Oracle MTS的相关问题

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-03-01 16:45:22 / 个人分类:Oracle

  • 文件版本: V1.0
  • 开发商: 本站原创
  • 文件来源: 本地
  • 界面语言: 简体中文
  • 授权方式: 免费
  • 运行平台: Win9X/Win2000/WinXP


MTS = Multi-Threaded Server
MTS是ORACLE SERVER的一个可选的配置选择,是相对DEDICATE方式而言,它最大的优点是在以不用增加物理资源(内存)的前提下支持更多的并发的连接。
Joseph C.Johnson以餐馆给出一个MTS的形象的比喻  51Testing软件测试网&A Xg2B#T?
  假设ORACLE是一家餐馆,当你走进一家餐馆时你感觉最舒服的服务方式就是有一个专门的waiter来为你服务,而不管餐馆中来了多少人,她只对你请求应答,这是DEDICTE的处理方式,也就是说每一个ORACLE客户端的连接都有一个专门的服务进程来为它服务。而大部的餐馆的服方式都不是一对一的,当你走进的时侯,你就被指定了一个waiter,她也可能为其它桌服着务,这对于餐馆来说是最有利的,因为他们可以服务更多的客人而不需要增加他们的员工。这样对你来说也可能是不错的,如果餐馆不是太忙,她服务的客人的请求都很简短且容易完成,你的感觉也好像自己拥有一个专门的waiter,waiter把你的ORDER转给厨师,然后把做好的菜拿给你,这就是MTS的处理方式,这些共享的waiters我们叫她们为Dispatchers,厨师我们则叫他们为Shared Server Processes。


1.  Oracle Multi-Threaded Server Architecture.
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                                 |                     SERVER
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                      |                                  ||
5i-d'b9z9A3~i"u0                      |       DISPATCHER PROCESSES       || 
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                        |    +-----------+| shared     |
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        |   +-------------------+   +----------------------+   |
XW3m/A_1b5y#I0        |   |     REQUEST       |   |   RESPONSE QUEUES    |   |
2T+V|*fte1r0        |   |     QUEUES        |   +----------------------+   |51Testing软件测试网5U+l4j _ reY
        |   +-------------------+                              |
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Client Connections to MTS51Testing软件测试网_$X$[X0R+M aV2l+K
+D2}{aA({p0 A client process wanting to connect to an Oracle instance using MTS51Testing软件测试网3X1F1Thp,s
 should go through the following steps:
  a) Call the listener51Testing软件测试网0P,@4Ah @yIv
  b) The listener tells it to call back on the address where51Testing软件测试网o A.r4O8wS[4]
     the dispatcher is listening (a REDIRECT)51Testing软件测试网~\o7x&\7RKz
  c) The client calls the dispatcher and establishes a connection.51Testing软件测试网5D#hHt*q0[-h
  d) The dispatcher now has a CLIENT connection ESTABLISHED and
g(V9}i!Y`B1gr0     will also continue to listen for any new connections.
%H8?hjdWQ-XH#pb0  e) The client sends a SQL message to the dispatcher.
6}t*f$vzCJ0  f) The dispatcher unwraps this message packet and places the51Testing软件测试网 [m:ehSakF4R3W.U
     request onto a queue in the SGA (System Global Area).
uP0Se1V5X^}~ b0     This queue has NOTHING to do with SQL*Net. The SQL*Net51Testing软件测试网l-a$pk&N#h3P
     layer ends in the dispatcher.51Testing软件测试网 a+i?V!e
  g) A shared server will pick up the request from the SGA queue
UP&~1O&\nP[0     and process it. When there is any result this is placed51Testing软件测试网$C%]"_W s
     on a separate queue in the SGA ready for the dispatcher.51Testing软件测试网ZZN(W @:ln@
  h) The dispatcher picks up the response message from the SGA51Testing软件测试网tm`m[vwF
     and wraps this into a SQL*Net message. This is passed51Testing软件测试网A9SZ5_,st
     back to the client.


Solution Description:51Testing软件测试网e!I'oIad6u
F5|&U'_|0Look at the "init.ora" parameter MTS_DISPATCHERS.
2aVUo*R0QQ x0 
x"`Bs&j w slVK0MTS_DISPATCHERS defines the number of dispatchers created when the instance51Testing软件测试网z&ob(t9fRO
starts up. If this is set to zero, or is null (default value), then you are NOT
bT%gJ#z{2y%c"eW0using MTS.
If MTS_DISPATCHERS is greater than zero, then check these other "init.ora"
G Fpaf0z T)r-F4^9r)R0parameters for valid values:
   MTS_MAX_DISPATCHERS  Maximum number of dispatchers
&k M*x.M1qr&a*d0   MTS_SERVERS  Number of server processes created at startup51Testing软件测试网1jJS,~(\t aZ
   MTS_MAX_SERVERS  Maximum number of shared server processes
kQo-u^0   MTS_LISTENER_ADDRESS  Configuration of the listener51Testing软件测试网)C]G N UN*|y8l
Solution Explanation:51Testing软件测试网4a!](Qw(g x
J;Ul mC0 
m5E[ Zv&s"hm0These other "init.ora" parameters may have valid values, but if MTS_DISPATCHERS
XQj/hotK(D0is zero or null, MTS is not being used.


The main parameters required to start MTS are:
  o MTS_SERVICE - This parameter establishes the name of the MTS service
| A sY;_0    that clients connect to, in order for the dispatchers to handle requests.
o;Ie C0}2h q#} S+W rg0   51Testing软件测试网)B+~-O/vnCvf
  o MTS_DISPATCHERS - Dispatchers are detached processes that handle client51Testing软件测试网.yT_h'F'TybW,Q'Wj
    process requests and communicate them to server processes for execution.
    This parameter defines the number of dispatchers to startup for
)?&LkR-l{&~0    each protocol that is configured for MTS.  For example,51Testing软件测试网%U*DwC*U't+g
B"kQ\(vzy2d,Q0         mts_dispatchers = "ipc, 2"
  o MTS_SERVERS - This is the number of shared server processes that51Testing软件测试网:j`IC_
    start at instance startup time.  Shared servers service the51Testing软件测试网7W Q v[(t9tj%C
    client requests passed on to them by the dispatchers.
  o MTS_LISTENER_ADDRESS - This is the full address for dispatchers to listen
^DeBSD3l0    on, and is the same as the address configured in the TNS listener.  The
fwm/K2ny8Y t0    address specification is protocol-specific.  For example:
         mts_listener_address = "(address=(protocol=ipc)(key=sw))"


先在主机命令行$ lsnrctl services;
"D000" established:0 refused:0 current:1 max:972 state:ready
jw"y&[)Y&RG(Q0         DISPATCHER <machine: db1, pid: 3950>
\/Nd Ww0         (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=eagle1)(PORT=33166));
查看dispather的监听端口号——33166。(dispather进程名称一般是 ora_dNNN_SID,NNN in (000-999))
TODB_MTS =51Testing软件测试网#s^acr8Ur*Pb
)}6W%Tz X;P5md0    (ADDRESS_LIST =51Testing软件测试网Jl2OeZ)P CE
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 33166))
[v#KD?5Y|0    )51Testing软件测试网0i#]%SqB2A
n.ttr\D"Vn-t0     (SERVER = SHARED)
K/\x$f$Ax4Z0      (SERVICE_NAME = dbname)
C$Z0X_[-\0    )
X;W1U!L ] Vr{0  )


MTS => Delicated
Reset the MTS Parameters in init.ora and reopen your DB.
Delicated => MTS
Added the MTS Parameters in init.ora and reopen your DB.
A:可以。(SERVER = Delicated)即可。反之则不行。
Q:JDBC thin 支持MTS吗?





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