

上一篇 / 下一篇  2013-09-26 10:27:27 / 个人分类:sql

import java.sql.*; 
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class DatabaseLink {
 String sDB;//从属性文件获取的数据库驱动名
 String sUser,sPassword;//从属性文件获取的用户名和密码
 String sDataBaseDriver;  //jdbc-odbc桥:sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
 String sJdbcOdbcConnHead="jdbc:odbc:";//jdbc-odbc驱动的头
 Connection conn=null; 
 Statement stmt=null;

  public DatabaseLink()throws IOException{//连接数据库
     }catch(ClassNotFoundException ex){
      try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:comm","Administrator", "");
            stmt = conn.createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象来将 SQL 语句发送到数据库。
         } catch (SQLException ex1) {
    }//end of the method DatabaseLink
 public void databaseclose(){
   }//end of if...
   }//end of if...
  }catch(SQLException e){
  }//end of try...catch...
 }//end of the method databaseclose

 public ResultSet query(String sql) {
  ResultSet rs=null;
   }//end of if...    
  }catch (SQLException e){   
   return rs;//返回sql语句的执行结果
  }//end of try...catch...finally...
 }//end of the method query(String)
 public ResultSet query(String sColumn,String sTableName,String sCondition) {
  ResultSet rs=null;
  }//end of if....  
   rs=stmt.executeQuery(" select "+sColumn+" from "+sTableName+" where "+sCondition);   
  }catch (SQLException e){   
   return rs;//返回sql语句的执行结果
  }//end of try...catch...finally...
 }//end of the method query(String,String,String)
 ////////////////根据表名 查找表名中的全部内容/////////////////////////////
 public ResultSet queryAll(String sTableName){
  ResultSet rs=null;
   }//end of if...
   rs=stmt.executeQuery(" select * from "+sTableName);   
  }catch(SQLException e){    
   return rs;//返回sql语句的执行结果
  }//end of try...catch...finally...
 }//end of the method queryAll(String)
  根据表名和条件名 来查找表中的全部信息
 public ResultSet queryAll(String sTableName,String sCondition){
  ResultSet rs;
   }//end of if...   
   rs=stmt.executeQuery(" select * from "+sTableName+" where "+sCondition);
   return rs;
  }catch(SQLException e){
   return null;
  }//end of try...catch....
 }//end of the method queryAll(String,String)

 public boolean insert(String sql){
   }//end of if...
   }//end of if...
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
    return false;
   }//end of if...
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....  
  return true;
 }//end of the method insert(String)
 public boolean insert(String sTable,String strRowName[],String[] strRowValue){
  int iLength=strRowName.length;//要插入列的个数
  String sql=" insert into "+sTable+" ( ";
  for(int i=0;i<iLength-1;i++){
   sql=sql+" "+strRowName[i]+",";
  }//end of for...
  sql=sql+strRowName[iLength-1]+") values (";
  for(int i=0;i<iLength-1;i++){
   sql=sql+" '"+strRowValue[i]+"',";
  }//end of for...
   }//end of if...
   }//end of if...
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
    return false;
   }//end of if...
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....  
  return true;
 }//end of the method insert(String)
  根据表名,列名和列名值组成插入语句。插入一批记 录
 public boolean insertMany(String sTable,String strRowName[],String[][] strRowValue){
  int iNameLength=strRowName.length;//总共的表字段的个数
  int iValueLength=strRowValue.length;//所插入的行数
  String sql=" insert into "+sTable+" ( ";
  for(int i=0;i<iNameLength-1;i++){
   sql=sql+" "+strRowName[i]+",";
  }//end of for...
  sql=sql+strRowName[iNameLength-1]+") values (";
  for(int j=0;j<iValueLength-1;j++){
   for(int i=0;i<iNameLength-1;i++){
    sql=sql+" '"+strRowValue[j][i]+"',";
   }//end of for...
   sql=sql+" '"+strRowValue[j][iNameLength-1] +"'), (";
  }//end of outer for....
  for(int i=0;i<iNameLength-1;i++){
   sql=sql+" '"+strRowValue[iValueLength-1][i]+"',";
  }//end of for...
  sql=sql+" '"+strRowValue[iValueLength-1][iNameLength-1] +"')";
   }//end of if...
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
    return false;
   }//end of if...
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....  
  return true;
 }//end of the method insertMany(String)
 public boolean delete(String sql){
   }//end of if...
   }//end of if...
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
    return false;
   }//end of if...
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....  
  return true;  
 }//end of the method delete(String)
 public boolean delete(String sTable,String sCondition){
   }//end of if...
   String sDelete="delete from"+sTable+" where "+sCondition;
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sDelete);
    return false;
   }//end of if...
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....  
  return true;
 }//end of the method delete(String,String,String)
 public boolean deleteAll(String sTable){
   }//end of if...
   }//end of if...
   String sDelete=" delete from "+sTable;
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sDelete);
    return false;
   }//end of if....
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch..
  return true;
 }//end of the method deleteAll(String)
 public boolean update(String sql){
   }//end of if...
   }//end of if....
   int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
    return false;
   }//end of if....
  }catch(SQLException e){   
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....
  return true;
 }//end of the mehtod update(String)
 public boolean update(String sTable,String sColumn,String sOldColumn,String sNewColumn){
   }//end of if....
   }//end of if....
   String sQuery=" select * from "+sTable+" where "+sColumn+"="+sOldColumn;
   ResultSet rs=query(sQuery);
    String sUpdate="update "+sTable+" set "+sColumn+" ="+sOldColumn+" where "+sColumn+" ="+sNewColumn;
    int result=stmt.executeUpdate(sUpdate);
     return false;     
    }//end of if....
    return false;
   }//end of if....
  }catch(SQLException e){  
   return false;
  }//end of try...catch....
  return true;
 }//end of the method update(String,String,String)

TAG: 链接 数据库 java




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