MySQL 查询数据不一致

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-11-20 11:37:24 / 个人分类:数据库

51Testing软件测试网i+`J,^l y;Q2r S

  最近出现一个很奇怪的MySQL问题,使用不同select语句查询全部数据集居然得到不同的记录数。select * 得到4条记录,select 字段得到的是3条记录。51Testing软件测试网 D"oq#|7gRK)L(p]

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mysql> select * from table_myisam;                              
j:nj'A;{:~*uU+_c0| datetime | uid   | content   | type |51Testing软件测试网u['q JRKT"Sw
+----------+-------+-----------+------+51Testing软件测试网#F2Zg c*u AUH o}
|        1 | uid_1 | content_1 |    1 |
V0d!b7m!f(W:bY0|        2 | uid_2 | content_2 |    1 |
/[6_qdT1f2b/n_.z0|        4 | uid_4 | content_4 |    1 |51Testing软件测试网u'm3v4rqE OK
|        3 | uid_3 | content_3 |    1 |51Testing软件测试网-p8{4j!xU d$k9\?
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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|#m5Z%uR ^5|0mysql> select uid from table_myisam;
| uid   |51Testing软件测试网)]b-^r"vr
| uid_1 |51Testing软件测试网+~(\-Y\HJt
| uid_2 |51Testing软件测试网(mL1t9{I6T
| uid_4 |
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3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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  通过select uid只得到3行记录,丢失了其中uid='uid_3'的记录。本来百思不得其解,后来在同事的提醒下使用了check table,才找到问题的所在。51Testing软件测试网H KDxG9X h1F

mysql> check table table_myisam;51Testing软件测试网V&z#e,}\![ M O x4i
| Table              | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text                                              |
e@q'~.?9I e0+--------------------+-------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------+51Testing软件测试网*e8UNB \{+["dL;S,o.w
| qitai.table_myisam | check | warning  | 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly |
"Fu(o:`i(m})`q e0| qitai.table_myisam | check | warning  | Size of indexfile is: 2049      Should be: 2048       |51Testing软件测试网u%X:o$RX*t
| qitai.table_myisam | check | error    | Found 3 keys of 4                                     |51Testing软件测试网2|YPT9@w6lrq
| qitai.table_myisam | check | error    | Corrupt                                               |
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   查询数据不一致的原因是table_myisam的索引文件损坏了,对应的索引文件table_myisam.MYI与数据文件 table_myisam.MYD不一致。select *并不需要遍历每个索引项,只需要获取第一条记录,根据链表顺序访问,因此当前的索引损坏并没有影响到select *的使用。而select uid需要遍历所有索引项,因而只获取到损坏状态,三条索引记录。

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  解决方案是使用repair table进行表索引的修复。51Testing软件测试网+{7o.{cqP

mysql> repair table table_myisam;51Testing软件测试网Y1O4Ka.Em|:@
g eL`%p_ ?%s ?a0| Table              | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text |51Testing软件测试网 i%adg n*Hl2I
+--------------------+--------+----------+----------+51Testing软件测试网!|u;YX|DaX:bR,^ {#B
| qitai.table_myisam | repair | status   | OK       |
a1R M2N q L6g0+--------------------+--------+----------+----------+51Testing软件测试网(\Qb\.Y4C9k'}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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  修复后使用check table可以看到表状态变成正常,使用select *与select uid都能获取到4条记录。

m|![p3xS;R0mysql> check table table_myisam;
Q oq+NQg w0+--------------------+-------+----------+----------+51Testing软件测试网#`d}'kR]G5^
| Table              | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text |51Testing软件测试网:?2A5G.x[ _f h7IP
+--------------------+-------+----------+----------+51Testing软件测试网O^#XE)o(j ^!T:sNkV
| qitai.table_myisam | check | status   | OK       |
i,g9?P;k$QX? Z0+--------------------+-------+----------+----------+51Testing软件测试网h`Q-ZT#i Rl
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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