Adobe Flex 相关产品

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目前已有一個以 Adobe?? Flash?? Platform. 為主的生態系統,其範圍相當廣泛而且在持續成長,可協助您成功開發應用程式。以下不同類別的產品與專案針對 Flex 架構提供支援。

    * Adobe AIR??
    * 功能測試
    * 效能與負載測試
    * 元件
    * Action Message Format (AMF) 產品
    * 安全性測試
    * 授權與加密
    * 架構
    * Microsoft Visual Studio Flex 工具增效模組
    * Flex 工具擴充功能
    * Adobe Creative Suite?? 整合

Adobe AIR

全新的 Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員使用 Flex 架構建立可部署在桌面上的豐富型應用程式。Adobe AIR 應用程式可在多種作業系統上執行,並使用單一安裝程式檔即可輕鬆發佈。有了 AIR,Flex 開發人員就可以運用現有的技巧和程式碼建立引人入勝的視覺化多樣化應用程式,兼具本機資源的強大功能與網路的廣泛觸及性的優點。

    * 進一步瞭解 Adobe AIR ??
    * 下載 Adobe AIR ??


HP QuickTest Professional*,由 HP 推出

HP QuickTest Professional 支援功能與迴歸測試自動化。此解決方案採用關鍵字導向測試的概念,以簡化測試的建立與維護。它可讓測試人員運用專業擷取技術,直接從應用程式螢幕擷取流量,以建立功能與迴歸測試個案。測試專家還具有完整權限,可透過整合的指令碼與除錯環境存取基本測試和物件屬性。

    * 從 下載增效模組* ??

IBM Rational Functional Tester*,由 IBM 推出

IBM Rational Functional Tester 是一款為品質保證團隊提供的自動化功能與迴歸測試解決方案,可讓他們先驗證應用程式之後再進行部署。IBM Rational Functional Tester 結合進階測試開發技術與簡化自動化測試,可加速系統測試建立、執行和分析的程序,以協助確保及早找出並修復應用程式錯誤。

SilkTest 2010,由 Microfocus 推出

SilkTest?? 是 QA 專業人員的理想選擇,可提供強大的功能與迴歸測試自動化。直覺式 GUI 錄製與播放功能加上可靠、簡單易用的指令碼方式,讓您可建立強穩的功能與迴歸測試。SilkTest 是經時間證實可提供可靠性並支援主要企業環境和 Web 2.0 技術(例如 Flex),以具成本效益的套件形式提供,讓自動化迴歸與功能軟體測試成為關鍵性能,而非昂貴的選項。

FlexUnit 4*,由 Digital Primates 推出(可從 取得)*

FlexUnit 是適用於 Flex 和 ActionScript?? 3.0 應用程式與程式庫的單元測試架構。它為 ActionScript. 開發人員提供專為 Flash Platform. 需求而打造,而且功能和 JUnit 4 為 Java?? 社群所提供的一樣強大的工具集。FlexUnit 是由 Digital Primates 為 Flex 社群推出的開放原始碼產品,預計將會隨附於 Flash Builder 4。

FlexMonkey*,由 Gorilla Logic, Inc. 推出

FlexMonkey 是 Adobe AIR 應用程式,用於測試以 Flex 和 AIR 為基礎的應用程式。FlexMonkey 除了提供錄製、播放和驗證 Flex UI 互動功能外,還可產生以 ActionScript. 為基礎的測試指令碼,讓您輕鬆將之加入連續整合環境中。

RIA AppPuncher Debugger*,由 Midnight Coders 推出

RIA AppPuncher Debugger 可在 AMF 通訊協定層級解譯資料通訊,為連接至多種伺服器環境的 Flex 用戶端提供全新除錯功能。

RIATest*,由 Cogitek Inc. 推出

RIATest 是適用於 Flex 應用程式的 GUI 測試自動化工具。RIATest 建立在 Flex 自動化架構之上,並支援 Flex 2、Flex 3、Flex 4 和 AIR 應用程式。

Ranorex 自動化架構*,製作者 Ranorex

Ranorex 是一種 UI 測試自動化架構,用於測試許多不同的應用程式類型,包括 Flex 3、Flex 4、AIR、Flash、Web 2.0、WPF、Silverlight、Qt、.NET 和 Java。Ranorex Recorder 可讓您擷取/回覆 UI 測試、編輯動作以及產生實際的 C#、VB.NET 和 IronPython 程式碼。Ranorex 的物件儲存庫可將測試自動化程式碼/錄製與 RanoreXPath 識別資訊分開。IDE 包括測試專案管理、直覺式程式碼編輯器、程式碼完成、除錯以及監控程式。

針對 Selenium 的 Sauce OnDemand 和 Flex 擴充功能*,製作者 Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs 讓跨瀏覽器測試 Flex 應用程式變得簡單而且具成本效益,而且可在雲端或現場進行。Sauce OnDemand 是該公司的旗艦產品,為一種雲端服務,可讓多名使用者同時在現今主要的瀏覽器上執行其各自的測試指令碼。Sauce OnDemand 可免除設定與維護測試環境的成本,而且費用十分低廉。此外,Sauce Labs 也針對熱門 Selenium 開放原始碼測試架構提供現場支援,以及 Flex 擴充功能和商業 Selenium 建置下載。


HP LoadRunner*,由 HP 推出

HP LoadRunner 是市場領先的效能測試解決方案,支援許多應用程式類型。它可協助:

    * 識別並消除效能瓶頸
    * 縮短解決的平均時間
    * 在推出之前先確認應用程式符合效能要求
    * 降低應用程式故障的商業風險

WebLOAD Flex Add-On*,由 RadView 推出

WebLOAD Professional 是 RadView 針對網際網路應用程式效能測試的得獎軟體。WebLOAD Flex Add-On 專為 Adobe Flex?? 而設計,其中包含專用的通訊協定記錄器,可將 AMF 通訊協定智慧記錄為 WebLOAD IDE 的常用格式。

Borland SilkPerformer*,由 Microfocus 推出

SilkPerformer 提供具成本效益、企業級的工具,將自動化軟體壓力、效能和負載測試整合為一個開放式可共用的模型。使用 SilkPerformer,您可以為在多種不同應用程式環境中執行商業情境的數千名使用者建立功能強大、符合實際的負載測試,以識別瓶頸,然後套用功能強大的診斷功能來解決效能問題。

CloudPuncher*,由 Midnight Coders 推出

CloudPuncher 是創新和直覺式的雲端平台,可針對連接至多種伺服器環境(包括 Adobe LiveCycle?? Data Services 和 BlazeDS)的 Flex 應用程式進行實際負載與效能測試。

NeoLoad*,由 Neotys 推出

Neotys 是針對 Web 2.0 應用程式的簡單易用、具成本效益的壓力與負載測試工具的領先者。自 2005 年以來,Neotys 已協助超過 60 個國家的客戶確保其應用程式的可靠性、效能和品質。NeoLoad 是針對豐富型網際網路應用程式 (RIA) 的負載測試解決方案,可協助您更快速地執行測試,同時提供相關的分析並支援新技術,包括 Flex、LiveCycle 和 LiveCycle Data Services。


IBM ILOG Elixir V3.0,由 IBM 推出

IBM?? ILOG?? Elixir 針對使用 Flex 和 Adobe AIR 自訂 RIA 開發提供 10 種圖表資料顯示元件。IBM ILOG Elixir 透過高度圖形化的互動式使用體驗,協助將原始資料轉換為清楚、可行動的資訊。IBM ILOG Elixir 與 Adobe Flash Builder 4 軟體緊密整合,提供有生產力的設計時間體驗。使用 IBM ILOG Elixir 元件十分簡單 — 只需將它拖放至定位,並從 Flash Builder 4 開發環境中設定其屬性。


Flextras 可建立適用於 Flex 的介面元件,以節省您的開發時間。Flextras 程式庫中有 3 種元件:AutoCompleteComboBox 元件是一種進階的 ComboBox,可依使用者類型自動篩選您的 dataProvider;行事曆元件可讓您在 Flex 應用程式中顯示資料,就像您牆上的行事曆;DataSorter 元件可運用常用的方式來排序,讓您輕鬆在 Flex 應用程式中加以建置。

Chimp*,由 Gorilla Logic, Inc. 推出

Chimp 是適用於 Flex 和 AIR、以權限為基礎的篩選元件。透過新增 Flex UIComponents 的中繼資料來進行 Chimp 的應用程式建置。它以中繼資料為基礎,將會完全移除元件、啟用/停用和更新可見度。

ArcGIS API for Flex*,由 ESRI 推出

GIS 網路應用程式需要加入地理空間功能,而不僅是簡單的地圖顯示與互動功能。ArcGIS API for Flex 是功能強大的架構,可在 ArcGIS 伺服器上建立 RIA。API 現在可免費提供非商業使用,讓您更容易將地圖與 GIS 功能內嵌、使用及部署在網路或桌面應用程式。API 提供工具,讓您產生執行速度更快、跨瀏覽器且跨平台的動態地圖,執行強大的 GIS 模型並視覺化呈現結果,找到地址,執行路徑安排相關分析和建立交互式網路應用程式 (Mashup)。API 提供支援多種地圖投影以及動態和快取(並排)地圖服務的元件。此外,API 還包括預先建立的工作(例如查詢、識別、尋找、路徑安排、幾何和地理資訊處理),以與 ArcGIS 伺服器互動。

FusionCharts*,由 Infosoft 推出

FusionCharts for Flex 是一種圖表元件,可為您的 Flex 解決方案增添風味。它目前提供超過 57 種圖表和儀表,可將您所有的枯燥的資料轉換為令人驚豔的動態顯示。FusionCharts for Flex 提供可高度自訂的功能和互動選項,例如分割、旋轉、從 2D 轉換為 3D(或 3D 轉換為 2D),讓您的觀眾留下深刻印象。

Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts*

Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts 元件為 Flex 額外提供功能強大的報告和視覺化功能。您可直接使用互動式樞紐圖表,以您所需的任何形式來呈現商業資料。此元件完全以 ActionScript. 3.0 編寫,可用於多維資料視覺化、進階報告建立、互動式深入探索以及資料分析。此元件也可輕鬆整合至任意 Flex 應用程式以取代 AdvancedDataGrid 或 OLAPDataGrid。

Kap Lab 元件*,由 Kap IT 推出

Kap Lab 提供以下創新的資料視覺化元件:

    * Diagrammer 是一種視覺化模型設計程式。
    * Visualiser 整合了多種版面,以圖表呈現資料集。
    * TreeMap 可分析大量階層式資料集。
    * 雷達圖可以多維呈現方式來分析資料。
    * 圓環圖會以類似圓形圖的格式顯示多組資料。
    * Elastic Search 可讓您使用多個準則篩選器在大量資料集中進行搜尋。


ASTRA Flex 元件*由 Yahoo! 推出

Yahoo! 提供 ASTRA Flex 元件,可用於 Flex 應用程式。和 Flex 中的其他元件一樣,這些 Flex 元件也能與您熟悉的屬性、樣式和事件搭配使用。它們提供完整的說明,而且每個元件都提供多個範例來展示其不同的使用方式。


AMF 產品

Adobe LiveCycle Data Services

Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite 2 (ES2) 軟體透過直覺式應用程式和有效率的程序來協助機構提高生產力。LiveCycle ES2 可讓開發人員快速輕鬆地建立和部署應用程式,並讓商務使用者依照其特殊需求來管理應用程式環境。使用本軟體,您就可擴充現有後端系統的價值。

    * 進一步瞭解 LiveCycle ES2* ??

BlazeDS* 是 Adobe 提供的開放原始碼專案

BlazeDS 是以伺服器為基礎的 Java 遠端與網路傳訊技術,可讓開發人員輕鬆即時將後端發佈的資料與推播資料連接至 Flex 和 AIR 應用程式,以提高 RIA 的回應速度。

Zend AMF*,Zend 架構的一部分

Adobe 致力於為 Zend 架構提供其開放二進位 AMF 通訊協定支援。使用 Zend AMF,您可建立使用最小頻寬的 Flex 和 AIR 應用程式。

WebORB for .NET*,由 Midnight Coders 推出

WebORB for .NET 是強穩、無干擾、多通訊協定的開發與執行階段環境,旨在輕鬆連接 Flex 用戶端和 .NET 物件、XML web services、原生作業系統資源以及串流媒體。

WebORB PDF Generator*,由 Midnight Coders 推出

WebORB PDF Generator 是 SDK 和執行階段解決方案,可安裝擴充功能至 WebORB for .NET,讓用戶端和伺服器應用程式都能從 Flex 應用程式資料建立以範本為基礎的 PDF 文件。

WebORB for PHP*

WebORB for PHP 是強穩、無干擾、多通訊協定的開發與執行階段環境,旨在輕鬆透過 PHP 後端連接 Flex 用戶端和 PHP 類別與關聯式資料庫的資料。


FluorineFx 是免費的開放原始碼 .NET Flex 遠端閘道、高效能、可擴充的架構、串流與傳訊伺服器,可使用 Adobe 軟體(例如 Flash Professional、Flex 和 AIR and Microsoft .NET)連接 RIA。

Granite Data Services*,由 Adequate Systems 推出

Granite Data Services 是開放原始碼 Flex/J2EE 部署架構,其輕量型設計不但強穩、快速而且具高可設定性。它針對多種 JPA 引擎提供連接器,並提供完整的延遲載入支援(Hibernate、OpenJPA、EclipseLink);與多種應用程式伺服器(Jboss、 WebLogic、GlassFish、Tomcat、Jetty)以及 J2EE 開發架構(EJB3、Seam、CDI、Spring)整合;提供資料推播(Comet,具 JMS 支援)功能;以及提供植入、實體快取、延遲載入實體的透明初始化以及資料分頁的 Flex 開發架構。



HP SWFScan*,由 HP 推出

HP SWFScan 是由 HP Web Security Research Group 開發的免費工具,可自動尋找建立在 Flash Platform. 上的應用程式中的安全性弱點。SWFScan 會解譯建立在 Flash Platform. 上的應用程式,以擷取 ActionScript. 程式碼並進行靜態分析以識別安全性問題,例如資訊揭露;識別並報告不安全的程式設計與部署實務,以及建議解決方法。


Nitro-LM*,由 Simplified Logic 推出

Nitro-LM 是一種雲端服務,專為將授權與應用程式保護視為其業務重要一環的軟體公司而提供。Nitro-LM 不只是授權字串或金鑰產生器,還可針對包括使用者註冊、產品加密及授權、事件導向通知、使用狀況報告等提供完整的服務。Nitro-LM 可直接整合在您的軟體及/或作為您電子商務程序的一部分。Nitro-LM 可簡化您整體商業的程序,同時還能保護您的營收來源。




Cairngorm 是針對使用 Flex 或 AIR 建立的 RIA 所提供的輕量型微架構。Cairngorm 是知名設計模式的協同作業,也是 Adobe Consulting 主張的 RIA 開發最佳範例之推廣典範、鼓勵運用現有基礎 Flex 架構的最佳範例,讓廣大的工程師團隊更容易透過它大規模發佈任務關鍵性 RIA。


Mate 是以標籤為基礎、事件導向的 Flex 架構,讓您 Flex 應用程式建立的事件變得更容易處理。Mate 可讓您定義由誰處理這些事件,並決定是否要從伺服器擷取資料,或需要觸發其他事件。此外,Mate 還提供相依性插入,讓您應用程式的不同部分可更容易取得所需的資料和物件。

PureMVC Framework*

自從 2006 年起,PureMVC Framework 就協助您以快速但可維護的方式開發 Flex、Flash 和 AIR 應用程式。PureMVC 以證實可行的設計模式為基礎,是免費的開放原始碼,可協助您建立鬆散耦合的程式碼,並根據典型的模型、檢視和控制器概念加以組織。PureMVC 是由 Adobe Solution 合作夥伴 Futurescale, Inc. 所建立,並仍將由該公司負責維護與支援。

Swiz Framework*

Swiz 是十分簡單的微型架構,適用於使用 Flash 和 Flex 的 RIA 開發。Swiz 運用向業界最佳顧問公司的頂尖 RIA 開發人員學到的最佳範例,不但簡單、輕量型而且極具生產力。Swiz 不會在您的程式碼加上 JEE 模式、不會有重複資料夾版面、沒有簡短字母組合代碼,也不需要您擴充特定架構的類別。

Globalization and Internationalization Framework*,由 Digital Primates 提供

Thrasys i18n 架構是 Flex 架構的擴充延伸,針對 Flex 中的雙向語言與國際地區設定提供完整支援。本架構不但易於整合,還提供自動化雙向畫面交換、使用 Adobe Text Layout Framework 的進階演算功能、可完全設定的用戶端與 Flex 控制項獨立於作業系統的排序功能,並支援非西曆的日曆系統。

Parsley*,由 Spicefactory 推出

Parsley 是適用於 Flex 和 Flash 應用程式的應用程式架構,以 IoC container 為基礎,提供相依性插入、退耦傳訊、模組化和擴充性。


Robotlegs 是單純的 AS3 微型架構,檔案小巧而且範圍有限。簡而言之,Robotlegs 可協助您將物件連結在一起。它提供您應用程式所需的黏附力,以退耦方式輕鬆運作。運用以自動化中繼資料為基礎的相依性插入,Robotlegs 免除了應用程式中使用簡短字母組合代碼的需求。


Microsoft Visual Studio Flex 工具增效模組

Amethyst*,由 SapphireSteel Software 推出

Amethyst 是 Flex、AIR 和 ActionScript. 的視覺化設計與編碼環境。Amethyst 可與 Microsoft Visual Studio 緊密整合,提供拖放設計工具、可擴充的重構功能、IntelliSense、可自訂的程式碼格式化以及快速「向下切入」除錯程式。

Ensemble logo
Ensemble Tofino* 適用於 Microsoft Visual Studio

Ensemble 的 Tofino 是 Microsoft Visual Studio 增效模組,可讓 .NET 開發人員為其應用程式建立 Flex 前端。透過 Tofino,.NET 開發人員可建立和編輯 MXML 與 ActionScript. 原始檔程式碼、執行和除錯 Flex 應用程式,在 MXML 和 .NET 檔案類型之間順暢移動,以及叫用 Flex 組建與執行指令,全都在其原生 Visual Studio 開發環境中。


Flex 工具擴充功能

Kap Lab 元件 logo
Kap Lab 開發工具*,由 Kap IT 推出

Kap Lab 提供 Flex 開發工具:

    * Kap Inspect 可讓開發人員控制應用程式結構、監視和分析事件程序、檢查設計與樣式、控制物件屬性等。
    * PureMVC 和 Cairngorm 主控台可讓您從架構層級瞭解發生什麼情況:
          o 適用於 PureMVC 的通知、指令、中繼程序和 Proxy;
          o 適用於 Cairngorm 的操作、事件、ModelLocator、指令、事件和服務
    * Model2Flex 是可進行程式設定的 MDA studio,用於產生 Java 和 Flex 程式碼。

SourceMate*由 Element River 推出

SourceMate 是專業 Flex 和 ActionScript. 開發人員的最佳良伴,為 Flash Builder 4 新增重構功能、程式碼產生功能、程式碼片段等。主要功能包括建立多個 getter/setter、擷取介面和方法重構,建立 Ant 組建檔案以及 TODO 和 FIXME 工作標記。

FlexPMD 是一種工具,可藉由調整 AS3/Flex 原始碼目錄並偵測共同的不良範例,來協助改善編碼品質。例如:

    * 未使用的程式碼(函數、變數、常數等)
    * 編碼沒有效率(不當使用動態篩選器、建構子過大等)
    * 編碼過於複雜(巢狀迴路,過多條件等)
    * 編碼過長(類別、方法等)
    * 錯誤使用 Flex 元件生命週期(commitProperties 等)


Creative Suite 整合

Adobe Master Collection 包裝盒
Creative Suite 外觀擴充功能

Flex 4 新增了與 Adobe Creative Suite 和 Flash Builder 軟體整合的功能,讓設計人員和開發人員可更快速輕鬆地合作建立 RIA。使用 Adobe Flash Professional 建立自訂 Flex 元件,或使用 Adobe Photoshop??、Fireworks?? 或 Illustrator?? 來建立自訂外觀、容器等。

    * 下載 Flex 外觀擴充功能* ??

適用於 Flash CS5 Professional 的 Flex 元件套件
適用於 Flash Professional 的 Flex 元件套件

適用於 Flash Professional 的 Flex 元件套件可讓您在 Flash 中建立互動的動畫內容,並在 Flex 中將它當成 Flex 元件使用。這可讓開發人員輕鬆建立自訂 Flex 元件,以用於 RIA。

    * 下載適用於 Flash Professional 的 Flex 元件套件* ??

There is a broad and growing ecosystem that surrounds the Adobe?? Flash?? Platform. to help you be successful in your application development. The following products and projects provide support for the Flex framework in various categories.

    * Adobe AIR??
    * Functional testing
    * Performance and load testing
    * Components
    * Action Message Format (AMF) products
    * Security testing
    * Licensing and encryption
    * Frameworks
    * Microsoft Visual Studio Flex tooling plug-ins
    * Flex tooling extensions
    * Adobe Creative Suite?? integration

Adobe AIR

Adobe AIR logo
Adobe AIR

The Adobe AIR runtime lets developers use the Flex framework to build rich applications that deploy to the desktop. Adobe AIR applications run across operating systems and are easily delivered using a single installer file. With AIR, Flex developers can use their existing skills and code to build highly engaging, visually rich applications that combine the power of local resources and data with the reach of the web.

    * Learn more about Adobe AIR
    * Download Adobe AIR


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Functional testing

HP logo
HP QuickTest Professional, by HP

HP QuickTest Professional supports functional and regression test automation. This solution uses the concept of keyword-driven testing to simplify test creation and maintenance. It enables testers to build functional and regression test cases by capturing flows directly from the application screens using specialized capturing technology. Test experts also have full access to the underlying test and object properties via an integrated scripting and debugging environment.

    * Download the plug-in from

IBM logo
IBM Rational Functional Tester, by IBM

IBM Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional and regression testing solution for Quality Assurance teams concerned with validating their application functionality before deployment. Combining advanced test development techniques with the simplification of automated testing, IBM Rational Functional Tester accelerates the process of system test creation, execution, and analysis to help ensure the early capture and repair of application errors.

Borland logo
SilkTest 2010, by Microfocus

SilkTest?? is the proven choice of QA professionals for powerful functional and regression test automation. Intuitive GUI record-and-play capabilities and a stable, easy-to-use scripting approach enable you to build robust functional and regression tests. SilkTest delivers time-tested stability and support for major enterprise environments and Web 2.0 technologies like Flex in a cost-effective package, making automated regression and functional software testing a key capability instead of an expensive option.

Digital Primates logo
FlexUnit 4, by Digital Primates (available at

FlexUnit is a unit testing framework for Flex and ActionScript?? 3.0 applications and libraries. It provides ActionScript. developers with the same powerful set of tools that JUnit 4 provides for the Java?? community, but adapted specifically for the needs of the Flash Platform. FlexUnit was created by Digital Primates as an open source product for the Flex community and is planned to be included in Flash Builder 4.

Gorilla Logic logo
FlexMonkey, by Gorilla Logic, Inc.

FlexMonkey is an Adobe AIR application used for testing Flex and AIR based applications. Providing the functionality to record, play back, and verify Flex UI interactions, FlexMonkey also generates ActionScript. based testing scripts that you can easily include within a continuous integration environment.

RIA AppPuncher Debugger logo
RIA AppPuncher Debugger, by Midnight Coders

RIA AppPuncher Debugger interprets the data communication at the AMF protocol level to provide a new level of debugging for Flex clients connecting to a variety of server environments.

FRIATest logo
RIATest, by Cogitek Inc.

RIATest is a GUI test automation tool for Flex applications. RIATest is built on top of the Flex automation framework and supports Flex 2, Flex 3, Flex 4, and AIR applications.

HP logo
Ranorex Automation Framework, by Ranorex

Ranorex is a UI test automation framework for testing many different application types including Flex 3, Flex 4, AIR, Flash, Web 2.0, WPF, Silverlight, Qt, .NET and Java. The Ranorex Recorder enables capture/replay of UI tests, edit actions and generate real C#, VB.NET and IronPython code. Ranorex object repositories enable separation of test automation code/recordings from RanoreXPath identification information. The IDE includes test project management, intuitive code editor, code completion, debugging, and watch monitor.

HP logo
Sauce OnDemand and Flex extensions for Selenium, by Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs makes cross-browser testing Flex applications simple and cost effective – in the cloud or on-premise. The company's flagship product, Sauce OnDemand, is a cloud service that allows users to execute their test scripts in parallel across today's most popular browsers. Sauce OnDemand eliminates the overhead of setting up and maintaining test environments and does so at a fraction of the cost. Sauce Labs also provides on-premise support for the popular Selenium open source testing framework with Flex extensions and downloads of commercial Selenium implementations.

SmartBear Software
TestComplete, by SmartBear Software

TestComplete is a software testing tool for creating, managing, and automatically executing tests for any Windows, Rich Client, or Web application, including Adobe Flex, AIR, and Flash. It automates recording, playback, and verification of UI actions and events with visual keyword tests or traditional script-based tests. Combining a friendly IDE with power tools, such as a test visualizer and a test data generator, TestComplete helps QA teams of any size improve productivity with smart automation.

eggPlant, by TestPlant

eggPlant is a robotic test tool using patented image recognition to automate regression and functional tests in cross-platform. rich internet and desktop environments. eggPlant recognizes components of the Adobe Flash Platform. (Flash, Flex and AIR) by uniquely deploying image (not code) based techniques. TestPlant operates in both the US and the UK with its global development center in Boulder, Colorado


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Performance and load testing

HP logo
HP LoadRunner, by HP

HP LoadRunner, the market-leading performance testing solution, supports testing for a broad range of applications. It helps:

    * Identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks
    * Reduce mean time to resolution
    * Verify that applications meet performance requirements before going live
    * Mitigate business risk of application failure

RadView logo
WebLOAD Flex Add-On, by RadView

WebLOAD Professional is RadView's award-winning software for performance testing of Internet applications. Designed specifically for Adobe Flex??, the WebLOAD Flex Add-On includes a specialized protocol recorder that intelligently records the AMF protocol into a format common to WebLOAD's IDE.

Borland logo
Borland SilkPerformer, by Microfocus

SilkPerformer offers a cost-effective, enterprise-class tool for automated software stress, performance, and load testing in an open and sharable model. With SilkPerformer, you can create powerful, realistic load tests for thousands of users running business scenarios across a broad range of enterprise application environments to identify bottlenecks, and then apply powerful diagnostics to resolve performance issues.

CloudPuncher logo
CloudPuncher, by Midnight Coders

CloudPuncher is an innovative and intuitive cloud-based platform. used for conducting realistic load and performance testing of Flex applications connecting to a variety of server environments, including Adobe LiveCycle?? Data Services and BlazeDS.

NeoLoad logo
NeoLoad, by Neotys

Neotys is a leader in easy-to-use, cost-effective stress and load testing tools for Web 2.0 applications. Since 2005, Neotys has been helping its clients in more than 60 countries to ensure their applications' reliability, performance, and quality. The NeoLoad load testing solution for rich Internet applications (RIAs) helps you perform. your tests faster, while providing pertinent analysis and support for new technologies including Flex, LiveCycle, and LiveCycle Data Services.


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IBM ILOG Elixir V2.5
IBM ILOG Elixir V3.0, by IBM

IBM?? ILOG?? Elixir provides 10 graphical data-display components for custom RIA development using Flex and Adobe AIR. IBM ILOG Elixir helps turn raw data into clear, actionable information through a highly graphical and interactive user experience. For a productive design-time experience, IBM ILOG Elixir is tightly integrated with Adobe Flash Builder 4 software. Using a component of IBM ILOG Elixir is easy — just drag and drop it into place and set its properties from within your Flash Builder 4 development environment.

Flextras logo

Flextras builds interface components for Flex that save you development time. There are three separate components in the Flextras Library: the AutoCompleteComboBox component is an Advanced ComboBox that provides automatic filtering of your dataProvider as the user types; Calendar Component lets you to display data in a Flex app, just like the calendar hanging on your wall; and the DataSorter component takes a common approach to sorting, making it easy for you to implement it in your Flex application.

Gorilla Logic logo
Chimp, by Gorilla Logic, Inc.

Chimp is a permission-based filtering component for Flex and AIR. Applications implement Chimp by adding metadata within the Flex UIComponents. Based on the metadata it will remove components completely, enable/disable, and update visibility.

ArcGIS ESRI logo
ArcGIS API for Flex, from ESRI

GIS web applications need to include geospatial functionality that go beyond simple map display and interaction. ArcGIS API for Flex is a powerful framework for building RIAs on top of ArcGIS Server. The API is now available for free for noncommercial use, allowing mapping and GIS capabilities to be more easily embedded, consumed, and deployed in web or desktop applications. The API provides the tools to generate fast, cross-browser and cross-platform. dynamic maps, execute powerful GIS models and visualize the results, locate addresses, perform. routing-related analysis, and create mashups. The API provides components that support multiple map projections, as well as both dynamic and cached (tiled) map services. The API also includes prebuild tasks such as query, identify, find, routing, geometry, and geoprocessing to interact with ArcGIS Server.

FusionCharts logo
FusionCharts, by Infosoft

FusionCharts for Flex is a charting component that adds spice to your Flex solutions. It currently offers more than 57 types of charts and gauges that can convert all your boring data to stunning animated visuals. Offering a high degree of customizability and interactive options like slicing, rotation, conversion from 2D to 3D, and vice versa, you are sure to impress your audience with FusionCharts for Flex.

Flexmonster logo
Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts

The Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts component provides Flex with additional powerful reporting and visualization capabilities. You get ready-to-use interactive pivot tables and charts, exposing business data in any desired representation. This component is written in pure ActionScript. 3.0. It can be used for multidimensional data visualization, advanced reporting, interactive drill-down, and data analysis. The component can also be easily integrated into any Flex application to replace AdvancedDataGrid or OLAPDataGrid.

Kap Lab Components logo
Kap Lab components, by Kap IT

Kap Lab offers the following innovative data visualization components:

    * Diagrammer is a designer for visual modeling.
    * Visualiser integrates multiple layouts to represent data sets in graphs.
    * TreeMap analyzes large hierarchical data sets.
    * Radar Chart analyzes data in a multidimensional representation.
    * Ring Chart shows multiple data series in a format similar to a pie chart.
    * Elastic Search allows searching of large sets of data using multiple-criteria filters.

All components are easy to integrate and free for noncommercial use.

Yahoo logo
ASTRA Flex components, by Yahoo!

Yahoo! offers the ASTRA Flex components for use in your Flex applications. These Flex components are designed to work like any other components in Flex with familiar properties, styles, and events. They're fully documented, and each component comes with multiple examples that demonstrate its various uses.


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AMF products

Adobe LiveCycle logo
Adobe LiveCycle Data Services

Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite 2 (ES2) software helps organizations improve productivity through intuitive applications and efficient processes. With LiveCycle ES2, you can extend the value of existing back-end systems by enabling developers to build and deploy applications quickly and easily, and by empowering business users to manage application environments based on their specific needs.

    * Learn more about LiveCycle ES2

BlazeDS logo
BlazeDS, an open source project by Adobe

BlazeDS is the server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology that enables developers to easily connect to back-end distributed data and push data in real time to Flex and AIR applications for more responsive RIA experiences.

Zend logo
Zend AMF, part of Zend framework

Adobe has contributed support for its open, binary AMF protocol to Zend Framework. Using Zend AMF, you can build Flex and AIR applications that use minimal bandwidth.

WebORB for .NET logo
WebORB for .NET, by Midnight Coders

WebORB for .NET is a robust, nonintrusive, multiprotocol development and runtime environment that is designed to effortlessly connect Flex clients with .NET objects, XML web services, native operating system resources, and streaming media.

WebORB PDF Generator logo
WebORB PDF Generator, by Midnight Coders

WebORB PDF Generator is both an SDK and a runtime solution that installs as an extension to WebORB for .NET, enabling both client and server applications to create template-based PDF documents from Flex application data.

WebORB for PHP logo
WebORB for PHP

WebORB for PHP is a robust, nonintrusive, multiprotocol development and runtime environment that is designed to effortlessly connect Flex clients with PHP classes and data from relational databases via the PHP back end.

FluorineFX logo
FluorineFX, an open source project

FluorineFx is the free and open source .NET Flex remoting gateway, high-performance, scalable framework, streaming and messaging server that connects RIAs using Adobe software such as Flash Professional, Flex, and AIR and Microsoft .NET.

GraniteDS logo
Granite Data Services, by Adequate Systems

Granite Data Services is an open source Flex/J2EE development framework designed to be lightweight, robust, fast, and highly configurable. It features connectors for various JPA engines with full lazy-loading support (Hibernate, OpenJPA, EclipseLink); integration with various application servers (JBoss, WebLogic, GlassFish, Tomcat, Jetty) and J2EE development frameworks (EJB3, Seam, CDI, Spring); data push (Comet, with JMS support); and a Flex development framework that provides injection, entity caching, transparent initialization of lazy-loaded entities, and data paging.


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Security testing

HP logo
HP SWFScan, by HP

HP SWFScan, a free tool developed by HP Web Security Research Group, will automatically find security vulnerabilities in applications built on the Flash Platform. SWFScan decompiles applications built on the Flash Platform. to extract the ActionScript. code and statically analyzes it to identify security issues such as information disclosure; identifies and reports insecure programming and deployment practices; and suggests solutions.


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Licensing and encryption

NitroLM logo
Nitro-LM, by Simplified Logic

Nitro-LM is a cloud-based service for software companies that view licensing and application protection as a critical component to their business. Nitro-LM goes beyond license strings or key generators and provides a complete service for user registrations, product encryption and licensing, event-driven notifications, usage reporting, and more. Integration of Nitro-LM can be directly in your software, as a component of your e-commerce process, or both. Nitro-LM enables streamlining your overall business while protecting your revenue stream.


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Cairngorm logo

Cairngorm is the lightweight micro-architecture for RIAs built in Flex or AIR. A collaboration of recognized design patterns, Cairngorm exemplifies and encourages best practices for RIA development advocated by Adobe Consulting, encourages best-practice leveraging of the underlying Flex framework, and makes it easier for medium to large teams of engineers to deliver medium to large-scale, mission-critical RIAs.

Mate Flex Framework logo

Mate is a tag-based, event-driven Flex framework that makes it easy to handle the events your Flex application creates. Mate allows you to define who is handling those events and determine whether data needs to be retrieved from the server or other events need to be triggered. Mate also provides a mechanism for dependency injection to make it easy for the different parts of your application to get the data and objects they need.

PureMVC Framework logo
PureMVC Framework

Since 2006, the PureMVC Framework has been enabling the rapid but maintainable development of Flex, Flash, and AIR applications. Based upon proven design patterns, PureMVC is free and open source and helps you create loosely coupled code organized according to the classic Model, View, and Controller concept. PureMVC was created and continues to be maintained and supported by Futurescale, Inc., an Adobe Solution Partner.

Swiz Framework logo
Swiz Framework

Swiz is a brutally simple micro-architecture for RIA development with Flash and Flex. Swiz is simple, lightweight, and extremely productive thanks to using best practices learned from top RIA developers at the best consulting firms in the industry. Swiz imposes no JEE patterns on your code, no repetitive folder layouts, no boilerplate code, and does not require you to extend framework-specific classes.

Digital Primates logo
Globalization and Internationalization Framework, by Digital Primates

The Thrasys i18n framework is an extension to the Flex framework, providing full support for bidirectional languages and international locales in Flex. While extremely easy to integrate, the framework provides automatic bidirectional page flipping, access to the advanced rendering capabilities of the Adobe Text Layout Framework, fully configurable client and OS-independent sorting of any Flex control, and support for non-Gregorian calendaring systems.

Parsley logo
Parsley, by Spicefactory

Parsley is an application framework for Flex and Flash applications based on an IoC container, offering dependency injection, decoupled messaging, modularization, and extensibility.

Cairngorm logo

Robotlegs is a pure AS3 micro-architecture (framework) with a light footprint and limited scope. Simply put, Robotlegs is there to help you wire your objects together. It provides the glue that your application needs to easily function in a decoupled way. Through the use of automated metadata based dependency injection Robotlegs removes boilerplate code in an application.


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Microsoft Visual Studio Flex tooling plug-ins

Amethyst logo
Amethyst, by SapphireSteel Software

Amethyst is a visual design and coding environment for Flex, AIR, and ActionScript. Smoothly integrated into Microsoft Visual Studio, Amethyst has a drag-and-drop designer, extensive refactoring, IntelliSense, customizable code formatting, and a fast "drill-down" debugger.

Ensemble logo
Ensemble Tofino for Microsoft Visual Studio

Ensemble's Tofino is a Microsoft Visual Studio plug-in that enables .NET developers to create Flex front ends for their applications. Through Tofino, .NET developers can create and edit MXML and ActionScript. source file codes, run and debug Flex applications, move smoothly between MXML and .NET file types, and invoke Flex build and run commands, all within their native Visual Studio development environment.


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