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Rain Man

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-12-16 17:49:50 / 个人分类:读书

51Testing软件测试网6x?,Q(o s P

You? you're that rain man?51Testing软件测试网-Cd5Q&ABiCfFBD^
Who take this picture?51Testing软件测试网6C!E7~/M4@1BN.d@V
6D7HJy,a%b!C0You lived with us?51Testing软件测试网}[-TM)``5{6J
Yes, 举冠街10961,俄亥俄州辛辛那提市51Testing软件测试网,aLc0Q-?i0F5{
When did you leave?
!k9bX|$v[h/V01965年1月21日51Testing软件测试网%iN azx~n
is thrusday,it is a snow day, 积雪7.2英寸51Testing软件测试网-D8Dc:R0?3{I y$A
妈妈去世的那年,你站在Window,say bye bye rain man51Testing软件测试网&Ig$bs7u7Y \n
So you man sing me?51Testing软件测试网|"dy+SJW(e_}}&^
"shejust serventeen,you konw what just i mean,她看上去很好
O }}@EUD|0Ks0你是否有唱其他的歌呢?when i sone she stond there."51Testing软件测试网*[ J6tV-@
so you always sing to me?51Testing软件测试网V G@+d.f.F{Z OSb3w*}

51Testing软件测试网!^)U5h n0gbc

No,NO, terribe bad,(病情发作....) no....
W,Pea/F_M4f0What's wrong?/??51Testing软件测试网1I8~@R6G0V
Hot water! hot water will burn the baby51Testing软件测试网0k`$r5L b idg#H
What's baby? Me?
xVb&M a*d0Easy,Easy, I'm fine, I'm fine, i'm not burned
3~7lKhDB0Water will burn baby,.....51Testing软件测试网4uq(C!INN8A:^
I'm not burned,i'm not burned,Ok,51Testing软件测试网p ~YR#a |9G
I'm Ok

^i\1e:h3p051Testing软件测试网^8C{ PN"c3q

That's why they put you to 疗养所51Testing软件测试网Ji*C$D;X y|}P
They afraid you hurt me51Testing软件测试网n0GI_ f3| J.M!mE-qI5k


Can't hurt 查理,Can't hurt 查理51Testing软件测试网+|%Xi/jB\

\3W m!OWfJ&Pg051Testing软件测试网RR?_2I+TRz

雨人:51Testing软件测试网([*V-h \!mQ4eda
父亲怕患有自闭症的哥哥伤害弟弟,不得不把哥哥送到疗养所看护,并且没有告诉这个弟弟有这么一个哥哥,但在弟弟脑子里一直有一个Rain man 唱歌给他听的记忆,并且成为他精神的支柱,因为他在这个没有母亲的家庭,并不快乐,离家出走,不与父亲联系,一直活在这样的困惑不安中,为什么父亲这样对他,为什么父亲死了,都把遗产给别人,他很气氛,直到他知道 Rain Man is his brother,not somebody else.就是以上的对话.....他也忽然明白了父亲....51Testing软件测试网pqz,Y(s/z Y

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That's the family........


c7g)b2pq2L Q0Love your famliy.........

Sp+`0MKI-Pv051Testing软件测试网3u5]?.E O$Xzn

When relationer is gone, and they will be..you have no chance.........51Testing软件测试网}'jM,S j0Up


Rain Man is your family, not anyone else.51Testing软件测试网lEi6\2J0_ u

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