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源文来源:http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/04/more-on-performance-vs-load-testing.html51Testing软件测试网 eIh"Yl

JQ0i$] [0作者:Grig Gheorghiu51Testing软件测试网7\$TW8N `l

)t2d1bOg n051Testing软件测试网N0g8^d;u R4}L;u)l9a

Z&v*u D0m8|8F9ma0译者:AlexanderIII

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#L({8` L_l] j0性能测试VS负载测试VS压力测试[中文翻译]

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Thursday, April 14, 200551Testing软件测试网7N1y&BIy T([

More on performance vs. load testing




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I recently got some comments/questions related to my previous blog entry onperformance vs. load vs. stress testing. Many people are still confused as to exactly what the difference is between performance and load testing. I've been thinking more about it and I'd like to propose the following question as a litmus test to distinguish between these two types of testing: are you actively profiling your application code and/or monitoring the server(s) running your application? If the answer is yes, then you're engaged in performance testing. If the answer is no, then what you're doing is load testing.51Testing软件测试网:{*\'B z$[[B#|
最近我得到了一些关于先前发表在博客上的贴子“performance vs. load vs. stress testing”的意见和疑问。我发现仍然还有很多人对于这两个概念有所混淆。近来,我又仔细想了一下它们的区别,然后得到了用以下这个“试金石”的区分方法:

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你是否积极*的去剖析应用程序的代码和(或者)运行着程序的服务器(群的状况)?如果答案是“YES”,那你就是在进行性能测试。假若答案是“NO”,那就可以说明你所做的就是负载测试了。51Testing软件测试网n(By1@ @#l(@

Y*}k x4D|'Nh0Another way to look at it is to see whether you're doing more of a white-box type testing as opposed to black-box testing. In the white-box approach, testers, developers, system administrators and DBAs work together in order to instrument the application code and the database queries (via specialized profilers for example), and the hardware/operating system of the server(s) running the application and the database (via monitoring tools such as vmstat, iostat, top or Windows PerfMon). All these activities belong toperformancetesting.51Testing软件测试网p-X8B*i B#A(\Z
另外一种可以分辨的方法就是看测试人员做的是白盒测试多还是黑盒测试多。在走白盒的路子的时候,测试人员,开发人员,系统管理员和DBA都要通力合作才可以使用工具来解决问题*,比如说通过使用特定的探测器*来识别应用代码及数据库查询,通过vmstat,iostat,top或者Windows PerfMon工具来监测运行了应用程序和数据库的服务器上的硬件及操作系统(资源数据*),所有的这些都属于性能测试。


p NQ3i U5x3E0The black box approach is to run client load tools against the application in order to measure its responsiveness. Such tools range from lightweight, command-line driven tools such as httperf, openload, siege, Apache Flood, to more heavy duty tools such as OpenSTA, The Grinder, JMeter. This type of testing doesn't look at the internal behavīor of the application, nor does it monitor the hardware/OS resources on the server(s) hosting the application. If this sounds like the type of testing you're doing, then I call itload testing.51Testing软件测试网],Nu8wJ%a4?+|
黑盒的路子就是在客户端运行负载工具来看应用程序的反应如何。这类型的工具范围从功能少的命令行运行的工具,httperf,openload,siege,Apache Flood,到功能比较强大的工具OpenSTA,The Grinder,JMeter.这种类型的测试不看应用程序的内部的运作,也不监视运行着被测试程序的服务器硬件及操作系统的资源情况。假如你所做的看上去和这种情况相似的话,那么我觉得它就可定义为负载测试。

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In practice though the 2 terms are often used interchangeably, and I am as guilty as anyone else of doing this, since I called one of my recent blog entries"HTTPperformance testingwith httperf, autobench and openload"instead of calling it more precisely "HTTP load testing". I didn't have access to the application code or the servers hosting the applications I tested, so I wasn't really doing performance testing, only load testing.51Testing软件测试网 Dqz;\q d.M#{q
然而,在实际中这两个术语又常常被互相的代替使用,就连我自己也有点心虚,因为我和其它人一样,在之前写的一篇文章"HTTPperformance testingwith httperf, autobench and openload"标题命名得不太准确,其实用"HTTP load testing"的话,反而会更准确点,因为我在里面又没有接触到代码,也没有接触到运行着被测程序的服务器。所以说,其实我并没有做性能测试,做的其实就是负载测试。

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6vM8s az0I think part of the confusion is that no matter how you look at these two types of testing, they have one common element: the load testing part. Even when you're profiling the application and monitoring the servers (hence doing performance testing), you still need to run load tools against the application, so from that perspective you're doing load testing.
我想混淆两者的部分原因是因为不管你对它们的看法是怎么样的,它们都有一个共同之处,就是负载测试的部分。即使你的确是正在分析*应用程序[代码51testing]和监视服务器(在做性能测试),但你仍然还是要使用负载工具给应用程序加压,所以从这一观点来讲,是可以讲你正在做负载测试。51Testing软件测试网(lv,LA [&c+I

As far as I'm concerned, these definitions don't have much value in and of themselves. What matters most is to have a well-established procedure for tuning the application and the servers so that you can meet your users' or your business customers' requirements. This procedure will use elements of all the types of testing mentioned here and in my previous entry: load, performance and stress testing.
到目前为止,我所提及到的这些定义其实都是没有什么太大的价值。实际上最应该关注的是为了可以达到你的用户或者你的商业客户的需求,而去调整应用程序及服务器的一个好流程。整个流程会涉及到的元素*包括了这篇文章及先前我写的那篇load performance and stress testing.里所讲过的所有测试类型的内容。

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Here's one example of such a procedure. Let's say you're developing a Web application with a database back-end that needs to support 100 concurrent users, with a response time of less than 3 seconds. How would you go about testing your application in order to make sure these requirements are met?51Testing软件测试网(Q%A+wQ%h

#d+V~7ubf$li@01. Start with 1 Web/Application server connected to 1 Database server. If you can, put both servers behind a firewall, and if you're thinking about doing load balancing down the road, put the Web server behind the load balancer. This way you'll have one each of different devices that you'll use in a real production environment.
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2. Run a load test against the Web server, starting with 10 concurrent users, each user sending a total of 1000 requests to the server. Step up the number of users in increments of 10, until you reach 100 users.51Testing软件测试网*AK{B[;]K7D X


O yd@C o%H03. While you're blasting the Web server, profile your application and your database to see if there are any hot spots in your code/SQL queries/stored procedures that you need to optimize. I realize I'm glossing over important details here, but this step is obviously highly dependent on your particular application.51Testing软件测试网 D w*h:xQ"H/amy

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0{,Hx u8FT]a0Also monitor both servers (Web/App and Database) via command line utilities mentioned before (top, vmstat, iostat, netstat, Windows PerfMon). These utilities will let you know what's going on with the servers in terms of hardware resources. Also monitor the firewall and the load balancer (many times you can do this via SNMP) -- but these devices are not likely to be a bottleneck at this level, since they usualy can deal with thousands of connections before they hit a limit, assuming they're hardware-based and not software-based.
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同时还可以通过前面提到过的命令行工具(top,vmstat,iostat,netstat,Windows PerfMon)来监视web/appdatabase的服务器。这些工具可以让你了解服务器硬件资源的状况。同时也可以监视防火墙及负载平衡器[可以使用SNMP来做这种事],但由于这种设备具有很高的处理连接的能力,它们在这一层上并不会有瓶颈的问题出现,因此我们可以假设它们不是基于软件,而是基于硬件的。

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^8{5X]s#L0This is one of the most important steps in the whole procedure. It's not easy to make sense of the output of these monitoring tools, you need somebody who has a lot of experience in system/network architecture and administration. On Sun/Solaris platforms, there is a tool called theSE Performance Toolkitthat tries to alleviate this task via built-in heuristics that kick in when certain thresholds are reached and tell you exactly what resource is being taxed.
现在这一步就是整个流程中最重要的一环。要清楚的理解这些监控工具输出数据并不是一个容易的事情,这需要一些很有系统/网络结构和管理经验的人的帮助。[让我挥挥小手,]举个例子来讲(译者注:让我想起51峰哥上课意气风发的挥挥小手,我就自己打上前面的[]里的内容了,呵呵!峰哥不要生气!)在SUN/SOLARIS平台上,就有一个叫SE Performance Toolkit的工具可以减轻这种痛苦。它可以通过内建的试探法*[启发式法?]当系统到极限的时候开始工作并告诉你具体承受着负载的资源情况*51Testing软件测试网5lf&@i L

6q\,C-g"P9k+td/p2l04. Let's say your Web server's reply rate starts to level off around 50 users. Now you have a repeatable condition that you know causes problems. All the profiling and monitoring you've done in step 3, should have already given you a good idea about hot spots in your applicationm aboutSQLqueries that are not optimized properly, about resource status at the hardware/OS level.
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At this point, the developers need to take back the profiling measurements and tune the code and the database queries. The system administrators can also increase server performance simply by throwing more hardware at the servers -- especially more RAM at the Web/App server in my experience, the more so if it's Java-based.51Testing软件测试网SS6Y$G*F6s#[+\0n2N
z$IH Eh@6Z"W%CL05. Let's say the application/database code, as well as the hardware/OS environment have been tuned to the best of everybody's abilities. You re-run the load test from step 2 and now you're at 75 concurrent users before performance starts to degrade.51Testing软件测试网-G1B;IMW)SJn[
At this point, there's not much you can do with the existing setup. It's time to think about scaling the system horizontally, by adding other Web servers in a load-balanced Web server farm, or adding other database servers. Or maybe do content caching, for example with Apache mod_cache. Or maybe adding an external caching server such as Squid.
在这一时刻,基于现在的这种优化过的硬件设备,你也没什么可以再做的了。也许是时候通过在负载平衡WEB服务器群组内增加其它的WEB服务器,或者增加其它的数据库服务器,也许还可以使用内容高速缓存技术(如使用Apache mod_cache),或者增加一个外部的高速缓存服务器(如Squid)等方法,来扩展一下你的系统了。51Testing软件测试网9Z^ uqL fL7X
One very important product of this whole procedure is that you now have a baseline number for your application for this given "staging" hardware environment. You can use the staging setup for nightly peformance testing runs that will tell you whether changes in your application/database code caused an increase or a decrease in performance.51Testing软件测试网7~)NCRd zy


3@!U F$Lqa06. Repeat above steps in a "real" production environment before you actually launch your application.51Testing软件测试网U*~ QG3Qm;j
6S:u(y7GB)~2p0All this discussion assumed you want to get performance/benchmarking numbers for your application. If you want to actually discover bugs and to see if your application fails and recovers gracefully, you need to do stress testing. Blast your Web server with double the number of users for example. Unplug network cables randomly (or shut down/restart switch ports via SNMP). Take out a disk from a RAID array. That kind of thing.51Testing软件测试网aiS#Zz9L'w}3lR
这里所讨论的话题都是以你想得到你的应用程序的性能/基准的数值为假设,如果你是想要真正去发现bugs而且去看一下你的应用程序是不是可以在失效后,正常的恢复*,那么你所要做的是压力测试。比如说给你的WEB服务器加上两倍的用户数量,随机的拔掉网线(或者通过SNMP关掉/重启switch ports),从RAID阵列里拿个磁盘出来,等等。51Testing软件测试网wt$LL0[ ao-Ey \ D
The conclusion? At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what you call your testing, as long as you help your team deliver what it promised in terms of application functionality and performance. Performance testing in particular is more art than science, and many times the only way to make progress in optimizing and tuning the application and its environment is by trial-and-error and perseverance. Having lots of excellent open source tools also helps a lot.
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TAG: 性能测试





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