lua 逆波兰表达式实现的方法

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-11-11 03:01:15 / 个人分类:lua

function trans(str)
 local stack = {} --/*作为临时栈使用*/
 local ex = {} --逆波兰表达式(后缀表达式)
 local tabStr = split_str(str)
 local t = 1     -- 作为后缀表达式表下标指针
 local top = 0   --作为栈指针使用
 local i = 1     --作为原算术表达式下标指针
 local ch = tabStr[i]
 i = i + 1
 while ch ~= "#" do
  if ch == "(" then
   top = top + 1
   stack[top] = ch
  elseif ch == ")" then
   while stack[top] ~= "(" do
    ex[t] = stack[top]
    t = t + 1
    top = top - 1
   top = top - 1
  elseif ch == "+" or ch == "-" then
      --如果+ 或者 - 不是栈底或者前面不是左括号的时候,输出符号
   while top ~= 0 and stack[top] ~= "(" do
    ex[t] = stack[top]
    t = t + 1
    top = top - 1
   top = top + 1
   stack[top] = ch
  elseif ch == "*" or ch == "/" then
   while stack[top] == "*" or stack[top] == "/" do
    ex[t] = stack[top]
    t = t + 1
    top = top - 1
   top = top + 1
   stack[top] = ch
  elseif ch == " " then
   while ch >= "0" and ch <= "9" do
    ex[t] = ch
    t= t + 1
    ch = tabStr[i]
    i = i + 1
   i = i - 1
   ex[t] = " "
   t= t + 1
  ch = tabStr[i]
  i = i + 1
 while top ~= 0 do
  t = t + 1
  top = top - 1
 ex[t]=' '
 return ex

function compute_value(ex_tab)
 local stack = {} --临时栈使用
 local d -- 数字换算使用
 local t = 1
 local top = 0 --t 为ex下标  top 为stack下标
 local ch = ex_tab[t]
 t = t + 1
 while ch ~= " " do
  if ch == "+" then
   stack[top-1] = stack[top-1] + stack[top]
   top = top - 1
  elseif ch == "-" then
   stack[top-1] = stack[top-1] - stack[top]
   top = top - 1
  elseif ch == "*" then
   stack[top-1] = stack[top-1] * stack[top]
   top = top - 1
  elseif ch == "/" then
   if stack[top] ~= 0 then
    stack[top-1] = stack[top-1] / stack[top]
    top = top - 1
   d = 0
   while ch >= "0" and ch <= "9" do
    d = d * 10 + ch - "0" --数字字符转换为对应数值
    ch = ex_tab[t]
    t = t + 1
   top = top + 1
   stack[top] = d
  ch = ex_tab[t]
  t = t + 1
 return stack[top]
function split_str(str)
 local tab_str = {}
 while true do
     local str_len = string.len(str)
  if str_len ~= 1 then
   local v_str = string.sub(str,1,1)
   str = string.sub(str,2,str_len)
   return tab_str





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