越来越觉得自己走测试这条路是对的,越来越觉得自己适合做测试,这么久以来兴趣一直在激发我前进,一直在寻找下一个站点,我相信测试路上我一定会走的很远,我的测试道路一定会很宽阔,努力就有收获,也希望还在测试路口迷惘的朋友,不要再犹豫了,因为你的犹豫不决,会使你错过很多~~~~~喜欢就去just do it ,因为只有尝试了才知道自己适不适合,喜不喜欢。如果一味的问别人,永远找不到最终的答案。因为每个人的感觉不一样,每个人的情况不一样,每个人的前提条件都不一样,你会得到不同的答案,这样只能会使你更迷茫~~~~

crazy english--all--5 day

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-07-16 10:52:17 / 个人分类:英语天地

第七节 解释与说明
59.No, it’s not that. 
[   ]

A: Is that why you took off?
B: No, it’s not that. 

A: Are you still mad at him?
B: No, it’s not that. I just don’t have any interest.

A: Don’t you trust me?
B: No, it’s not that. I just don’t like to lend my books to other people.

60.That’s not true. 
[  ]

A: Money is everything.
B: That’s not true.

A: No one believes me.
B: That’s not true. I believe you.

A: I know you hate me.
B: That’s not true. I’m just mad at what you did.

That’s not the case.(那不是事实。)

61.I didn’t mean that. 
[   ]

A: So, you think it’s my fault.
B: I didn’t mean that.

A: You’re right. I should give it up.
B: I didn’t mean that. I just think you should try harder.

A: You don’t want to help me, right?
B: I didn’t mean that.

62.It’s the other way around. 
[    ]

Kim’s Note: The idea of something being exactly the opposite of what is assumed can be a tricky『狡猾的;机警的』 one to express. Let this section be your guide.

A: She dumped you, didn’t she?
B: It’s the other way around. I dumped her!

A: I bet she’s grateful to you.
B: It’s the other way around.

A: You must be excited about leaving for America.
B: It’s the other way around. I’m sad to leave my family here.

①It’s the opposite.(正好相反。)
②It’s just the opposite.(正好相反。)
③It’s completely different.(恰恰相反。)

63.I have / had nothing to do with it. 
[      ]

Kim’s Note:“I have nothing to do with it” is a much stronger denial than “not me”. If you really want to get out of being blamed for something, this is the sentence you need.
“I have nothing to do with it”是一个比“not me”更为强烈的否定。如果你真的不想因为某事而被责备的话,这个句子正是你需要的。

A: Do you know anything about the plan?
B: No. I have nothing to do with it.

A: Are you a member of the organization?
B: No. I have nothing to do with it.

A: Who broke the window?
B: I don’t know. I have nothing to do with it.

64.Let’s not talk about it any more. 
[      ]

A: So, why did you lose your job?
B: Let’s not talk about it any more. It’s too upsetting.

A: Do you still miss your ex?
B: Let’s not talk about it any more.

A: Don’t you remember what you said?
B: Let’s not talk about it any more. I don’t want to argue with you.

①Let’s stop talking about it.(别提了。)
②Let’s finish this talk.(就此打住。)
③Let’s end this talk.(就说到这儿。)
④Let’s change the subject.(我们换个话题吧!)
第八节 咀咒和骂人

在这一节中你将能学习到当代英语中一些较常见的诅骂和骂人话,不过,我们并非鼓励你多用这一类的话,而是因为它们在电影、电视和日常生活中出现得非常频繁 ,作为英语学习者,要想听得懂,首先要学会这些话!其实,只要是常使用的语言,无论是不雅的话抑或是优雅的话,一样值得我们重视!

65.Damn it! 
[ ]

A: Damn it!
B: What’s wrong with you?

A: Where have you been?
B: Damn it! I told you I had to work late tonight. Get off my back!

A: I’m sorry sir, the tickets for Hong Kong have been sold out.
B: Damn it! It just isn’t my day. I’m having rotten luck today.


A: You just missed the last train to Shenzhen.
B: Shit! I have an important meeting there tonight.

A: Oh, shit! I just spilled coffee all over my shirt.
B: You need to calm down and take your time. No wonder you spilled your coffee.

A: Shit! How dare you treat me like that? Who do you think you are?
B: I’ll treat you any way I please!

67.Shut up! 
[ ]

A: Shut up! I’ve heard enough!
B: But I have a lot more to say!

A: And another thing…
B: Oh, shut up, Bob.

A: I know nobody wants to hear about this problem…
B: You’re right. We don’t, so just shut up.

68.Go to hell! 
[  ]

A: I’m sick of your nagging all the time.
B: Go to hell! I’m sick of you!

A: Hey, could I borrow your car ?
B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it!

A: Shut up and get out of my face!
B: Go to hell! I never want to see you again anyway!

69.Beat it! 
[ ]

A: Sorry. I broke your radio.
B: Get out of here! Beat it! Can’t you do anything right?

A: Beat it, small change.
B: You’re always picking on me!
这里的“small change” 可不是“找数,找头”或“小零花钱”的意思,而是指“小孩子”。下面,我们还是来看看KIM老师是怎么解释的:
Kim’s Note: This is slang for a little kid. Most small children don’t like being called this name because it implies they aren’t worth much, just like small change from a dollar (a few pennies).
  “small change”是一个俚语,指的是小孩子。绝大部分的小孩都不喜欢被别人这样叫,因为这意味着他们是无足轻重的,成不了大气候,就像一美元中的小零头(一分,两分……)那样。

六星级成语“pick on”意思是“找茬,作弄”。下面我们给出更多的例句:
* Why pick on me? 
* He gets picked on because he’s small.
* There’s one girl at my school who everybody picks on because she  
 doesn’t wear what everybody else wears - they’re horrible to her.
A: I really want to give you a hand.
B: I don’t need you, so beat it!

①Go away!(滚开!)
②Get out (of here)!(走开;滚开!)

70. Get lost! 
[ ]

A: Get lost! I’m still really mad at you.
B: Kim! Kim! I’m sorry about it.
(Kim! Kim!我很抱歉。)

A: I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me?
B: Get lost! You know I have a boyfriend!

A: Do you think you could just lend me a few more dollars?
B: Get lost! I’ve already lent you a lot of money and you never pay me back. 

71.You big jerk! 
[  ]
Lisa’s Note: This term is always used to describe a man, not a woman.
A: You big jerk!
B: What did I do?

A: I’m sorry I have to cancel our date tonight. Something’s come up.
B: You big jerk! Something always comes up at the last minute. I’m sick of it!

A: I saw you in the park with another girl last night,you big jerk!
B: Wait a minute! That was my sister! Why are you always jumping to conclusions?

  “ass”的本意是“屁股(butt)”的意思,由此引申出来的“傻瓜,蠢货,讨厌鬼(jerk)”在美国口语中被广泛地运用。如果只知道“ass”的字面意思,而对其引申意一无所知,当美国人吹胡子瞪眼地冲着你说了句“Kiss my ass!”时,你望文生义地照着自己理解的字面意思去做,那你闹的笑话可就大了!搞不好美国人还会告你对他进行“性骚扰(sexual harassment)呢!请大家务必要认真学习和体会以下对话中的“ass”的意思。
Kim’s Note: I really don’t know why expressions using the word “ass” are so popular in American English. I just know you hear them every day. 

A: Damn! She has a big ass (=butt).
B: Shut up! Yours is bigger.

A: Don’t be such an ass.
B: Who are you calling an ass?

A: He’s such an ass (=jerk).
B: I know. He’s the stupidest guy I know.

A: Move your ass.=Move your butt.
B: Don’t talk to me like that!

A: Look at that hot girl / good looking girl.
B: Damn! She’s a fine piece of ass.

A: Hey,dude, can you scratch my back?
B: Kiss my ass. Scratch it yourself.

A: Don’t mess with him, he’s bad ass.
B: I’ ll be fine.

A: Hey man, nice car.
B: Yeah, isn’t it bad ass?
  “bad ass” 在这里相当于really great, good, cool, awesome, impressive, really tough, really bad。
  学习英语目的不是为了考试,而是为了说,为了与人交流,考试只是顺便的。在日常生活中,生气骂人是常有的事,如Damn it / Shit / Shut up / Go to hell / You big jerk / Get lost!都是英美人士骂人时的常用语。为了方便记忆,我们已将它们融入了下面这一组对话中,请大家务必要反复模仿磁带,直至脱口而出!

A: Damn it, I’m sick of you always taking me for granted.
B: Shit! I don’t want to hear this garbage! I mean it.
A: I don’t care. You never listen to me. You never tell me you love me…
B: Shut up! No wonder, you’re such a nagging bitch!
A: How dare you call me that? You big jerk! Go to hell!
B: Ha! Get lost, I don’t care what you say!

B: 哈!滚开,你说什么我都不在乎!





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