
Running Optimizeit from the command line

发表于:2007-4-17 18:33

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 作者:不详    来源:转载



  • 设置环境变量
  • 把应用程序作为脚本的一部分来运行
  • 在一台机器上运行被测试程序


Starting from the command line


  • 配置Optimizeit的代理。
  • 启动Optimizeit,指定被测试程序
  • 启动Optimizeit工具连接代理





1.    打开Optimizeit的安装目录,本例中假设该目录是<OptItDir>。

2.    打开一个DOS窗口。

3.    设置PATH包含Optimizeit库目录:

set PATH=<OptItDir>\lib;%PATH%

4.    设置CLASSPATH包含Optimizeit optit.jar文件:

set CLASSPATH=<OptItDir>\lib\optit.jar;%CLASSPATH%


1.    打开到Optimizeit安装目录。本例中假设该目录为<OptItDir>。

2.    打开一个终端窗口。

3.    设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH包含Optimizeit库文件目录:


4.    设置CLASSPATH包含Optimizeit optit.jar文件:

export CLASSPATH=<OptItDir>/lib/optit.jar:$CLASSPATH

Launching your program



  • 使用参数选项来启动代理,请使用下面的参数:



-Xrunpri -Xbootclasspath/a:<OptItdir>\lib\oibcp.jar intuitive.audit.Audit

使用以上任何一种都行。第一种方式允许Optimizeit使用冒号直接运行-Xrun 参数。你可以增加多个参数,并使用冒号分隔。第二种方式包含-Xbootclasspath,因为-Xbootclasspath是启动虚拟机的参数。在Optimizeit的命令行中,虚拟机的参数必须位于Optimizeit参数的前面,除非Optimizeit的参数被放到-Xrun参数的后面。

  • 可以通过如下命令行来使代理作为独立的进程启动:

Windows上:java intuitive.audit.Audit

UNIX上 :java intuitive.audit.Audit


如果把代理作为一个独立的进程启动,Optimizeit会返回代理启动的参数列表。 输出的具体内容跟你的操作系统和JDK版本有关。下面的表格中列出了所有可用的参数。


下表列出了Windows平台上Optimizeit代理的启动参数。这些参数分为两类: 虚拟机的和Optimizeit。虚拟机的参数应该在intuitive.audit.Audit命令行的前面, Optimizeit代理的参数跟在后面。


Windows audit system Virtual Machine start options




JDK 1.2 and 1.3 only. Forces Classic runtime.


JDK 1.3.1 and 1.4/Hotspot only.


JDK 1.2 and newer only. Starts the Optimizeit Profiler JVMPI agent. You must also add a filter file specification as shown in the examples below.


Starts the Optimizeit Suite JVMPI agent. This option is only available if you have Optimizeit Suite installed. All Optimizeit command options, including those that are tool-specific, can be used with -Xrunoii.


JDK 1.2 and newer only. Appends Optimizeit classes to the boot classes. Replace <OptItdir> with the directory where you installed Optimizeit.


JDK 1.2 only. This option disables the JIT, which is required for JDK version 1.2.

-Xnoclassgc (JDK 1.2 only)

With early Java versions, the Optimizeit Profiler audit system must have class garbage collection disabled. Always use the -Xnoclassgc JVM argument when starting an application from the command line.

Windows audit system Optimizeit start options




Starts the Optimizeit audit system. startAudit=t or intuitive.audit.Audit is required in a command.

[-port portNumber]

Specifies the port you want to use for the communication link between the Optimizeit audit system and the Optimizeit user interface.


Makes the launched program pause immediately after launch. If set to t, the virtual machine waits for the Optimizeit tool to attach to the tested program before starting it. The default setting is f.


Makes the virtual machine wait for Optimizeit Profiler to attach to the tested program before starting it.


Disables the Memory Profiler. This option is for JDK 1.3.1 and greater.

Note:When testing with Hotspot, use -Xrunpri:dmp=1 to disable the Memory Profiler. This improves performance.


Uses direct instrumentation. By default, Optimizeit Profiler enables direct instrumentation on supported VMs (JDK 1.4.x). Use directi=t to force Optimizeit to use direct instrumentation (the default) or enter directi=f to turn off direct instrumentation.


Disables the System.exit() method in the virtual machine. This prevents the tested application from exiting the virtual machine. The default is f.


Specifies the filter file that Optimizeit will use for this test. The format of the filter specification is filter=<filter>, where <filter> is the name of (and path to) a filter (.oif) file. Filter specifications are required.


Enables the audit system API. When the API is enabled, the Optimizeit tools are disabled. The audit system waits for the test program to enable the Optimizeit tool from Java.


Specifies audit system options that are listed in an ASCII file. The format of the file specification is auditOption=<filename>, where <filename> is the complete path to file containing the audit system options. This file can contain all the Optimizeit audit system options. Only one option is allowed per line. The same option file may be used for different tests.

Note:When this option is used, OISelector settings are overridden.


The main class for the test program. If the test program is an applet, use sun.applet.AppletViewer and then add the path of the applet HTML file or URL.

Note:With Code Coverage, you must use oldjava instead of java to run an applet.

[-startCPUprofiler     [:<CPUProfilerOptions>]]

Starts the CPU Profiler just before executing the main method. This Optimizeit start option cannot be appended to the -Xrun command with a colon. It must be specified separately.


Starts the testing in offline mode. Snapshots are generated automatically at a given time. This Optimizeit start option cannot be appended to the -Xrun command with a colon. It must be specified separately.

See also

UNIX audit system options

The following tables list all the audit system invocation options on UNIX platforms. There are two types of start command options: Virtual Machine and Optimizeit. The VM options go before the intuitive.audit.Audit specification in a command, and the Optimizeit options follow the audit system invocation.

Note:Some command options are only available on specific versions of JDK.

UNIX audit system Virtual Machine start options




JDK 1.2 and 1.3 only. Forces Classic runtime.


JDK 1.2 and newer only. Starts the Optimizeit Profiler JVMPI agent. You must also add a filter file specification as shown in the examples below.


Starts the Optimizeit Suite JVMPI agent. This option is only available if you have Optimizeit Suite installed. All Optimizeit command options, including those that are tool-specific, can be used with -Xrunoii.


JDK 1.2 and newer only. Appends Optimizeit classes to the boot classes. Replace <OptItdir> with the directory where you installed Optimizeit.


JDK 1.3.1 and 1.4/Hotspot on Solaris machines only. This option is used to bind user threads to lightweight process (LWP), required by Profiler.


JDK 1.2 only. This option disables the JIT, which is required for JDK version 1.2.

-Xnoclassgc (JDK 1.2 only)

With early Java versions, the Optimizeit Profiler audit system must have class garbage collection disabled. Always use the -Xnoclassgc JVM argument when starting an application from the command line.


JDK 1.2 on Solaris platforms only. If your virtual machine uses green threads you should suppress the -native option and add -DOPTITTHR=green and -DOPTITDIR=<OptDir> (where <OptDir> is the directory where you installed Optimizeit). The invocation becomes:

<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0



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