
Software Testing - Second Edition By Ron Patton - Organization

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How This Book Is Organized

This book is designed to lead you through the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become a good software tester. Software testing is not about banging on the keyboard hoping you’ll eventually crash the computer. A great deal of science and engineering is behind it, lots of discipline and planning, and there can be lots of fun, too---as you’ll soon see.




Part I: The Big Picture

The chapters in Part I lay the foundation for this book by showing you how software products are developed and how software testing fits into the overall development process. You’ll see the importance of software testing and gain an appreciation for the magnitude of the job.

Ÿ  Chapter 1, “Software Testing Background,” helps you understand exactly what a software bug is, how serious they can be, and why they occur. You’ll learn what your ultimate goal is as a software tester and what traits will help make you a good one.

Ÿ  Chapter 2, “The Software Development Process,” gives you an overview of how a software product is createdin the corporate world. You’ll learn what components typically go into software, what types of people contribute to it, and the different process models that can be used.

Ÿ  Chapter 3, “The Realities of Software Testing,”brings a reality check to how software is developed. You’ll see why no matter how hard you try, software can never be perfect. You’ll also learn a few fundamental terms and concepts used throughout the rest of this book.



Ÿ  1章,“软件测试背景”让你正确理解软件缺陷,软件缺陷的严重性,以及它们是如何产生的。你将认识到成为一名软件测试工作者并且拥有一名优秀软件测试工作者的特质才是你的最终目标。

Ÿ  2章,“软件开发的过程”给你展示企业如何创建软件产品。你将认识到哪些典型组件构成软件,哪些人为软件做贡献,以及可能使用的不同过程模型。

Ÿ  3章,“软件测试的实质”带来开发软件的现实可行性对照检查,你将明白无论你多努力,软件都不可能完美。你还会了解本书接下来用到的一些基本术语和概念。


Part II: Testing Fundamental

The chapters in Part II teach you the fundamental approaches to software testing. The work of testing software is divided into four basic areas, and you will see the techniques used for each one:

Ÿ  Chapter 4,”Examining the Specification,” teaches you how to find bugs by carefully inspecting the documentation that describes what the software is intended to do.

Ÿ  Chapter 5, “Testing the Software with Blinders On,” teaches you the techniques to use for testing software without having access to the code or even knowing how to program. This is the most common type of testing.

Ÿ  Chapter 6,”Examining the Code,” shows you how to perform. detailed analysis of the program’s source code to find bugs. You’ll learn that you don’t have to be an expert programmer to use these techniques.

Ÿ  Chapter 7, “Testing the Software with X-Ray Glasses,” teaches you how you can improve your testing byleveraging informationyou gain by reviewing the code or being able to see it execute while you run your tests.



Ÿ  4章,“检查产品说明书”教你如何通过仔细检查产品详细说明文档来发现缺陷。

Ÿ  5章,“戴上眼罩测试软件”教你不需要阅读代码甚至不懂编程的情况下使用的软件测试的技术。这是最常见的测试方式。

Ÿ  6章,“检查代码”教你如何通过仔细的源代码分析来发现缺陷。你将了解到不是专业程序员也可以使用这些技术。

Ÿ  7章,“戴上X光眼镜测试软件”教你如何通过检查代码或查看程序运行情况获得有效使用信息来提高和改进测试。


Part III: Applying Your Testing Skills

The chapters in Part III take the techniques that you learned in Part II and apply them to some real-world scenarios that you’ll encounter as a software tester:

Ÿ  Chapter 8, “Configuration Testing,” teaches you how to organize and perform. software testing on different hardware configurations and platforms.

Ÿ  Chapter 9, “Compatibility Testing,” teaches you how to test for issues with different software applications and operating systems interacting with each other.

Ÿ  Chapter 10, “Foreign-Language Testing,” shows you thata whole world of softwareis out there and that it’s important to test for the special problems that can arise when software is translated into other languages.

Ÿ  Chapter 11,”Usability Testing,” teaches you how to apply your testing skills when checking a software application’s user interface and how to assure that your software is accessible to the disabled.

Ÿ  Chapter 12, “Testing the Documentation,” explains how to examine the software’s documentation such as help files, user manuals, even the marketing material, for bugs.

Ÿ  Chapter 13, “Testing for Software Security,” shows you how to find bugs that allow hackers to gain access to (supposedly) secure computer systems and data.

Ÿ  Chapter 14, “Website Testing,” takes everything you’ve learned so far and applies it to a present-day situation. You’ll see how something as simple as testing a website can encompass nearly all aspects of software testing.



Ÿ  8章,“配置测试”教你如何在不同硬件配置和平台上组织并执行软件测试。

Ÿ  9章,“兼容性测试”教你如何测试不同软件应用程序和操作系统之间相互影响的问题。

Ÿ  10章,“外语测试”给你一个全球性软件,当软件被翻译成其他语言时,测试这个可能产生的特殊问题是很重要的。

Ÿ  11章,“可用性测试”教你在检查软件应用程序用户界面时如何运用测试技术,以及如何确保软件方便残疾人士使用。

Ÿ  12章,“测试文档”解释如何检查软件文档,比如帮助文档、用户手册、甚至市场资料的缺陷。

Ÿ  13章,“软件安全性测试”告诉你如何从黑客访问计算机系统和数据的漏洞中发现缺陷。

Ÿ  14章,“网站测试”将你目前为止所学一切技术运用到当前实际情况中。你会发现不管测试多么简单的一个网站都会用到几乎所有方面的软件测试知识。


Part IV: Supplementing Your Testing

The chapters in Part IV show you how to improve your test coverage and capability by leveraging both technology and people to perform. your testing more efficiently and effectively:

Ÿ  Chapter 15, “Automated Testing and Test Tools,” explains how you can use computers and software to test other software. You’ll also learn why using technology isn’t foolproof.

Ÿ  Chapter 16, ”Bug Bashes and Beta Testing,” shows you how to use other people to see the software differently and to find bugs that you completely over-looked.



Ÿ  15章,“自动化测试和测试工具”告诉你如何使用计算机和软件来测试其他软件。你还会明白为什么使用技术不是万无一失的。

Ÿ  16章,“测试轰炸和Beta测试”教你如何利用其他人的不同方式来检查软件,以便发现你之前彻底漏掉的缺陷。


Part V: Working with Test Documentation

The chapter in Part V cover how software testing is documented so that its plans, bugs, and results can be seen and understood by everyone on the project team:

Ÿ  Chapter 17, “Planning Your Test Effort,” shows you what goes into creating a test plan for your project. As a new software tester, you likely won’t write a test planfrom scratch, but it’s important to know what’s in one and why.

Ÿ  Chapter 18, “Writing and Tracking Test Cases,” teaches you how to properly document the test cases you develop so that you and other testers can use them.

Ÿ  Chapter 19, “Reporting What You Find,” teaches you how to tell the world when you find a bug, how to isolate the steps necessary to make it recur, and how to describe it so that others will understand and want to fix it.

Ÿ  Chapter 20, “Measuring Your Success,” describes various types of data, charts, and graphs used to gauge both your progress and success at testing andyour software project’s steps toward release.



Ÿ  17章,“计划测试工作”告诉你测试计划包含哪些内容。作为一个初级软件测试工作者,不可能从无到有编写测试计划文档。但了解测试计划内容和为什么这么做是非常重要的。

Ÿ  18章,“编写和跟踪测试用例”教你如何正确编写测试用例文档,以便你自己和其他测试人员都能使用它。

Ÿ  19章,“报告发现的缺陷”教你如何把发现的缺陷告诉别人,如何分步骤重现缺陷,以及如何描述这个缺陷以便其他人能理解并修复它。

Ÿ  20章,“测试成效评估”描述使用各种不同类型数据、图表来度量你的工作进度、测试成就和整个项目的发行步伐。


Part VI: The Future

The chapters in Part VI explain where the future lies in software testing and set the stage for your career:

Ÿ  Chapter 21, “Software Quality Assurance,” teaches you the big difference between software testing and quality assurance. You’ll learn about different software industry goals such as ISO 9000 and the Capabilities Maturity Model and what it takes to achieve them.

Ÿ  Chapter 22, “Your Career as a Software Tester,”gives you that kick in the behind to go outand be a software tester. You’ll learn what types of jobs are available and where to look for them. You’ll also find many pointers to more information.



Ÿ  21章,“软件质量保证”使你懂得软件测试与质量保证的区别。你会学习软件业的不同标准,例如ISO 9000和软件能力成熟度模型,以及实现它们的必要条件。

Ÿ  22章,“软件测试职业生涯”给你动力成为一名软件测试员。你会了解到什么类型的工作适合测试员以及哪里能找到它们。你还会发现更多指示和更多信息。


Study Notes:

From scratch  从头开始、从无到有、白手起家

TAG: edition Edition PATTON Patton Ron RON second software Software Testing testing





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  • 建立时间: 2010-08-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-10-11


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