
上一篇 / 下一篇  2016-08-03 14:18:03 / 个人分类:注意点记录

  • ·首先测试经过变更的部分,然后测试没有变化的部分。修改和更新都意味着新的风险。
  • ·首先测试核心功能,然后测试辅助功能,测试产品所完成的关键和常用功能,测试完成产品基本任务的功能
  • ·首先测试能力,然后测试可靠性。先测试每个功能是否完全能用,然后再深入检查任何一个功能在很多不同条件下的表现如何
  • ·首先测试常见情况,然后测试少见情况。使用常用的数据和使用场景。
  • ·首先测试常见威胁,然后测试罕见威胁。用最有可能出现的压力和错误情况进行测试。
  • ·首先测试影响大的问题,然后测试影响小的问题。测试在出现失效的情况下会产生大量破坏的产品部件。
  • ·首先测试最需要的部分,然后测试没有要求的部分。测试对团队其他人有重要意义的任何部分的任何问题。

Lesson 5:Find important bugs fast

    Most likely,your mission includes finding bugs that are important (as opposed to insignificant) and finding them quickly. If so ,what does this mean in terms of the tests you run?
  • Test things that are changed before things that are the same.Fixed and updates mean fresh risk.
  • Test core functions before contributing functions.Test the critical and the popularthings that the product does.Test the functions that make the product what it is.
  • Test capability before reliability.Test whether each function can work at all before going deep into the examination of how any one function performs under many different conditions.
  • Test common situations before esoteric situations.Use popular data and scenarios of use.
  • Test common threats before exotic threats.Test with the most likely stress and error situations.
  • Test for high-impact problems before low-impact problems.Test the parts of the product that woulddo a lot of damage in case of failure.
  • Test the most wanted areas before areas not requested.Test an areas and for any problems that are of special interest to someone else on the team.
    You will also find important problems sooner if you know more about the products,the software and hardware it must interact with, and the people who will use it.Study these well.

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在下何苗,有何贵干? 引用 删除 hemiaoer   /   2016-08-04 13:34:12



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