一个SQL 语句,循环然后找检索数据。

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-06-21 14:48:27 / 个人分类:数据库知识

重复运用循环语句,用到cast (ab as varchar)  转换字符 
DECLARE @txddate VARCHAR(10),@barcode nvarchar(13),@unitcode nvarchar(20),@price float  ;
DECLARE @sql1 varchar(8000),@sql2 varchar(8000);
Create Table aList(countercode varchar(20), txddate varchar(10),barcode nvarchar(13),unitcode nvarchar(20), price  float)
Declare Cur_Table Cursor For 
 select   barcode,unitcode,price from product  --where barcode='6937617066546' and unitcode='GNMC10'
 Open Cur_Table
 Fetch Next From Cur_Table Into @barcode,@unitcode,@price
  while @@Fetch_Status = 0
 set @sql1='select countercode,txddate,barcode,unitcode,price
    from transactionlog where txdtype=''NS'' and type=''n''  and  price<'''+cast(@price*0.5 as varchar) +'''
     and barcode='''+@barcode+''' and  unitcode='''+@unitcode+''' and txddate like ''%1205%'''
  --print @sql1
 set  @sql2='insert into aList ' +@sql1
 exec (@sql2)
Fetch Next From Cur_Table Into @barcode,@unitcode,@price
Close Cur_Table
Deallocate Cur_Table
select b1.regionname as '大区', d1.bakNvarchar1 as '代理商', a1.countercode  as '专柜编码'
,b1.countername as '专柜名称'  ,a1.txddate as '日期',c1.chinesename as '名称' ,c1.mclassname as '中类',
c1.price as '原价',a1.price  as '折价' from aList a1 ,counters as b1,product AS c1,Jml_Data.dbo.DA_UserList_Modify as d1  where 
a1.countercode=b1.countercode  and c1.barcode=a1.barcode and c1.unitcode=a1.unitcode
and b1.countername  not like '%虚拟%' and  d1.userID in
(SELECT superiorID FROM Jml_Data.dbo.DA_UserList_Modify where  bakNvarchar1  in
(select baname from bainfo where countercode =a1.countercode and flag=2))
order by  b1.regionname,d1.bakNvarchar1,a1.txddate
--drop table aList






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