHJ{A] I






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  • 日志数: 89
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  • 建立时间: 2013-03-01
  • 更新时间: 2018-08-23


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