Introduction to Unit Testing with CUnit

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1. Introduction to Unit Testing with CUnit
1.1. Descrīption
CUnit is a system for writing, administering, and running unit tests in C.
CUnit 可以在C的项目上编写,管理,运行单元测试,
It is built as a static library which is linked with the user's testing code.
CUnit uses a simple framework for building test structures, and provides a rich set of assertions for testing common data types.
CUnit 用了一个简单的框架来建立测试结构, 并且为常用的数据类型提供了丰富的断言语句支持。
In addition, several different interfaces are provided for running tests and reporting results.
These include automated interfaces for code-controlled testing and reporting, as well as interactive interfaces allowing the user to run tests and view results dynamically.
The data types and functions useful to the typical user are declared in the following header files:
Header File     Descrīption
#include <CUnit/CUnit.h>     ASSERT macros for use in test cases, and includes other framework headers.
                ASSERT 宏用于测试用例也包括其他框架头文件
#include <CUnit/CUError.h>     Error handing functions and data types. Included automatically by CUnit.h.
#include <CUnit/TestDB.h>     Data type definitions and manipulation functions for the test registry, suites, and tests. Included automatically by CUnit.h.
#include <CUnit/TestRun.h>     Data type definitions and functions for running tests and retrieving results. Included automatically by CUnit.h.
#include <CUnit/Automated.h>     Automated interface with xml output.
                自动化界面与xml 输出
#include <CUnit/Basic.h>     Basic interface with non-interactive output to stdout.
#include <CUnit/Console.h>     Interactive console interface.
#include <CUnit/CUCurses.h>     Interactive console interface (*nix).
#include <CUnit/Win.h>     Windows interface (not yet implemented).

1.2. Structure
CUnit is a combination of a platform-independent framework with various user interfaces.
CUnit 是一个结合各种用户界面的独立平台框架
The core framework provides basic support for managing a test registry, suites, and test cases.
The user interfaces facilitate interaction with the framework to run tests and view results.
CUnit is organized like a conventional unit testing framework:
CUnit 的组织像传统的单元测试框架

                      Test Registry
             |                            |
          Suite '1'      . . . .       Suite 'N'
             |                            |
       ---------------             ---------------
       |             |             |             |
    Test '11' ... Test '1M'     Test 'N1' ... Test 'NM'

Individual test cases are packaged into suites, which are registered with the active test registry.
Suites can have setup and teardown functions which are automatically called before and after running the suite's tests.
All suites/tests in the registry may be run using a single function call, or selected suites or tests can be run.
所有的suites/测试都有可能执行一个简单的功能或者选择一个suites 或者执行一个测试用例调用注册表

1.3. General Usage
A typical sequence of steps for using the CUnit framework is:
   1. Write functions for tests (and suite init/cleanup if necessary).
     编写一个测试函数 (suite 初始化和销毁)
   2. Initialize the test registry - CU_initialize_registry()
   3. Add suites to the test registry - CU_add_suite()
    添加suites 到注册表
   4. Add tests to the suites - CU_add_test()
   5. Run tests using an appropriate interface, e.g. CU_console_run_tests
   6. Cleanup the test registry - CU_cleanup_registry
1.4. Changes to the CUnit API in Version 2
     转到第2版,CUnit API
All public names in CUnit are now prefixed with 'CU_'.
This helps minimize clashes with names in user code.
Note that earlier versions of CUnit used different names without this prefix.
The older API names are deprecated but still supported.
To use the older names, user code must now be compiled with USE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES defined.
使用旧的名称,用户必须在编译代码的是定义 USE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES
The deprecated API functions are described in the appropriate sections of the documentation.

TAG: CUnit




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