How to conduct GUI Test

上一篇 / 下一篇  2019-05-27 14:35:09 / 个人分类:GUI Testing

Here we will use some sample test cases for the following screen.

Following below is the example of the Test cases, which consists of UI and Usability test scenarios.
TC 01- Verify that the text box with the label "Source Folder" is aligned properly.
TC 02 - Verify that the text box with the label "Package" is aligned properly.
TC 03 – Verify that label with the name "Browse" is a button which is located at the end of TextBox with the name "Source Folder."
TC 04 – Verify that label with the name "Browse" is a button which is located at the end of TextBox with the name "Package."
TC 05 – Verify that the text box with the label "Name" is aligned properly.
TC 06 – Verify that the label "Modifiers" consists of 4 radio buttons with the name public, default, private, protected.
TC 07 – Verify that the label "Modifiers" consists of 4 radio buttons which are aligned properly in a row.
TC 08 – Verify that the label "Superclass" under the label "Modifiers" consists of a dropdown which must be properly aligned.
TC 09 – Verify that the label "Superclass" consists of a button with the label "Browse" on it which must be properly aligned.
TC 10 – Verify that clicking on any radio button the default mouse pointer must be changed to the hand mouse pointer.
TC 11 – Verify that user must not be able to type in the dropdown of "Superclass."
TC 12 – Verify that there must be a proper error generated if something has been mistakenly chosen.
TC 13 - Verify that the error must be generated in the RED color wherever it is necessary.
TC 14 – Verify that proper labels must be used in the error messages.
TC 15 – Verify that the single radio buttons must be selected by default every time.
TC 16 – Verify that the TAB button must be work properly while jumping on another field next to previous.
TC 17 – Verify that all the pages must contain the proper title.
TC 18 – Verify that the page text must be properly aligned.
TC 19 – Verify that after updating any field a proper confirmation message must be displayed.
TC 20 - Verify that only 1 radio button must be selected and more than single checkboxes may be selected.





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