
Software Testing - Second Edition By Ron Patton - set out

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Software Testing - Second Edition

By Ron Patton


Publisher: Sams Publishing

Pub Date: July 26, 2005

ISBN: 0-672-32798-8

Pages: 408












Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready for release. Updated from the previous edition in 2000 to include a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs, the processes and techniques used throughout the book are timeless. This book is an excellent investment if you want to better understand what your Software Test team does or you want to write better software.



About the Author

Ron Patton lives in the Seattle area with his wife, Valerie. His software test experience is wide and varied, from mission-critical systems to painting programs for kids. Ron graduated from Penn State in 1984 with a B.S. degree in computer science. He began his career at Taxes Instruments as a quality assurance engineer, testing embedded systems and user interface software for industrial automation equipment. In 1992 he joined Microsoft as a software test lead inthe Systems Groupfor Multimedia Viewer, the authoring tool and multimedia display engine used by Encarta, Cinemania, and Bookshelf. He moved on to become the software test manager of the Kids Product Unit,shipping CD-ROM titlessuch as Creative Writer, Fine Artist, 3D movie Maker, and the Magic School Bus series. Before he left Microsoft, he was the software test manager ofthe Hardware Group, responsible forthe software shipped with the mouse, keyboard, gaming, telephony, and ActiMates product lines.He currently is a freelance project management and software quality consultant.

Ron’s most memorable project was ActiMates Barney, for which he test managed both the hardware and software efforts. “Microsoft actually paid my team and me to shake, bake, freeze, thaw, pull, drop, tumble, dunk, and shock dozens of prototype Barney dolls until we reduced them to piles of electronic rubble and purple fuzz,” he recalls. “You can’t get much more test satisfaction than that.”

If you have comments or suggestions for this book, or if you find a bug in it that you want to report, you can send Ron an email attest@valart.com



罗恩所测试的项目中让他最记忆犹新的是ActiMates Barney项目,他负责软件和硬件两方面的测试工作。“微软实际上让我和我的团队利用摇晃、烘烤、冷藏、溶解、拉、扯、摔、浸泡和电击等方式来测试成打的Barney玩偶雏形直到我们把他们捣成一堆电子碎片和紫色绒毛。”他回忆说,“再也没有比这更令人满意的测试了。”




To my best friend and wife, Valerie, who’s hoping that after I finish this second edition we can go on vacation to a tropical island.





Many thanks go to Sams Publishing and the editors and staff who helped me publish this second edition. A big thank you goes to Danny Faught who provided great input as an expert reviewer.

To my parents, Walter and Eleanore, for allowing me to quit my accordion lessons and buying me a TRS-80 Model I computer back in 1977. To my sister, Saundra, for keeping my parents busy with her baton competitions so I could hide in my room and learn to program. To Ruth Voland, my computer science teacher at Mohawk High School, for dragging me to all those science fairs and giving me extra time on the school’s ASR 33 teletypes. To Mark Ferrell, who taught me electronics and kept me out of trouble as a teenager. To Alan Backus and Galen Freemon of TI for allowing me the freedom to explore software test automation. To all my past co-workers and employees for teaching me more than I could have ever learned myself about software testing. And to my wonderful wife, Valerie, for saying, “Go ahead, send it in, see what happens” when, in1991, I posed the question of sending my resume to a little company in far-away Seattle called Microsoft. Each of you made a contribution to this book. Thank you!



感谢我的父母,沃尔特和埃利诺,允许我退掉手风琴的课程,而且在1977年他们给我买了一台TRS-80 I型的计算机。感谢我的妹妹,桑德拉,在忙于接力比赛的时候照顾父母,因此我可以躲在自己的房间学习编程。感谢卢斯.沃兰德,我在Mohawk高中的计算机老师,带着我去各种科学展会,还给我额外的时间去研究学校的ASR 33电报交换机。感谢马克.费洛教会我电子学应用,并使我摆脱青少年的困惑。感谢艾伦.巴克斯和TI的迦林.傅雷让我自由探索软件测试自动化。感谢所有以前的同事和搭档教会了我很多我自己没办法学到的软件测试方面的东西。还有,感谢我出色的妻子,瓦莱丽,1991年当我询问是否要将我的简历投递到一家远在西雅图的名叫微软的小公司时,是你对我说,“去吧,递过去,看看会发生什么事情”。你们每一个人都为这本书作出了贡献。非常感谢!


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Please note that I cannot help you with technical problems related to the topic of this book. We do have a User Services group, however, where I will forward specific technical questions related to the book.

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收信人:Paul Boger





Study Notes:

Ron Patton  罗恩.巴顿,美国人

Investment  值得买的东西

Seattle  西雅图,美国华盛顿首府

Valerie  [女子名]瓦莱丽,亦可作ValeryValeria的变体

Wide and Varied  广泛及多样,译为博大精深比较贴切

Mission-critical  英语中的原意是重大的任务,在计算机领域中用来特指那种不允许停机的重要系统为Mission Critical System,主要是指企业的骨干业务系统。关键业务是指电信、银行等社会基础设施行业,必须保证24小时365天不间断运行的核心业务

Penn State  Pennsylvania State University,宾西法尼亚州州立大学

B.S.  Bachelor of Science,理学士

Ron’s most memorable project was ActiMates Barney, for which he test managed both the hardware and software efforts  该句型翻译我是这么理解的,he test for ActiMates Barney which managed both the hardware and software efforts…

TAG: Edition edition PATTON Patton Ron RON second software Software Testing testing translation





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