
high and low

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-03-01 17:18:43 / 个人分类:每周一歌

$mg~"(\"4 51Testing软件测试网d+@+BnjZw)m
;j7uP(c6a0{5vj&FV0Album:How The Day SoundsoO+Z$G W 51Testing软件测试网7v~]]8nR`
Artist:Greg Laswell7#, ch1s 
*B1}Y9Fs}P0Label:Vanguard Records#V3%37 
B-`9Vs `0mP%ek w0Release Date:2008.03k|Tz<XW3F 51Testing软件测试网i \ ~#]3v
G `'II_L3O$c[0au:@Kv 
A2F+A[ p0从前逛到后,在一群并不熟悉的名字当中,只能凭藉视觉来牵引内心的感动h( r-)* 
$c6SX.WM3d0Greg Laswell这张辑子的封面透着日落黄昏时不炽烈,不焦燥的温暖,又带着薄暮时的些许凉意";,ZA5 
@yuEy0穿过有着红色树叶的电线上,停着几只鸟儿……9}WX/x 51Testing软件测试网5I}g9m'{!_ {DF
我只能说这样的画面足够吸引人:9"Ku] 51Testing软件测试网%[o/aM"y no._
于是我选择试试听他的声音i`G RT&z 51Testing软件测试网E&oTE&v7gN|$Qt
在选择并不多的情况下随手点开了high and loweKR.<f0W" 51Testing软件测试网q2g"e7j$T+DS
缓缓的钢琴声通过耳膜钻进心里o73WV]$  51Testing软件测试网'G j ?;w}-I_
男声在这首歌里显得有些忧伤,有些怅惘WK DH~?d} 
@I%_&F]0我想,有很多人都是会迷恋这样一种清幽气质的Ati'v 51Testing软件测试网!W.V9h2aXi*?
我也不例外Sn}19)Az&- 51Testing软件测试网%L'}0m2eU B
只是,面对整辑的下载,我视若不见U2mg;d 51Testing软件测试网Jh jZnA-\M
有些时候,一首歌的诱惑并不代表全部"'T>hT2 R 
-Y5z6J5F B1r5E l0很多次因为一首歌,听某人的整辑,却总是失望,没有更多另人心动的东西$u1i%=^S 51Testing软件测试网9|B q"EG*Y A5z
P ^)Zh 
%H9R zC`F+F0那么,一首即好。8Y0W 
/oh1K S$v0Wj$KR%~/ 
~;@z'U)kOC*g0请让他的声音携着黑白键的交错,进驻你的内心。t'I{M&O 51Testing软件测试网Fw#\5HP@ J
"ccaoG q X%O }0
azb(  51Testing软件测试网;C2~7bS F5D3b
)F#nR a~d-Y,ZP0I'm going to see some friends from out of stateiu 9@o[[ 
tyO s%bE0The very trip that you were supposed to take a while"e8*$\5 51Testing软件测试网 oi't Q1E
e!Q6Eo?9Y^J0But it fell throughHc8g{jP58 
}VP-yj0Like all of you-z KPPk8 
I0o:{1I+}JU0Like all of youdT @Ri @~ 51Testing软件测试网zk/Z)B0dm
,e @&|)SL,E9F E&c+L0Thought I'd make the drive but a free plane ride is inA%lO/8 
*?(]#@:X0za+gQ"}0the air]Xq/ 
N'_&y$_Wrn.g0And just like that my fear of it disappeared$O(s uP 51Testing软件测试网L l.\ T)J.i
Like all of you3yis(I!) 51Testing软件测试网n%|#Ts`9K
Like all of you=f2|eYCD 51Testing软件测试网6G;f3^R/C
nr|X $\: 51Testing软件测试网'K?#ISQ(F_J8_
And I look high and low for yesterdayj&-. kPA) 51Testing软件测试网0Se se`-tKBz*c
High and low for you and IcX(^Re) 51Testing软件测试网/P2|+A1}8kT
High and lowNbJcQG7#( 51Testing软件测试网bOt(Nnt[v`+j9b3M
8c k+z{+nK+F%e3|]Z0Once I can see straight I might move somewhere cold;VF/qwnBo 
t Rj2q iq(uw0Seattle or the bay area, to see your ghost4s_%"HOG 
0\P _ {e(F"G0What's left of youAQ3z7j|[$ 
3q,u I}8q%P0What's left of you0?2C]9p3A^ 
j*w[b k2g&G0Rbr^W5f  51Testing软件测试网0p*` n9Ue
And I look high and low for yesterday"lb^u`m> 51Testing软件测试网/CL"uOI8W @ g!R ` f4z
High and low for you and I"'( |we-K 
b%Jz!C(^*or0High and low~wT*~7# 
:y qu,F#}Y0JBrd3rRX3 
k#O[&S4dMu)m]"C0Found a letter from a man I might have met, addressede]3/0[bqg 
*J`9K)o$[L0to youyG6_/K 
l~;r@_o%eW%v0And I'll steal the words he ended with:r^3fKT&>*N 
|%YY d7_0I miss youb! ej5IE+ 
9p6S,k L)d~LdW6~0And I do==,;RGB 51Testing软件测试网;[A-z/e5lbm
Miss youYMFA| 
2J[&w S%U)w0And I do-Hj<[qN  51Testing软件测试网 e,s3^7C"y%\x-A
n}y7vKT} 51Testing软件测试网r$Q'\:Z5?5v%FWC
High and low for yesterday`AIW%sM 51Testing软件测试网r/[s'El)~.` v4~
High and low for you and IzOtPz 51Testing软件测试网dX1t n#u;WSz9Q
High and low
Y; .?ic 

TAG: 每周一歌




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