Writing CUnit Tests

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-09-19 17:35:19 / 个人分类:CUnit Progammers Guide

2. Writing CUnit Test Cases
2.1. Test Functions
A CUnit "test" is a C function having the signature:
一个CUnit 测试是一个有C函数标识

void test_func(void)

There are no restrictions on the content of a test function, except that it should not modify the CUnit framework (e.g. add suites or tests, modify the test registry, or initiate a test run).
在测试函数的内容上没有任何限制,除了他们修改CUnit 的框架(例如:增加组件或测试用例,或者修改一个测试注册表,或者初始化运行一个测试用例)
A test function may call other functions (which also may not modify the framework).
Registering a test will cause it's function to be run when the test is run.

An example test function for a routine that returns the maximum of 2 integers might look like:

    int maxi(int i1, int i2)
      return (i1 > i2) ? i1 : i2;

    void test_maxi(void)
      CU_ASSERT(maxi(0,2) == 2);
      CU_ASSERT(maxi(0,-2) == 0);
      CU_ASSERT(maxi(2,2) == 2);

2.2. CUnit Assertions
    CUnit 断言
CUnit provides a set of assertions for testing logical conditions.
CUnit 为逻辑条件提供丰富的断言
The success or failure of these assertions is tracked by the framework, and can be viewed when a test run is complete.
Each assertion tests a single logical condition, and fails if the condition evaluates to FALSE.
Upon failure, the test function continues unless the user chooses the 'xxx_FATAL' version of an assertion.
In that case, the test function is aborted and returns immediately.
FATAL versions of assertions should be used with caution!
在FATAL 版本的断言应该谨慎使用
There is no opportunity for the test function to clean up after itself once a FATAL assertion fails.
The normal suite cleanup function is not affected, however.
There are also special "assertions" for registering a pass or fail with the framework without performing a logical test.
These are useful for testing flow of control or other conditions not requiring a logical test:

    void test_longjmp(void)
      jmp_buf buf;
      int i;

      i = setjmp(buf);
      if (i == 0) {
        CU_PASS("run_other_func() succeeded.");
        CU_FAIL("run_other_func() issued longjmp.");

Other functions called by a registered test function may use the CUnit assertions freely.
These assertions will be counted for the calling function.
They may also use FATAL versions of assertions - failure will abort the original test function and its entire call chain. 


李才军的个人空间 引用 删除 李才军   /   2008-09-22 11:46:26
总体来说 翻译的不错,稍加改正就可以了



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