
上一篇 / 下一篇  2013-10-14 10:45:22 / 个人分类:摘抄

  1. Installnode.js(v.0.8 or greater). Use the installer from
  2. Install theAndroid SDK. You will need to run the 'android' tool (included in the SDK) and make sure you have an API Level 17 or greater API installed. SetANDROID_HOMEto be your Android SDK path and add the tools and platform-tools folders to your PATH variable.
  3. Install the Java JDK and setJAVA_HOMEto your JDK folder.
  4. InstallApache Antor use the one that comes with the Android Windows SDK in the eclipse\plugins folder. Be sure to add the folder containing ant to your PATH variable.
  5. InstallApache Mavenand set the M2HOME and M2 environment variables. Add the M2 environment variable to your PATH variable.
  6. InstallGitBe sure to install Git for windows to run in the regular command prompt.





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