Test plan function and quality criteria

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-03-10 17:09:52

1.Test Plan Functions:
1)enables wise and timely decisions to be made concerning the product.
2)Promote awareness of the benefits and limitations of the test strategy.
3)Describe and justify any special requirements or entry criteria that must be met in order for the test project to proceed, as well as any exit or process for determining when to stop testing.(曾经项目到一半,开发和QA都不明确进入和退出一些milestone的标准,感慨呀)
4)the initiation and organization of the test project, including preparations, staffing, delegation of responsibilities, facility acquisition, task planning, and scheduling.
5)daily management and evaluation of the test project and test strategy.
6)effective coordination, collaboration, and other relations among members of the test team, and between the test team and the rest of the project.(会议的机制,BRB,weekly meeting....)
7)Identify and manage any risks or issues that may impact the project.(Risk matrix)
8)Specify the deliverables of the test project, and the delivery process.
9)Record historical information (write project daily report...)

2.Test Plan Quality Criteria
_ Usefulness. Will the test plan effectively serve its intended functions?
_ Accuracy. Is it accurate with respect to any statements of fact?
_ Efficiency. Does it make efficient use of available resources?
_ Adaptability. Will it tolerate reasonable change and unpredictability in the project?
_ Clarity. Is the test plan self-consistent and sufficiently unambiguous?
_ Usability. Is the test plan document concise, maintainable, and helpfully organized?
_ Compliance. Does it meet externally imposed requirements?
_ Foundation. Is it the product of an effective test planning process?







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  • 访问量: 38082
  • 日志数: 56
  • 建立时间: 2007-09-12
  • 更新时间: 2009-03-12


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