
The second part of QC study

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-22 12:37:25 / 个人分类:将测试进行到底

u WU6qrN0   今日打开论坛,和往常一样,直奔"查看新贴"而去,却在页面将要跳转之际,意外的在首页上看到了自己的名字,斑竹真是太眷顾我了,第一次写日志就被"挖"到了首页,这让我一界菜鸟,突然感到自信心都要膨胀了,哈哈。

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q[x:q}:`%}j0  the second part of QC is the test plan:

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   After you define your test requirements, you need to determine your testing goals. To do this, examine your application, environment, and testing process to outline the testing strategy for achieving your goals.  51Testing软件测试网)u%Syv7\$^

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  After you determine your goals, you build the test plan tree, which divides your application to subjects. For each subject you define test that contain steps. For each step, you specify the action that you to be performed on your application and the expected result.

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  After you design your tests, you can decide which tests to automate. When you automate a test, you can generate a test scrīpt and then complete it using orther Mercury testing tools(QTP or Winrunner).


\ H"tm1{~,a'R0   In this lesson, you will learn about: developing a test plan tree; designing test steps; copying test steps; caling tests with parameters; creating and viewing requirement coverage; generating automated test scrīpts.51Testing软件测试网+n2R1fj%].|%[3WGpF

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   the third part of QC is the test lab module:51Testing软件测试网nfL6K:~&L

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   Runing tests is the core of the testing prosess. As your application changes, you run manual and automated tests in your project to locate defects and assess quality.


   You start by creating test sets and choosing which tests to include in each set. A test set is a group of tests in  a QC project designed to achieve specific testing goals. QC enables you to control the execution of tests in a test set by setting conditions and scheduling the date and time for executing your tests.51Testing软件测试网[ Y,O+o2y&l1n

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    After your define test sets, you can begin to execute your tests. When you run a test manually, you execute the test steps you defined in test planning. You pass or fail each step, depending on whether the actual results match the expectde output. When you run a test automatically, QC opens the selectde testing tool, runs the test, and exports the test results to QC.

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    In this lesson, you will learn about:Defining test sets; Adding test to a test set; Scheduling test runs; Running tests manually; Running tests automatically.51Testing软件测试网W#NW1IwOP


    the forth part is adding and tracking defects:51Testing软件测试网G_?-fC,WL


    Locating and repairing defects is an essential phasd in application development. Defects can be detected and submitted by developers, testers, and end users in all stages of the testing processs. Using QC, you can submit defects detected in the application and track them until they are repaired.


/? zoa2IHmWV@0   In this lesson, you will learn about: how to track defects; adding new defects; matching defects; uptadting defects; mailing defects; linking defects to tests; creating favorite views.

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TAG: 将测试进行到底





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  • 访问量: 11008
  • 日志数: 10
  • 建立时间: 2007-05-18
  • 更新时间: 2007-07-12


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