
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-07-06 01:54:34 / 个人分类:.NET

public class XmlSocket
OR8G+R5G5L2c!J0    {
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7wcy1Ab0        //异步socket诊听51Testing软件测试网P7u2\8KG9j`zn
        // Incoming data from client.从客户端传来的数据51Testing软件测试网@/L$j0yjwe
        public static string data = null;51Testing软件测试网hxe!cK0~

.F@ lFFmS0        // Thread signal.线程 用一个指示是否将初始状态设置为终止的布尔值初始化 ManualResetEvent 类的新实例。
tIudQ]*i+OB9N1^0        public static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false);51Testing软件测试网 e.J&AP]7c0iI
        //static void Main(string[] args)51Testing软件测试网)cbYB,U1^u
/k#H,a;V%T~7DuI1j0        //    StartListening();51Testing软件测试网"VMy4m_&Y j
"e kz/w-}9HmFC0        public static void StartListening()
O|m?{}0        {51Testing软件测试网G6P_(aOjtXE4_
            // Data buffer for incoming data. 传入数据缓冲
3Y0EE{"X%l'hl\ H0            byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024];
f;Rff&g.Ga0R0            // Establish the local endpoint for the socket. 建立本地端口
:huk)Il[.}}!I z0            // The DNS name of the computer51Testing软件测试网8i0z/nj2d%e
            // running the listener is "host.contoso.com".
(_)@)U9XGD$Q051Testing软件测试网mx-l/X ?
            IPAddress ipAddress;51Testing软件测试网r H-lU%v?+dy
            String ipString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SocketIP");51Testing软件测试网 {xb#} ?muX*mp
            if (ipString==null || ipString ==String.Empty)51Testing软件测试网 HH@:AH V|]
                IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
W)m,Z#Bu R0                ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0];
!E+l"N.oC5kg0            }51Testing软件测试网E3A8f} L!x
.Itk(Q9uS|;X0            {
/i5v6`c ?%hx0a0W0                ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ipString);
E'p8vj+@0            }51Testing软件测试网NR \7pxm? _
            int port;51Testing软件测试网w6_]\2I:R!I{6j f
            String portString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SocketPort");
;Q2q~6sj9NWb,C0            if (portString==null || portString==String.Empty)
$cgmJBo$O j0            {51Testing软件测试网K3B$d~AK lU
                port = 11001;51Testing软件测试网&iD(zsAf
            {51Testing软件测试网"i*i$O#H bV[5u
                port = int.Parse(portString);
J$}|;j7Ztx6se!b z0            }
!E!}c2Dhg3q0            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port);51Testing软件测试网'aB?yP"\2y

Vn0uY#mcfK:u0            // Create a TCP/IP socket.
2x9hm+k:b,u0            Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
o&w&[j:?0             SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
zi}!fy.[TJ051Testing软件测试网 FP/Q5b|+S
            // Bind the socket to the local endpoint and listen for incoming connections.绑定端口和数据51Testing软件测试网\iR2t:V'a~QW't
Em4P6V%T0            {51Testing软件测试网s8XwS!E8XY'N
                listener.Bind(localEndPoint);51Testing软件测试网n v;YT7Xw)h%UG2N
                while (true)
R$_6f1_ g} _0                {
)G&Ns8lD!}j$s/w0                    // Set the event to nonsignaled state.设置无信号状态的事件51Testing软件测试网ozQ#V3X}q+Kh+`h
iZ6e5u\/P$G0                    // Start an asynchronous socket to listen for connections.重新 启动异步连接51Testing软件测试网fE I}fS3N
                    listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), listener);
J9m F8~_"WG0                    // Wait until a connection is made before continuing.等待连接创建后继续
4Sq h Rk2]$l0X0                    allDone.WaitOne();
yK^trA0                }51Testing软件测试网&rQPS`o IMn
            catch (Exception e)51Testing软件测试网}]"`k#b k q5`)T
            {51Testing软件测试网(tO:j{3mN8p Q
4n\Xw"UnM!E0            }
m LGfO;a4C1f3l }0        }
3v8cP'{,B1@,f%C2I051Testing软件测试网+|1[OK p G
        public static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar)51Testing软件测试网zj5x rY(v)g
!T P9c/xTC3p0            try
;[4gds ~O5o,}0            {51Testing软件测试网:Lir/h2pI
                // Signal the main thread to continue.接受回调方法 该方法的此节向主应用程序线程发出信号,51Testing软件测试网7h9ZaqZ
$F#Y yy6B?{@U0                allDone.Set();51Testing软件测试网JL"Yn^_9q]`
                // Get the socket that handles the client request.获取客户端请求句柄51Testing软件测试网-ML%e*j` c5u:GO
                Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;51Testing软件测试网XC0vqag&u2YS5w/d
                Socket handler = listener.EndAccept(ar);
PB L{4L%[)N M5},J5a Tm0                // Create the state object.
j*`4x#zx}K th'S0                StateObject state = new StateObject();51Testing软件测试网/yj*k"o] ~
                state.workSocket = handler;51Testing软件测试网|"Y |2M+YA'^3o$N0v
                handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0,51Testing软件测试网'N%E}k O{ ^6{X
                 new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), state);51Testing软件测试网w/~PDf1k!T
            }51Testing软件测试网 S6] IU n"H
            catch (Exception e)
7u)e~0i$FJ:O0            {
p%w9HV(~A0                //51Testing软件测试网bH/T y,Q ^d au)n
L4S@_bXL W2h0        ///51Testing软件测试网4[q loh*G;{$q:C&b
        /// 与接受回调方法一样,读取回调方法也是一个 AsyncCallback 委托。51Testing软件测试网'bvD(A+Sl
        /// 该方法将来自客户端套接字的一个或多个字节读入数据缓冲区,然后再次调用 BeginReceive 方法,直到客户端发送的数据完成为止。
$mCkh E4QF-[hK0        /// 从客户端读取整个消息后,在控制台上显示字符串,并关闭处理与客户端的连接的服务器套接字。
"z)f"X)CIvh7p?$]0        ///

K)wi;Uv9m0        ///IAsyncResult 委托
0l})~Qmw3h%Ti{;M(A0        public static void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)51Testing软件测试网)T g2t9O8h
        {51Testing软件测试网JT&gO y
            try51Testing软件测试网1WLI gmlZ0K
                String content = String.Empty;
T ]EIIhTq0                // Retrieve the state object and the handler socket创建自定义的状态对象 from the asynchronous state object.
8oS e*{:s x(w0                StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
r;D4p ld v0                Socket handler = state.workSocket;//处理的句柄51Testing软件测试网g DX@\t
                // Read data from the client socket. 读出
6Buq9\ ~$k7Fakt/]0                int bytesRead = handler.EndReceive(ar);51Testing软件测试网7b5l0W~ HY] Tp
                if (bytesRead > 0)
$B;u4H:I:VrVT0                {
;Z1Iz3NFs$w0                    //业务代码
%Z"MC3n%e9pz)d |X0                    string result = DoSomeThing(...);
i ey"YZ_.`0                    String len = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result).Length.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');
#D7?y _SDh0R"J0                    log.writeLine(len);51Testing软件测试网.o"Mc$xCnds$K
                    Send(len + result, handler);
:a8D5fg~G'U0                }
o1}~e&dKpD0            }51Testing软件测试网/C C&V%W#j*}
            catch (Exception e)51Testing软件测试网`5t&^b1MM'O8f H$N#yf
            {51Testing软件测试网Em%u~a0? N8]
1H Lr [)n9H)i`6{0            }51Testing软件测试网[Ct,~n\&W
51Testing软件测试网'n^X8L R6v-HUx9{z%`:f
+i2trv g0        private static void Send(String data, Socket handler)
\r.b/M#V ux0        {51Testing软件测试网|)lTx&p%n*fv
yF$moQ'G6n0            {51Testing软件测试网4X fV.Od3ugH3N
                // Convert the string data to byte data using UTF8 encoding.
[*aQ"Y(o0                byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
u-v&@z-I(l `VQ0                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.51Testing软件测试网F `^*\|1FP*WB vC.`
                handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,51Testing软件测试网Yg6g^X"p;K9T
                 new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), handler);
ZktVj%y?0            }51Testing软件测试网"|'i| [,k.aR;K-N
            catch (Exception e)
#QstCG0            {
%Gl7F3hq^+? u0                //51Testing软件测试网J Y*m$f'Y
C\/l0c7w b0        ///
S0lm AR@NC0        /// 发送51Testing软件测试网)J0e'Ri*[

Nw%@ ~MVi0        ///
*l[kAj l0        private static void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)51Testing软件测试网ZtC1JHq
        {51Testing软件测试网1t/[g;D d
Z o/~xk3?l0                // Retrieve the socket from the state object.51Testing软件测试网-k _cc*P:O~.|
                Socket handler = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
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^4Ah5SG6O2M jZ.f0                // Complete sending the data to the remote device.向远端发送数据51Testing软件测试网;o,i;K\sP6Hw
                int bytesSent = handler.EndSend(ar);51Testing软件测试网/cr.Ci kK*E+f0g |
                StateObject state = new StateObject();
p+km0u U8H:f/e)R0                state.workSocket = handler;51Testing软件测试网lu3? V(?&_v!g&^c
51Testing软件测试网0S/F|8V f
                handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0,new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), state);
Vf{&SnZ:yIO0                handler.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);51Testing软件测试网c l-q/kml `
                handler.Close();51Testing软件测试网8IG:K4eW5B-R B
            }51Testing软件测试网fL:],W:y9B:AbX/v po
            catch (Exception e)
6F1sHv,}-| b VUp8l0            {51Testing软件测试网 [k X8j;tuL4Ya$q{
//51Testing软件测试网:|f\ gCAc
X6\A@ Lj/P0        }51Testing软件测试网:b.hI:]|v,WX

3Aq,B;q@.{'p0        public static void StopListening()51Testing软件测试网 W DL2]kI4t0u]l~8?b
[t%F!N&f\0            log.close();51Testing软件测试网'Y*R r3y I"qY)E(yZ
]V*A s\0        ///
8cmJjT'M&r%Tq0        /// 具体处理业务的方法51Testing软件测试网kOR]U:^ Q*}
51Testing软件测试网 \H2e2e3o N"Rc V
;O6S8L:H-|1p:hw0        private static string DoSomething(int i)
"]7mf8^6WN0xI\?0        {51Testing软件测试网 Mx }B0V;gl}
        }51Testing软件测试网|"N/rU w6h1Q2b
$l-~,e;[)} n0        /// 写日志方法51Testing软件测试网l,C@E,TFP
        ///写入内容51Testing软件测试网DM A"SQy1|/`
        public static void WriteLog(string strLog)51Testing软件测试网!L:g7Xn*oX
EduB)j0T0             //写入日志代码51Testing软件测试网]dw$h*P5U
ic!UZ1kmqWp6M0    }51Testing软件测试网iy"h2D3L1R

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